“Brother Xuan?”

Without giving her a chance to protest, Bai Zhanfeng seized Xian Yue's hand and began to drag her outside. She struggled, fearing a confrontation with him, and refrained from using her internal power. The more she resisted, the darker Bai Zhanfeng's expression became, and the tighter his grip grew, making her bones creak painfully. Frowning, she wondered how someone like Bai Zhanfeng could lack even the slightest compassion.

The crowd around them swelled, heads huddling together in excited chatter. Xian Yue couldn't discern their words, but one thing was certain: she would absolutely not be spending the New Year at the Bai household, regardless of how Bai Zhanfeng tried to coerce her.

"Bai Zhanfeng!" she shouted, abruptly halting her steps, glaring at him with fierce determination. Her voice rang out loudly, piercing the eardrums of everyone present, as if the entire estate trembled with her defiance.

"Young Master Bai."

"Hero Bai, what brings you here?"

Lei An and Lei Yun had been in the storeroom counting New Year supplies when they heard that Bai Zhanfeng was looking for Xian Yue. They exchanged worried glances, hastily setting aside what they were doing before rushing over.

Lei Yun maintained a polite demeanor, but Lei An stood defiantly between Xian Yue and Bai Zhanfeng, chin slightly raised, as if to assert that the intruder was unwelcome here.

Bai Zhanfeng's anger radiated from him, his demeanor suggestive of a man ready to consume Xian Yue whole. The air around him felt as if it had frozen, causing those who had previously been spectators to shrink back, retreating a few steps. Lei Yun turned to the crowd, waving his hand dismissively. "You may leave now."

Initially reluctant to disperse, the onlookers stole glances at both Bai Zhanfeng and Xian Yue, both now exuding an intimidating aura. They swallowed nervously, averted their eyes, and turned to depart.

Bai Zhanfeng fixed his intense gaze on Xian Yue, unable to suppress his anger. How could he not be infuriated? Just moments ago, he had encountered a doorman who spoke of Xian Yue with such familiarity. It occurred to him that this woman, blessed with a silver tongue, could charm anyone from nobility to commoners alike. Upon learning that she had quietly arrived in the Chu kingdom nearly half a month ago, he felt a surge of irritation.

His return to Chu was supposed to be significant, just as Xian Yue had mentioned—everyone had their own responsibilities and missions that they could neither evade nor escape. As the legitimate heir of the Bai family, having enjoyed a life of leisure for many years, it was time he shouldered his obligations. With the New Year approaching, there were many social gatherings to attend, and if not for a few friends from the martial world mentioning her existence, he might never have discovered she was in Chu, especially in the company of Lan Yixuan.

Lan Yixuan—just the thought of his name stirred a profound annoyance within Bai Zhanfeng.

"Hero Bai, are you alright?" Xian Yue's face no longer bore the coldness from before; she lowered her head slightly, her chin raised as she regarded him. She could sense his ragged breaths, each one revealing his agitation and ire. The cold air he exhaled brushed against her skin like frost, chilling her.

She smiled—a gentle smile, imbued with casual indifference, the Xian Yue he was all too familiar with. She turned away, reclining on a chaise longue, as the sun blazed overhead, its golden light enveloping her delicate, fair skin. She squinted against the brightness, a smile playing at her lips, basking in her comfort.

Bai Zhanfeng felt a sense of helplessness, a feeling he had never experienced before. He thought he could now empathize with the feelings of a little fish; perhaps he was better off. He didn't know the depths of the feelings that little fish held for him, nor whether she truly felt that she could not live without him. At the very least, she did not speak coldly to him, yet it still unsettled him, a tightness forming in his chest that he struggled to suppress.

As she had said, they could both continue on without one another, yet he wondered: would his life, devoid of the woman named Feng Xian Yue, dim in significance?

He had returned to find that he could no longer escape the expectations of his family. His grandfather remained as shrewd as ever, though it seemed age had begun to weigh on him. After twenty-two years of freedom, it was time for him to take up the mantle of responsibility.

"Why didn't you inform me of your arrival in the Chu kingdom?" Bai Zhanfeng's voice was no longer filled with fury; it had calmed considerably, but the underlying accusation was unmistakable.

Xian Yue leaned back against her arms, her thick, dark lashes fluttering as she opened her eyes just a sliver, casting a dismissive glance at Bai Zhanfeng, rolling her eyes before shutting them once more.

Just as Bai Zhanfeng assumed she would remain silent, Xian Yue suddenly straightened, her eyes wide open. They sparkled with brilliance, her dark irises radiating the intensity of the sun at its zenith, dazzling yet intimidating, as if one could admire the heat from a distance but dared not approach too closely.

"Did you not know?" she said, tilting her head defiantly, still maintaining her air of superiority.

Bai Zhanfeng stared at her, shaking his head in disbelief.

Xian Yue placed her hands on the armrests of the chaise longue, arching an eyebrow. "I knew it would come to this."

She sighed. "What is it you want from me?"

Bai Zhanfeng's dark eyes darted around. He had come to persuade her to return to the Bai household for the New Year. The thought of her being with Lan Yixuan left him profoundly uncomfortable, especially in his heart.

"Look at you—upon discovering my presence here, you stormed in, seizing me to drag me back to the Bai residence for the New Year. The only reason I didn't tell you I was here was because I didn't want to go to your home."

Xian Yue spoke candidly; it was New Year's after all, and she was merely an outsider among their large family gathering. If she were to attend, she would surely be the target of countless curious glances throughout the evening. Though she usually remained unfazed, it would still feel quite uncomfortable.

She was unwilling to go, and as a princess of the Phoenix kingdom, there was no way she could spend the New Year at a minister's home in the Chu kingdom. If word of this got out, she would be unable to wash away the stain on her reputation, bringing unnecessary trouble to her visit in Chu.

"Then you intend to stay here?" Bai Zhanfeng's displeasure was palpable.

Xianyue nodded, leaping down from the chaise, brushing her hands together and scanning her surroundings. "Here, Lanyi Xuan is the master; it's only him, and no one will restrain me. I can rise at whatever hour I please, and as soon as I'm up, Lei Yun will promptly prepare a sumptuous feast to satisfy my hunger. In the dead of night, I can sneak into the wine cellar for a clandestine drink. If I wish to stroll about, I need only to give a shout, and there will be no one to deny me this or that. It's utterly liberating and comfortable; how splendid it is!" 

Xianyue turned around, arching an eyebrow, her smile betraying her satisfaction with her current life. 

Bai Zhanfeng protested, "I am also the master of the Bai residence. If you were there, you could just as easily sleep until the sun is high. The Bai household boasts the finest chefs, whose skills rival those of Lei Yun. We have access to the best wines for the palace; you can drink as much as you desire. If you wish to shop, I will accompany you and cover your expenses; no one would dare restrict you. The old master is quite accommodating and would not object." 

Xianyue laughed heartily and nodded in agreement. Even if the old master were displeased, he could say nothing. After all, she was a princess of Feng Kingdom, and visiting their Bai household made her a distinguished guest; who would dare to slight her? 

"You have such a large family with so many rules; how could I possibly feel comfortable sleeping until noon? I simply prefer Lei Yun's cooking, where I am unmonitored. Who says a girl should pursue a man so brazenly in public, and even restrict me from drinking so much?" 

Bai Zhanfeng fell silent; indeed, a young lady should not indulge in excessive drinking. 

Xianyue smiled triumphantly and declared, "You might as well give up; no matter what you say, I absolutely refuse to celebrate the New Year at your home." 

Seeing her resolute expression, Bai Zhanfeng resigned himself to the idea, though he couldn't shake his concerns about Xianyue being with Lanyi Xuan. He glanced around, noting that Lei An and Lei Yun were still present, yet there was no sign of Lanyi Xuan. 

"Lanyi Xuan is not here; I haven't seen him around lately." 

Xianyue, well aware of Bai Zhanfeng's thoughts, found it amusing. She was not one of those women who easily fell for someone. If she were inclined to like Lanyi Xuan, she would have done so long ago; a span of ten days or half a month wouldn't alter her feelings. 

She was acutely aware of her status and always kept it in mind. 

Bai Zhanfeng scratched his head, chuckling softly as if relieved. Xianyue shot him an exasperated glance and waved her hand, preparing to have Lei Yun escort him out. Just then, her smile fell as she turned to see Lanyi Xuan, resplendent in purple robes, standing before her—someone she hadn't seen in quite a while. 

He chose this moment to arrive, of all times. Xianyue shrugged, deciding to disregard it; she had no intention of visiting the Bai residence, particularly not such a grand mansion. 

Bai Zhanfeng also noticed Lanyi Xuan approaching and shot Xianyue a furious glare, his eyes suggesting that he believed she had just lied. 

Xianyue met his gaze without a hint of guilt. Bai Zhanfeng momentarily wavered, but quickly dismissed the notion of such a coincidence. 

"Why is Bai Xiong here?" 

Lanyi Xuan wore a warm and welcoming smile, reminiscent of a gracious host. 

"Lei Yun, bring the tea." 

Xianyue genuinely felt that no one could find fault with Lanyi Xuan's etiquette. 

Why would Bai Zhanfeng come? Xianyue pursed her lips; Lanyi Xuan seemed to take pleasure in asking questions he already knew the answers to. 

Bai Zhanfeng glared at Lanyi Xuan with evident suspicion, his expression dark and foreboding—the appropriate demeanor when confronted with a formidable rival. In contrast, Lanyi Xuan wore his perpetual smile, his enigmatic eyes forever obscuring his true thoughts. 

"That's unnecessary." 

Bai Zhanfeng interjected, watching Lei Yun depart. 

"Are you truly not coming back with me?" 

Bai Zhanfeng, undeterred, turned to Xianyue and asked again. 

Xianyue firmly shook her head, her resolve unwavering, radiating an air of defiance. 

Bai Zhanfeng furrowed his brows in contemplation for a moment, then stated, "Then I shall spend the New Year with you here." 

He simply could not bear the thought of Xianyue being with Lanyi Xuan. 

"That won't do." 

Xianyue's tone was resolute, offering no room for negotiation. "I will have Lei Yun chase you away, won't I, Young Master Lan?" 

Lanyi Xuan chuckled softly, saying nothing, as Lei Yun returned with the freshly brewed tea. Lanyi Xuan picked up a teacup and settled beside Xianyue, savoring his tea with deliberate grace. 

"Do you so enjoy being alone with Lanyi Xuan?" 

Bai Zhanfeng erupted in frustration. Lanyi Xuan merely raised an eyebrow, casting a glance at Xianyue, his lips curling into a subtle smile, his misty eyes sparkling with amusement. 

Xianyue frowned, a sense of irritation bubbling within her, and felt the urge to lash out; however, she knew that such remarks would only entangle Bai Zhanfeng further. She couldn't fathom why everyone insisted on linking her with Lanyi Xuan; she had racked her brains but found no answers. 

"You rarely return to Chu Kingdom; not celebrating the New Year at the Bai residence is bound to spark gossip. Regardless, you must at least share the New Year's Eve dinner with the old master." 

She dismissed the opinions others held about Bai Zhanfeng. She was certain that she would find herself ensnared in a similar whirlwind, with no telling what they would say about her. Xianyue did not mind, but if her surname were to be added before her name, that would complicate matters. 

Bai Zhanfeng understood this all too well. Having lost his parents early, his grandfather had always been indulgent with him. Over the years he had been abroad, his grandfather had not pressed him for a return date. Bai Zhanfeng knew he did not wish to force himself. This time, although the old master had not voiced it, he was genuinely delighted at Bai Zhanfeng's return. The old man hadn't questioned him about his absence, but Bai Zhanfeng could see the joy in his eyes. He had decided to stay. 

"Bai Zhanfeng, the old master is aging; he doesn't have many years left."

Xianyue bore no intention of invoking any curses; the inevitability of birth, aging, illness, and death is a fate from which none can escape. This year, Old Master Bai is nearing sixty, a ripe age considered long-lived in these times. Who can say when he might depart? Failing to cherish the present would surely lead to regret in the future.

Bai Zhanfeng cast a glance at Xianyue and took a deep breath, feeling a pang of melancholy. Upon his return, he noticed that the old master had improved significantly. Those weathered eyes, still sharp, bore the marks of increasing age.

In his years of wandering, he had often contemplated returning. While many envied him for being the Bai family's eldest son, he had always shunned such status. 

With elevation comes an unrelenting chill; the greater the privilege, the heftier the burden.

Standing still, Bai Zhanfeng quietly regarded Xianyue, her lustrous black eyes gazing wistfully towards the heavens, brimming with poignant longing. He understood that her thoughts dwelled upon the one far away in the Kingdom of Phoenix—Prince Feng Jiulan, the sole figure capable of evoking such emotions in her.

As a man, he knew that upon his return, he could no longer afford to indulge in whimsy; celebrating the New Year here was simply out of the question.

He sighed, feeling as though invisible restraints bound him tighter, a sensation that distanced him from Xianyue.

"I will come after dinner," he stated, letting his gaze wander between Xianyue and the man seated beside her, Lan Yixuan. Though he wished to deny it, he couldn't help but think that they looked like a match made in heaven—one of talent and beauty, standing together in perfect harmony.

This was his greatest concession; he realized he was growing increasingly fond of everything about her. Even if he exhausted himself, it might not secure his desires, yet he still yearned to be with her.

Xianyue smiled, as if to concede. In large families, the New Year's Eve feast often stretched into the late hours. By the time Bai Zhanfeng arrived, she would be well-fed and content, requiring no oversight from him. Had he known her true thoughts, his face would surely darken, but, of course, he remained oblivious.

Bai Zhanfeng approached Lan Yixuan, suddenly squatting down. "Master Lan, you seem to be in trouble."

His voice, though not loud, resonated clearly in the quiet courtyard. Xianyue could hear it perfectly. Lan Yixuan turned, his expression one of smug assurance, raising an eyebrow in mild concern. Xianyue, intrigued by the wrinkle of his brow, found it surprising that Bai Zhanfeng could pose any threat to Lan Yixuan. What sort of trouble could it be? Her curiosity piqued.

Bai Zhanfeng stood up and laughed heartily, his robust mirth sending ripples through the surrounding leaves.

As Xianyue observed Bai Zhanfeng's retreating figure, a sudden thought struck her. She hurried after him, calling out, "Bai Zhanfeng!"

He turned, his deep black eyes and chiseled features still radiating joy as he looked at her.

With a bright smile, Xianyue continued, "Remember to bring a red envelope!"

At once, Bai Zhanfeng's grin vanished, and with a huff, he turned to leave.

Xianyue laughed, her voice ringing like silver bells. Passing by Leiyun, she lifted the lids of two containers and gulped down a cup of tea devoid of leaves before returning it to the tray he was holding.

"Master Lan," she said, regarding Lan Yixuan with her large, sparkling eyes filled with excitement. "You remember, too!"

Lan Yixuan stood, passing the unfinished tea to the servant beside him, arching an eyebrow at Xianyue. "What is it?"

Stepping back, Xianyue pushed her hair behind her ear. "The red envelope, of course! Remember to prepare one."

Lan Yixuan, unperturbed by her deliberate evasion, merely smiled wider. "How much do you wish for?"

"As long as you find it reasonable, Master Lan."

Xianyue gazed at him, her smile blossoming radiantly, then leaned in closer, fixing her eyes on his. "Master Lan, what exactly did Bai Daxia mean by trouble?"

Lan Yixuan's smile remained unchanged, but a subtle shift in his aura made Xianyue acutely aware of a change she couldn't quite articulate, yet she sensed it unmistakably.

"Forget I asked," she said, stretching her limbs and yawning widely. "I'm feeling tired."

With a cheerful wave, she announced, "I'll go rest now."

Little did she expect that the trouble Bai Zhanfeng spoke of would arrive so swiftly.

That evening, as Xianyue rose at her usual hour, she rinsed her mouth and splashed cold water on her face, but found no food on the table. Perplexed, she stepped outside, greeted by a hushed courtyard, where only a few servants busied themselves sweeping leaves. Upon seeing her, they respectfully greeted her, "Miss."

Xianyue nodded, asking, "Where is Leiyun?"

"The steward is in the main hall."

More puzzled than ever, she gazed up at the sky. In the distance, the horizon glowed crimson, resembling blood, while the nearby trees wore a thin golden veil over their not-so-vibrant green, evoking a warm feeling in her heart.

The day after tomorrow would be New Year's Eve, and the eaves and trees were adorned with bright red lanterns, creating a festive atmosphere.

"Have him prepare dinner for me; I'm famished," she declared, unabashedly patting her flat belly.

The servant hesitated, mumbling, "He's not available right now."

Noticing the servant's furtive glance, Xianyue exited her room and made her way to the main hall.

As she approached, the atmosphere struck her; rows of servants lined both sides, all bowing their heads in respectful silence, which created a suffocating sensation.

Leiyun stood at the center of the hall, preparing tea for a woman in a flowing pink dress with a blue sash. The golden sunlight bathed her in a gentle glow, rendering her face obscured but stunningly beautiful, radiating an almost breathtaking charm.

"Leiyun," Xianyue called out, prompting him to set down the jade teapot and turn towards her. His gaze briefly flitted past her, and then the woman in pink leaped up from her seat, fluttering towards Lan Yixuan like a joyful butterfly. Xianyue could catch a hint of her fragrant aroma, a natural scent that was anything but ordinary.

"Brother Xuan!" 

Xianyue turned to see the pink-clad woman nuzzling against Lan Yixuan, her demeanor as innocent as a playful kitten. "I've missed you so much!"