
The Jingyang Palace was not far from the Cangji Tower, situated in a relatively secluded part of the imperial palace. With no moon in sight tonight, the stars shone abundantly. The palace lanterns hung high, their light piercing through the lush foliage. At last, Xianyue understood the reason behind the tranquility of this place—it seemed that Lan Yixuan and Hua Chuxue were whispering sweet nothings to each other, having sent everyone else away.

Lan Yixuan turned around, his indifferent expression merging seamlessly with the inky night, making it difficult to discern his emotions. Upon seeing him turn, Hua Chuxue dashed over, attempting to embrace him. However, her clear, alluring eyes were filled with trepidation, and she hesitated, unsure if she dared to draw near.

"I told you not to pursue martial arts. Why didn't you listen?" 

His voice, much like his expression, was calm and devoid of emotion, heightening the tension in the air.

The trees in Chugu Palace were exceptionally dense, and those in Jingyang Palace were even more so. The towering trees, some several decades old, cast a shadow over Xianyue, who could only stand on her tiptoes. She had contemplated soaring to the branches, but Lan Yixuan and Hua Chuxue were no ordinary individuals; such an act would surely draw their attention.

Hua Chuxue wore an expression of profound sorrow, a look of panic evident on her face. Xianyue could hardly bear it; it was the same as last time at Lan Yixuan's estate. It appeared that Hua Chuxue was particularly obedient to him. Should those two words—"not obedient"—slip from his lips, she would be stricken with the same earnest dread, as if the world itself were crumbling around her.

"Xuan ge." 

Hua Chuxue stood there, tears streaming down her face, her sobs growing increasingly choked. She didn't hesitate to confess her faults: "Xuan ge, I was wrong. I didn't mean to; I truly didn't mean to."

She stood there, shaking her head incessantly. From a distance, Xianyue could see the glistening tears fly, the sound of their droplets seemingly echoing in her ears, though she couldn't discern whether it was real or mere imagination.

"During that time, I was truly terrified. Every night as I tried to sleep, I felt as if a colossal urn were beside me, those piercing eyes watching me relentlessly. I could never find rest; even if I fell asleep, nightmares would awaken me. In desperation, I would rush out, madly hurling objects at the eunuchs and palace maids. In the past, I enjoyed the emperor's favor, and my royal siblings were all envious of me. Seeing my father distance himself from me only fueled their ridicule, mocking me as a little lunatic. During that time, my mother also fell out of favor. When she was in a foul mood, she would take her frustrations out on me, crying as she held me, saying that my father favored obedient children. Only by being obedient could I win back his affection, and only then would those who bullied me be kept at bay, allowing me to exact my revenge. But, Xuan ge, enduring this daily is truly unbearable."

Hua Chuxue clutched her chest tightly, collapsing onto the ground as she gazed up at Lan Yixuan. Her fair face was streaked with tears, her eyes wide with pleading despair: "Xuan ge, please don't be angry. If you dislike this, I'll disperse all my martial prowess; I promise to behave."

Xianyue furrowed her brow, beginning to comprehend. In some ways, Hua Chuxue resembled a cat, feigning sweetness to garner affection. Xianyue couldn't help but admire such restraint, far superior to Ning Yunyan's cunning. Why did Ning Yunyan seem to despise her so? Hua Chuxue, too, was a princess, renowned as the world's most beautiful, adept at playing the part. Why was there no jealousy directed toward her?

Lan Yixuan knelt on the ground, gently wiping the tears from her face. The icy demeanor that had marked his features softened considerably. Facing her, Xianyue observed clearly—there was no tenderness accompanying his actions.

"I will not interfere with your choices, but you must not touch her, do you understand?" 

The last four words carried an unmistakable pressure as his tone rose.

"Who is she?" Xianyue stood on her tiptoes, wishing she could become a giraffe, capturing all in her sight.

"It's getting late. You should rest early." 

With that, Lan Yixuan did not extend a hand to help Hua Chuxue up but simply stood to leave.

Hua Chuxue reached out, intending to grasp his sleeve, but perhaps his heart was too hardened, devoid of hesitation or sentiment. He walked away so swiftly that even with Hua Chuxue's quick reflexes, she failed to grasp the edge of his robe.

Discontented, Hua Chuxue abruptly turned, unsteadily rising to her feet and hurriedly pursuing him. If he truly held no regard for her, what purpose would her obstruction serve? Had it been another woman, she might have spread her arms wide to prevent his departure, but Hua Chuxue did not grasp that. Instead, she clung to the hem of his garment, kneeling behind him and crying even louder.

"Xuan ge, please take me with you! I want to be with you; I no longer wish to remain here." 

Lan Yixuan halted but did not turn. After a moment, he squatted down: "Get up."

He spoke while extending his hand to help Hua Chuxue stand. She offered little resistance, rising to her feet, her enchanting, fox-like eyes brimming with longing as she gazed at him.

"The King and Queen care for you immensely. Here, no one dares to bully you, neglect you, or harm you."

Lan Yixuan's words, an uncommon display of concern, fell on deaf ears, for Hua Chuxue only yearned to follow him. However, she feared that her insistence would provoke his ire. She stifled her sobs, hesitant to speak. In her indecision, Lan Yixuan released her hand: "That place is unsuitable for you."

His tone left no room for dissent, declaring his resolution; he would not take her away, just as he never turned back for her, his silhouette forever receding without a trace of affection.

Previously, she could endure it because there were no other women by his side; Xuan ge would be hers. If he had been a man of superficial charm, perhaps his kindness towards Xianyue today would not have stirred such concern within her.

Hua Chuxue gazed at his violet-hued silhouette, feeling the air thick with despair and sorrow. The oppressive atmosphere rolled in like a tumultuous sea, enveloping her entirely, drowning her rationality and leaving only madness behind.

Clenching her fists, Hua Chuxue cried out to the pitch-black night sky. The wind howled, and the world seemed to change color, but none of it could halt Lan Yixuan's departure. Her raven hair billowed wildly, merging seamlessly with the darkness.

"Xuan ge, you never cared for me; you don't care at all."

With her eyes shut tight, every word reverberated. Her exquisitely sculpted features and breathtaking visage were rendered pale in her grief. Her voice trembled with certainty, and this affirmation nearly caused the long-dried tears to spill once more.

"All these years, I remained within the palace, yet even when you came to Chu, you never once visited me. Each time, I sought you out, pleading for you to take me away. Whenever I delivered gifts, you never looked back."

The more Hua Chuxue spoke, the more her tears flowed: "I do not wish to practice those wicked arts, but Xuan ge, I have no choice. I am unable to escape; you know the palace master—there is no eluding her. I have become who I am today because of you."

Hua Chuxue cried out, but her voice lacked the sorrow Xianyue had anticipated; instead, it was tinged with a hint of joy. This joy felt like grains of sand falling into water—merely gentle ripples. All the so-called torment and fate were willingly embraced by her.

Xianyue's fingers trembled. She recalled how, at the banquet, Lan Yixuan had indeed confronted Hua Chuxue, asking who had urged her to learn such things. Was it the wicked arts? She could not help but remember the wild cat that left blood on Hua Chuxue's hands.

Princess? Aside from Ning Yunyan, Hua Chuxue, and herself, there were indeed other princesses among the six kingdoms. Yet who could wield such power as to leave Lan Yixuan so helpless and unable to resist? Was it possible that this mysterious princess held interest in Lan Yixuan, seeking to eradicate anyone he cared for?

"But despite all this, I am still happy because only those cared for by Xuan ge deserve to endure this suffering."

"I do not blame you; please stop crying."

Lan Yixuan remained unmoved, gazingtalk about ly at the tear-filled eyes of Hua Chuxue from a distance. Xuan Yue sighed inwardly; his words seemed sincere, yet his actions betrayed a profound lack of conviction. 

Hua Chuxue's eyes reflected deep sorrow, her tone laced with undeniable pain. "You are doing all of this for her, aren't you? You are merely using me to shield her from harm, aren't you? If you intend to exploit me, why not do so entirely? Why let me in on the truth?" 

She fixed her gaze intently on the impassive Lan Yixuan, her silence heavy with anguish as her brows furrowed in torment. With frantic hands, she wiped away her tears, suddenly bursting into laughter that quickly morphed into a deluge of weeping. The soft glow of the lanterns illuminated her exquisite face, casting a shadow of somberness: "As long as it is something that Brother Xuan cares for, the Princess will stop at nothing to destroy it. You fear she may harm her, so you choose to sacrifice me." 

A bitter laugh escaped Hua Chuxue's lips as she turned away, her eyes drawn to the flickering lanterns. The hazy yellow light, so blindingly bright, stung her eyes as her expression softened gradually, her gaze growing distant. "You have never allowed any woman to approach, not even me. In the past, no matter how much I cried, you never knelt to gently wipe my tears. Yet this time, you do so for her." 

"The Princess is astute beyond compare; if I can perceive her intentions, how could she remain oblivious?" 

"Brother Xuan, you care for her deeply, desperately suppressing your feelings, yet unable to hold back." 

Hua Chuxue suddenly spun around, a soft laugh escaping her lips, her voice laced with delightful amusement: "But it doesn't matter—" 

She reached up to pluck the tenderest branch above her head, clenching it tightly in her palm. As she opened her hand, the green powder was swept away uncontrollably by the northern winds. "Soon, she will vanish like those leaves, leaving no trace behind. Her fate will be more wretched than mine." 

The tears on Hua Chuxue's face had dried, replaced by her former sweet smile. The dimples in her cheeks deepened, pure yet enticingly seductive. The more Brother Xuan cared, the worse the woman's fate would be. 

Lan Yixuan observed the cold and ruthless transformation in Hua Chuxue, his lips pressed into a thin line, as if holding back a smile, his emotions inscrutable: "Hua Chuxue, you have changed significantly." 

His statement was delivered in a flat tone, accompanied by a faint smile that felt distant and impersonal, as if he were addressing a stranger. 

Hua Chuxue's alluring eyes widened, losing their pitiable softness, taking on a hint of fierceness. "Brother Xuan, you are mine. You belong to me." 

She was unaware of where this courage came from, perhaps from the chilling and unfamiliar gaze of Lan Yixuan. She considered that if one day her brother looked at her in such a way, it would surely drive her to madness. 

Hua Chuxue took a few steps forward, only to suddenly retreat. "What I, Hua Chuxue, cannot have, no one else shall possess. Brother Xuan, I hesitate to act against you, but her? I will show no mercy." 

Xuan Yue glared at Hua Chuxue, displeased, directing her ire at Lan Yixuan, for his sake she had acquired an enemy, and a formidable one at that—damn Lan Yixuan. 

Hua Chuxue turned to leave, her pace measured, unlike Lan Yixuan's resolute stride, yet the latter remained silent, offering no words of entreaty as she had hoped. 

While Lan Yixuan did not linger over her departing figure, he instead pivoted in another direction, parting the thicket that obstructed Xuan Yue's view. He fixed his gaze on her furious countenance, his icy eyes slowly warming with a hint of compassion. "Have you seen enough?" 

Xuan Yue pushed his face away, unwilling to admit that she held a unique place in his heart, yet it seemed he truly was different with her. His actions were genuinely for her benefit. Who was this princess? She yearned to ask, but she understood that some questions were better left unvoiced. 

"Am I familiar enough with you?" 

As Xuan Yue attempted to walk past him, he grasped her wrist. She tugged against his hold, feeling a surge of irritation, then turned to meet his gaze. He merely smiled gently, stepping closer to tighten his grip. "I'll escort you out of the palace; stay and talk with me for a while."