The Hand Behind

Xianyue raised her eyebrows and looked up, casting a faint glance at Lan Yixuan. "I know the way." 

Without any hesitation, she strained to break free, yet with each movement, Lan Yixuan tightened his grip. Her snow-white skin flushed red, but Lan Yixuan showed no intention of loosening his hold. 

Frustration welled within Xianyue, her brows knitting together, but suddenly, Lan Yixuan intertwined his arm with hers. "Then I don't know the way." 

Xianyue shot him a piercing glare, recalling their last encounter at Shunfeng Inn. In that moment, she found herself regarding him as nothing short of a rogue. 

She quickened her pace, dragging the slow-moving Lan Yixuan along. At the entrance of Jingyang Palace, numerous eunuchs and palace maids, dismissed by Hua Chuxue, stood waiting. Upon seeing Xianyue and Lan Yixuan arm in arm, they gasped, their mouths agape in shock, as if they had stumbled upon something they shouldn't have. In a flurry, they averted their eyes, too startled to utter a word. 

"You, you two—" 

Xianyue pushed Lan Yixuan in front of her, pointing at the bowing eunuchs. "Lord Lan says he doesn't know the way; you should escort him out of the palace." 

Then, she retreated several steps, expecting to evade him, but to her dismay, Lan Yixuan's grip was like a fortress, pulling her back with unyielding strength. Just as she thought she had gained some distance, he reeled her in, and with a slight pressure of his elbow, she found herself tumbling into his embrace. Lan Yixuan seized the opportunity to steady her shoulder, and Xianyue's brow furrowed tighter, a muffled sound escaping her lips. The attendants in Jingyang Palace were all astute, their eyes narrowing as they furtively lowered their heads. 

"You may all leave now." 

Lan Yixuan firmly restrained the restless Xianyue with one hand, gesturing for the others to depart. Once they were alone, he released her. "Now, no one is left to guide me." 

Xianyue swatted Lan Yixuan's hand away, her face flushed crimson as she glared at him, calling out coldly, "Lord Lan." 

"The relationship between Hua Chuxue and me is more complex than you might imagine." 

"Perhaps you should save your explanations for those women who wish to listen; I have no interest." 

She glanced around. "Has Lei Yun already returned? I will move out of your residence, and from now on, we shall coexist without interfering in each other's lives." 

Her words held a certain fierceness, showing no trace of affection, and she turned to leave. Lan Yixuan hurried after her, grasping her hand. "Did you go to Cangji Tower?" 

Though he posed it as a question, his gaze upon Xianyue was filled with unwavering certainty. Xianyue turned slightly, momentarily taken aback, but the surprise quickly faded. Lan Yixuan's next words provoked a fierce impulse within her: "You went to see Jun Pinyu." 

Xianyue clenched her right fist, her words bursting forth from between clenched teeth. "You were following me." 

"With your skills, would you remain oblivious to being followed?" 

Lan Yixuan smirked, a hint of mockery tinged his tone, which only intensified Xianyue's ire. His remark made her acutely aware that after a decade spent among beasts, she had become highly attuned to scents. Even Lan Yixuan could not escape her notice. 

If he wasn't stalking her, then he must have discovered her inadvertently. Given that he had been absent from the residence around the year-end period, could it truly be mere coincidence? 

To suggest coincidence seemed too far-fetched. Like Lan Yixuan, Jun Pinyu had his own particularities; for instance, while in the State of Chu, he would only dine at the Imperial Dining Hall. Lei Yun had specifically informed the innkeeper about their meeting, meaning Lan Yixuan would not be completely unaware. 

"Baizhan Feng rejected your request." 

If that were not the case, she wouldn't feel so compelled to contain her emotions. 

Xianyue frowned, standing still, but the corners of her mouth lifted, a smile that was both mocking and sardonic. "Lord Lan, is there anything you do not know?" 

Xianyue raised an eyebrow, her palm open before him. "Then you must know what I want." 

She pouted in irritation, her desires unmistakable. 

"I have nothing, and even if I did, I would not give it to you." 

Everyone spoke in such a manner; perhaps their initial intentions were for her safety. Lan Yixuan understood her well; if he echoed their sentiments, then that place would indeed be perilous. 

"Since that's the case, there is nothing more to discuss." 

"Is there really nothing more to say?" 

Lan Yixuan suddenly stepped before Xianyue, their eyes locking in a face-to-face confrontation. The flickering candlelight, swaying in the night breeze, illuminated the anxiety and restlessness swirling in her gaze. 

Lan Yixuan leaned in closer, his gentle yet nebulous eyes glinting with icy mockery. "You heard every word Hua Chuxue said, did you not? Do you have no doubts? Are you not even the slightest bit curious?" 

Xianyue's eyes widened in shock as she stumbled back two steps, her agitation manifesting in a barely concealed panic, evading Lan Yixuan's grip on the back of her neck. His chilly sarcasm softened slightly. "Why has Hua Chuxue become the way she is today? Who is the person I forbade her to approach? Whom is she shielding from disaster now? And who is that palace master? What is our connection?" 

Having fired off these questions in a single breath, his eyes resembled shattered glass, each shard sharp enough to pierce through the heavy facade and delve into the depths of Xianyue's heart. 

Xianyue's breath quickened, her pulse racing as the stuttering light danced across her features. Holding her breath and raising her chin defiantly, she suddenly shouted, "What does that have to do with me?" 

As soon as the words escaped her lips, she noticed the grin on Lan Yixuan's face growing wider, and she instantly regretted her outburst, wishing she could bite off her own tongue. "Curiosity killed the cat; haven't you heard? Knowing too much only invites danger." 

Determined to appear more resolute, Xianyue held her head high but soon found the gesture to be excessively juvenile. She retracted her neck, standing upright instead. 

Sometimes, losing control is simply a sign of caring, regardless of the reason. Taking a deep breath, Xianyue strove to maintain a smile as calm as usual. "That is your affair; it has nothing to do with me." 

She attempted to sidestep Lan Yixuan, intent on leaving this place quickly. So much had transpired that evening, and while she had managed to hold her own against him before, she now felt utterly outmatched. 

Lan Yixuan made no effort to stop her, merely watching as she passed by with a hint of alarm in her steps. That noble, ethereal smile resembled the splendid fireworks illuminating a summer night sky. He turned, following her silhouette with unwavering determination. But this time, instead of seizing her hand, he embraced her from behind. 

"Ah!" Xianyue never expected Lan Yixuan to leap forward and envelop her in his arms from behind. Instinctively, she gasped, his warm breath brushing against her neck, causing her to nearly believe his lips would soon meet her skin. 

"Who would have thought that Lord Lan possessed such peculiarities, simply because he cannot attain them?" 

Though she tried her best to suppress it, Xianyue's voice trembled ever so slightly. 

"Feng Xianyue, you ought to say this: 'Lord Lan, I have no idea who that all-powerful palace master is, nor am I interested in your relationship with her. You are nothing but a cursed soul—whoever you favor will meet misfortune. I want no part in your affairs. You've already harmed Hua Chuxue; don't think to ensnare me. I still have my brother to protect. If you truly care for me, stay away—keep your distance, so that we may never cross paths again.'" 

"Do you remember those female assassins at the banquet in Yanyu Tower? They were sent by the palace master, tasked with taking your life. Feng Xianyue, tell me, are all the women in the world dead? Otherwise, how could I possibly be interested in someone as crude and heartless as you?" 

Though Lan Yixuan articulated these revelations with a remarkable calmness, Xianyue could sense the undercurrents of loathing in his voice whenever the palace master was mentioned. His lips brushed against her ear, each word penetrating her eardrums, a tempest crashing against her heart, drowning her in its swift tide. 

Lan Yixuan's chin rested on Xianyue's shoulder as he gazed up at the dark sky. "Feng Xianyue, who says you are heartless? You have dealt admirably with me, Bai Zhanfeng, and even the previously antagonistic Nian Xiaoyu." 

Xianyue sniffled, gripping the arm encircling her tightly, sinking her teeth into Lan Yixuan's hand with fierce determination. She bit down hard, tasting the iron tang of blood, yet she refused to relent, even as he called her heartless while simultaneously recognizing her loyalty. 

Lan Yixuan continued to gaze skyward, though his brow furrowed slightly. As blood trickled from his wound, a warmth akin to a burning flame radiated from him. "Are you angry? Why?" 

Xianyue's heart was a tangled mess, leaving her utterly oblivious to her thoughts. When she lifted her gaze, she could only see his profile—gentle yet resolute. The softness of his smile contrasted with the steadfastness of his eyes. 

She wrenched her arm free from Lan Yixuan's grasp. "Yes, Lan Yixuan, you are nothing but a harbinger of misfortune. Anyone who associates with you is doomed. Damn it." 

Wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, she hastily brushed away her tears, only to find that her once-innocent visage was now marred with crimson. Lan Yixuan's brow furrowed, displeased by her harsh words, yet he stood there, motionless. 

"Now that Hua Chuxue has set her sights on me, Lan Yixuan, if anything were to happen to me, even in death, I will ensure you share the blame, leaving Hua Chuxue with a lifetime of regret." 

Lan Yixuan scrutinized Xianyue for a long moment before suddenly chuckling softly. "And what about Feng Jiulan?" 

Xianyue hesitated before quickly responding, "I will guard him even in death." 

She smiled, pointing to Lan Yixuan's bleeding wound. "I initially intended to smash that wine jug over your head, so this is the gentler approach." 

Lan Yixuan did not even glance at his injury, allowing the drops of blood to stain his purple robe. With a soft hum, he nodded in acknowledgment. 

"Why has Hua Chuxue become the way she is now? Who is the person you forbade her to approach? Who is she currently shielding from calamity? It wouldn't be me, would it?" 

Xianyue pointed at herself, her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she scrutinized the laughter in Lan Yixuan's gaze. She soon diverted her eyes. "There's no need for an answer to that question; I simply do not believe it." 

"Who is that palace master? Is she formidable? What deep-seated grudge do you harbor against her? Does she share the same infatuation for you as Hua Chuxue, seeking to ruin every woman you care about?" 

The more Xianyue pondered, the more plausible this possibility seemed. A woman's jealousy could be terrifying, and she found her gaze drifting back to Lan Yixuan. Who said that beauty was solely a woman's curse? Men were not immune either. 

"It's not that it doesn't concern you; aren't you curious? Curiosity killed the cat; knowing too much only leads to greater danger." 

Lan Yixuan remarked casually, his smile revealing a hint of amusement, reflecting his apparent good spirits at that moment. 

"Does ignorance truly equate to safety?"

Xianyue lifted her gaze, fixing her eyes on Lan Yixuan with a disdainful sneer. "Lord Lan, isn't it a bit late to be saying all this? Do you truly believe that your silence would shield me from danger? Since evading peril is no longer an option, all I can do is strive to protect myself as best as I can. Knowing oneself and one's adversary is the key to prevailing in every battle." 

Xianyue's unwavering gaze bore into Lan Yixuan's, her resolve palpable. "I am capable of safeguarding myself. Honestly, how is it that Bai Zhanfeng possesses fewer romantic entanglements than you?" 

Bai Zhanfeng was a straightforward man, and his rivals were equally uncomplicated. Even Nian Xiaoyu, who cherished him deeply, would never resort to underhanded tactics or threaten him with venomous words behind his back. 

"The person responsible for those actions is the queen of the Lan Kingdom—my mother." 

Xianyue's eyes widened in disbelief, not out of surprise at Lan Yixuan's identity but rather at the stark reality that a mother could harbor such animosity. What profound hatred could exist between them, to drive her to destroy everything that belonged to Lan Yixuan at any cost?