Chapter 34: The Pack's Defense

The forest was alive with tension, the howls of the wolves cutting through the stillness like a warning. Jerome's pulse quickened as she followed Ian out of the cabin and into the clearing. The air was thick with anticipation, the scent of the pack mingling with something else—something foreign, something dangerous.

Ian moved ahead of her, his tall figure imposing as he surveyed the surroundings, his senses on high alert. The rest of the pack had already gathered, their eyes glowing in the dim light, their bodies tense and ready for battle. Kael stood nearby, his expression grim as he met Ian's gaze.

"They're close," Kael said, his voice low. "Whatever killed the scout is moving fast."

Ian's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching. "How many?"

"Too many," Kael replied. "We're outnumbered."

Jerome's stomach twisted. Outnumbered. That single word filled her with dread. She wasn't a fighter—not like Ian or Kael—but she knew this wasn't going to be an easy battle. Whoever had attacked Leon's scout was coming for all of them, and they weren't going to stop until blood had been spilled.

Ian's hand brushed against Jerome's arm, pulling her attention back to him. His expression was hard, but there was a flicker of concern in his eyes. "Stay close to me," he ordered. "No matter what happens, don't leave my side."

Jerome nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her, but she refused to let fear take over. She had made a choice to stay with Ian, and she wasn't going to back down now.

The sound of snapping branches echoed from the treeline, and Jerome's breath caught in her throat. The pack tensed, their eyes trained on the forest's edge. Then, out of the shadows, figures began to emerge—wolves, large and menacing, their eyes gleaming with malice.

Jerome swallowed hard, her hand instinctively reaching for Ian's arm. There were more of them than she had expected, their sheer numbers making her heart race with fear. But what truly terrified her was the leader of the group—a massive, silver-haired wolf with a scar running down the side of his face. His presence exuded power, and the hatred in his eyes was unmistakable.

"Ian," Jerome whispered, her voice shaking. "Who is that?"

Ian's gaze darkened as he stared at the silver-haired wolf. "That's Kieran," he said, his voice filled with disdain. "He's an Alpha from the northern packs. He's been looking for a reason to challenge me for years."

Kieran's lips curled into a snarl as he stepped forward, his eyes locking onto Ian's. "I told you I'd be back, Ian," Kieran growled, his voice rough and cold. "And now, I've come to take what's mine."

Ian's muscles tensed, his eyes blazing with fury. "This pack belongs to me," he said, his voice low and threatening. "You're not welcome here."

Kieran let out a harsh laugh, his gaze sweeping over the assembled wolves. "Oh, Ian. You've grown soft, hiding behind your little human plaything." His eyes flicked to Jerome, and her blood ran cold. "I wonder what she tastes like."

Ian moved so fast that Jerome barely registered the shift. In an instant, he was in front of her, his body shielding hers as he growled, low and dangerous. "Touch her, and I'll rip you apart," Ian snarled, his voice filled with deadly promise.

Kieran's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "I'd like to see you try."

The tension between the two Alphas was palpable, crackling in the air like electricity. Jerome could feel Ian's fury radiating off him in waves, his need to protect her consuming him. But she also knew this wasn't just about her. Kieran wanted to challenge Ian's rule, to take over the White Wolf Pack and destroy everything Ian had built.

"Enough talk," Kieran growled, his voice filled with menace. "Let's see if you're still the Alpha you claim to be."

With that, the battle erupted. Kieran's wolves surged forward, their snarls filling the air as they clashed with Ian's pack. Jerome's heart raced as chaos unfolded around her—bodies colliding, teeth snapping, growls and yelps echoing through the clearing.

Ian was a blur of motion, his powerful form shifting as he fought off the attackers with brutal efficiency. Jerome stood frozen for a moment, watching in awe as he tore through the enemy wolves with a ferocity she had never seen before. His strength was undeniable, but even she could see they were outnumbered.

Kael was at Ian's side, fighting with equal intensity, but more wolves kept pouring in from the forest, overwhelming the pack. Jerome's pulse pounded in her ears as she tried to keep her distance from the fight, but everywhere she turned, there was danger.

Just as a wolf lunged toward her, fangs bared, Ian was there, his massive form intercepting the attack. He let out a bone-chilling snarl as he tore the wolf away from her, his protective instincts in overdrive.

"Stay back!" Ian barked, his voice rough and commanding as he pushed her behind him.

Jerome's heart raced, but she nodded, keeping close to Ian as the battle raged on. She could see the exhaustion setting in on the pack, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault. And through it all, Kieran stood at the edge of the clearing, watching with a smug smile as his wolves did his bidding.

"Ian!" Jerome cried out, her voice filled with panic as more wolves closed in around them.

Ian's gaze flickered to hers, his eyes filled with determination. "I won't let them take you," he growled.

But Jerome knew they couldn't hold out much longer. The odds were stacked against them, and even Ian's strength had its limits.

As the wolves closed in, Jerome's heart clenched with fear. This wasn't just a fight for survival—it was a battle for everything they held dear.

To be continued...