Chapter 35: The Turning Tide

The clearing was thick with the sound of battle—wolves clashing, snarling, and howling in fury. Jerome's pulse pounded in her ears as she stayed close behind Ian, her eyes darting between the skirmishes erupting all around them. It was chaos. Blood had already begun to stain the forest floor, and the pack was slowly being worn down by the relentless onslaught.

Ian fought with everything he had, his movements a blur of deadly precision. He was brutal, tearing through Kieran's wolves with a savagery Jerome had never witnessed before. But even she could see the strain in his muscles, the small signs of fatigue creeping into his usually flawless technique.

A wolf lunged at Ian from the side, but before it could make contact, Kael intercepted, slamming into the enemy with such force that both wolves tumbled to the ground. Jerome watched, her breath catching in her throat as Kael and the attacker rolled through the dirt, biting and tearing at each other. Blood sprayed as Kael finally landed the killing blow, ripping out the wolf's throat.

"Jerome!" Kael's voice snapped her out of her trance. He was already up on his feet, panting heavily but alive. "You need to get out of here! This is too dangerous!"

Jerome shook her head, her body trembling with adrenaline and fear. "I'm not leaving Ian!"

Kael hesitated, his eyes dark and conflicted. He knew as well as she did that they were running out of time. They couldn't hold off Kieran's pack forever.

Suddenly, a snarl rang out from across the clearing, sharp and cruel. Jerome's head whipped around just in time to see Kieran stalking toward them, his silver hair gleaming in the moonlight. His eyes were locked on Ian with a ferocity that sent a chill down Jerome's spine.

"Ian!" she cried out, her voice strained with terror.

Ian turned just as Kieran lunged at him, the two Alphas colliding with bone-rattling force. They crashed to the ground in a blur of snapping jaws and brutal strikes. Jerome's heart clenched as she watched them fight, each blow more vicious than the last.

Kieran was powerful—more powerful than Jerome had realized. He matched Ian in strength, and his speed was alarming. For the first time since the battle had begun, Jerome felt true fear creep into her heart. What if Ian couldn't beat him? What if Kieran's wolves overtook them?

Kieran laughed, his voice dark and mocking as he drove his fist into Ian's ribs. "You're getting weak, Ian," he sneered. "Too distracted by your little human. You can't protect her and fight me at the same time."

Ian snarled, fury blazing in his eyes as he grabbed Kieran by the throat, slamming him against the ground with a force that shook the earth. "Don't you dare speak about her," Ian growled, his voice low and deadly.

But Kieran just smirked, even as blood dripped from his mouth. "You can't win this," he taunted. "Your pack is finished. I'll take everything from you—including her."

Jerome's breath caught in her throat as Kieran's gaze flicked to her, his eyes filled with malice. She could feel his intent in the way he looked at her, as if he was already planning what he would do once Ian was out of the way.

Ian's growl deepened, his grip on Kieran tightening. "I'll kill you before I ever let that happen," he snarled.

The battle around them continued to rage, but Jerome's focus was locked on the brutal fight between Ian and Kieran. The air around them crackled with tension, the outcome of their clash hanging in the balance.

As Ian raised his hand to deliver another crushing blow, Kieran's eyes flashed with cunning. With a sudden burst of strength, Kieran wrenched himself free from Ian's grasp and rolled to his feet, his movements quick and fluid. Before Ian could react, Kieran lunged again, this time aiming for Ian's side.

Ian dodged, but Kieran was faster. His claws raked across Ian's side, leaving deep, jagged wounds. Ian staggered, blood pouring from the fresh injury, and Jerome's heart clenched in horror.

"No!" she screamed, her voice raw with fear.

Ian gritted his teeth, trying to regain his balance, but the damage had been done. Kieran grinned, smelling the blood in the air, his confidence growing as he saw Ian falter.

"You're finished, Ian," Kieran sneered, circling him like a predator ready to pounce on wounded prey. "Your pack, your power… it's all mine now."

Ian's eyes blazed with fury, but his movements were slower, more labored. Jerome could see the toll the fight was taking on him, and her heart ached with helplessness. She had to do something—anything—to help him.

But before she could move, a sharp howl pierced the air.

Jerome's head snapped toward the sound, her eyes widening in shock. From the treeline, a group of wolves burst into the clearing—reinforcements. But they weren't Kieran's. These wolves were different, their coats a mixture of browns and grays, their eyes glowing with determination.

Ian's pack hadn't been abandoned after all.

The new arrivals charged into the fray, immediately throwing themselves into battle alongside Ian's wolves. The tide began to shift, Kieran's forces faltering under the renewed assault. Jerome's heart leapt with hope as she saw Ian's wolves fighting back with newfound strength, the odds finally beginning to even out.

Kieran's smug expression faltered as he realized his advantage was slipping away. His gaze darted between Ian and the battlefield, uncertainty flashing in his eyes for the first time.

Ian wiped the blood from his mouth, his eyes fixed on Kieran with lethal intent. "Looks like you're the one who's finished, Kieran."

Kieran growled, his muscles tensing as if preparing for one final strike. But Jerome could see it—he was losing. The battle wasn't his anymore.

As the wolves clashed around them, Jerome watched in stunned silence as Ian prepared to end it all.

To be continued...