New Beginning

Rudra floated in the endless white expanse, still trying to comprehend everything that had just happened.

The old man had granted him a powerful body and mind, but Rudra knew he needed more if he wanted to survive in the unpredictable One Piece world. He turned back to the old man, determination solidifying in his gaze.

"I'm ready for my second wish," Rudra declared, his chest swelling with determination. "I want the abilities of Gojo Satoru—specifically, his Limitless technique and Six Eyes. Also, give me the Sharingan, the Rinnegan, and the Jougan."

The old man's eyebrow arched, equal parts intrigued and amused. "You do realize Gojo's abilities come with... unique complications? They're not just powers; they require control and understanding."

Rudra smirked, undeterred. "I'm ready for whatever comes. These abilities aren't just game-changers—they're the ultimate edge I need."

As he spoke, Rudra's mind briefly flickered back to his first wish: an immensely powerful body. Good thinking, he mused, feeling more confident. With the perfect physical foundation, these powers wouldn't just be overwhelming—they'd make him unstoppable.

"Alright, here's the deal," the old man said, leaning back slightly in his chair, a knowing smile on his face. "I can grant you the Limitless and Six Eyes, but I should warn you: the Sharingan won't include mangekyou sharingan Kotoamatsukami, Izanami, or Izanagi."

Rudra raised an eyebrow, curious. "What about the Rinnegan?"

"You'll get the abilities of Universal Pull, Push, and Planetary Devastation," the old man replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Rudra considered this for a moment, nodding thoughtfully. "And the Jougan? What's the catch there?"

"The Jougan is a powerful eye shrouded in mystery," the old man explained, leaning forward slightly, his eyes gleaming with intrigue.

"You'll have access to its abilities, but its true potential will remain elusive until you encounter specific challenges in the One Piece world. Think of it as a hidden gem waiting for the right moment to shine."

Rudra's excitement bubbled to the surface. "Sounds like a plan! Let's make it happen!"

He took a deep breath, his resolve solid. "So, I'm getting a surprise in my new life? Fine, I agree. I'll take the Limitless, Six Eyes, the Sharingan without those specific abilities, the Rinnegan with the basic powers, and the Jougan."

"Good choice," the old man said, nodding appreciatively. "Now, what's your third wish?"

Rudra paused, envisioning the future crew he would assemble. "For my third wish, I want the people who will join my pirate crew to quickly understand and adapt to any situation. I want them to learn and master new skills faster than the average person."

The old man smiled knowingly. "A wise choice. Having a crew that can adapt and grow alongside you will be invaluable on your journey. Consider it done."

"Now, what is your next wish?" the old man inquired, his tone light and casual.

Rudra shook his head, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I think I'll save that for another time. I want to think it through."

The old man chuckled softly, clearly amused. "Very well. And who do you wish to be reincarnated as?"

Rudra took a deep breath, excitement bubbling within him. "I want to be reincarnated as Monkey D. Luffy, but I want to regain my memories after Ace leaves for his journey."

"Then it's settled," the old man said, preparing to initiate the process. "Your new life as Luffy awaits. Embrace it, and may your journey be filled with excitement and growth."

As he spoke, Rudra felt that familiar sensation of being pulled away, the white void fading into the distance as he braced himself for the adventure of a lifetime.

Once Rudra's essence had vanished, the old man let out a contented sigh and ambled over to his floating couch, flopping down lazily.

He switched on the TV, munching on cookies while reflecting, What an interesting day this has turned out to be after so long.

Meanwhile, in a dense forest, a 14-year-old boy stirred awake. With messy black hair tousled and a straw hat resting nearby, he rubbed his temples, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

This was Monkey D. Luffy, a boy with boundless ambition and a smile bright enough to light up even the darkest days.

As Luffy sat up, memories began flooding back to him. He recalled everything—the moment he met Shanks, the day he received his beloved straw hat, and the pivotal events leading up to the accident in the Goa Kingdom.

It felt as if each moment had unfolded just as it had in the anime, right down to Ace leaving for his journey just a week ago.

With a deep sigh, Luffy rose to his feet, taking in his surroundings. The forest felt familiar; he remembered fighting a giant boar here

Nearby, a fire flickered, the remnants of his earlier battle still smoldering. A wide grin spread across Luffy's face at the thought of his brother and the thrilling adventures that awaited him. This is just the beginning!

After assessing his situation, Luffy headed back to his treehouse, the excitement of his newfound strength propelling him forward. He climbed the ladder and settled into his cozy bed, letting the exhaustion of the day wash over him.

As he drifted off to sleep, his body began undergoing a remarkable transformation. Muscles grew, energy surged, and his mind sharpened.

The latent powers bestowed upon him by Rudra's wishes intertwined with his being, setting the stage for a future filled with unimaginable adventures.

The next day, Luffy woke up feeling unusually light, a refreshing energy coursing through him. Stretching his arms, he got out of bed, eager to start the day.

After climbing down from his treehouse, he made his way to a small river nearby. As he stood by the water's edge, he leaned down to splash some water on his face.

When he looked up, he was startled to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at him—his own.

They were no longer the dark brown he remembered. Instead, they were a bright, striking blue, just like Gojo Satoru's from Jujutsu Kaisen, glowing with a mesmerizing intensity.

"I've got Gojo's eyes!" he laughed, feeling a rush of power and possibility. "This is going to be fun!"

Feeling invigorated, he returned to his treehouse, where something shiny caught his eye on a table. It was a dark-forged sword with a gold-wrapped handle and black ornaments. Next to the sword was a note.

Curious, Luffy picked it up and read:

"To my friend Luffy or rudra,

This sword is a gift. Use it well in your journey.

P.S. I'll contact you when I can. Have fun!"

"Thanks, old man!" Luffy said with a grin as he picked up the katana, testing its weight in his hand.

With newfound determination, he strapped the sword to his side. "Time to train!" he declared, stepping out into the forest.