
It had been a week since Luffy began testing his new abilities. With his perfect memory, he could easily recall every technique and skill from the manhwa and anime he'd watched. Now, it was just a matter of imitating them.

His training progressed steadily, despite a rough start in the first three days. Initially, his stamina waned quickly because of his Six Eyes ability, making it hard for his body to cope with the training intensity. However, true to his potential, he adapted remarkably fast.

Luffy's training routine mirrored Saitama-sensei's infamous regimen. After completing 100 squats, 100 push-ups, and 100 sit-ups, he would run 10 kilometers to build endurance. Following that, he would sit in a meditative position to recover his stamina while trying to sense his Observation Haki.

He could feel something—a faint awareness of the world around him—but he was stuck, unable to fully unlock it. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he stood up and transitioned to practicing martial arts, using techniques he remembered from Daniel Park.

His strikes were fluid and precise, and his body quickly adjusted to the new fighting style. Afterward, he dedicated time to honing his swordsmanship, recalling the way Zoro and other famous swordsmen wielded their blades.

Just like that, six months flew by.

During this time, many changes occurred. Luffy's body grew significantly stronger as his training pushed him beyond his previous limits.

His Haki, which had once frustrated him, finally awakened during an intense training session. After pushing himself to the brink, he collapsed from the strain.

When he regained consciousness, he instantly felt something was different. The world around him appeared clearer and more vibrant than before.

His Observation Haki had fully awakened, and to his surprise, both his Armament and Conqueror's Haki had also unlocked, as if he had shattered a hidden barrier during his unconsciousness.

Fueled by this newfound strength, Luffy didn't stop there. His curiosity drove him to experiment with the Six Eyes ability. He soon realized that while Gojo's version controlled cursed energy, his own version manipulated Haki.

This unique ability provided him with a significant advantage—he could perceive and sense Haki in ways no one else could, making his training smoother and far more effective than that of any ordinary person.

However, the past six months hadn't been all about training and meditation. One day, after an intense session, Luffy heard footsteps approaching his treehouse. It was Dogra, one of Dadan's underlings. The older man looked taken aback upon seeing Luffy.

"Oi, Luffy… what happened to your eyes? They're blue now!" Dogra exclaimed, wide-eyed and clearly surprised.

Luffy chuckled, tapping his forehead with a grin. "It's because of my Devil Fruit! Cool, right?"

Dogra scratched his head, not entirely understanding but willing to accept the explanation. "Yeah… pretty cool, I guess. Anyway, Dadan's been wondering why you haven't been coming to the hideout. She's worried about you."

"Oh, I've just been living here in the treehouse," Luffy replied casually, gesturing toward the modest structure behind him. "Been training hard, so there's no need to worry."

Dogra let out a long sigh of relief. "Alright then. Just make sure to drop by the hideout if you need anything, okay? Dadan's been complaining about you never showing your face."

"Thanks, I will," Luffy said, waving him off. Dogra muttered something about "kids these days" before heading back to the hideout.

A few days later, Luffy had another unexpected visitor. This time, it was Makino, the kind-hearted barmaid from Foosha Village. She had always been like a big sister to him, and her presence brought an instant smile to his face.

"Luffy!" Makino called out, approaching the treehouse with a warm grin. "I've been worried about you! It's been ages since you visited the village."

Luffy turned, beaming. "Hey, Makino! I've just been busy training."

She paused, her eyes widening as she noticed his bright blue irises. "Luffy… your eyes! They've changed! What happened?"

Luffy scratched the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. "It's because of my Devil Fruit. Pretty cool, right?"

Makino laughed softly, stepping closer to inspect his face. "It does look cool. You're turning into quite the handsome young man, Luffy." She ruffled his hair affectionately, making him laugh.

"Thanks, Makino! I've been training really hard!" Luffy said, puffing out his chest with pride.

"I can see that," she replied with a warm smile. "But remember to take care of yourself too. If you ever need anything, just drop by the village, okay?"

"Yeah, I will," Luffy promised.

With that, Makino left after ensuring he was alright, leaving Luffy more motivated than ever to continue his training. Each encounter reminded him of how much the people around him cared, fueling his determination to grow stronger—not just for himself, but for those he loved

After unlocking Haki and refining his physical abilities, Luffy felt it was time to master his Devil Fruit powers.

He understood that the Gomu Gomu no Mi allowed him to stretch his body like rubber. However, thanks to his knowledge from the anime, he realized the truth—his Devil Fruit wasn't merely the Gomu Gomu no Mi; it was actually the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika, bestowing upon him the powers of the legendary Sun God.

Recognizing the vast potential within him, Luffy knew he had only scratched the surface of what his fruit could accomplish.

He methodically practiced the techniques he had seen his future self use in the anime, relying on his perfect memory to replicate each move.

From the early days of simple stretching punches to more advanced forms like Gear Second and Gear Third, he focused on perfecting his skills.

For Gear Second, Luffy channeled his Devil Fruit power to accelerate his blood flow, enabling him to achieve near-instantaneous bursts of speed. Each movement felt exhilarating, and with each passing day, he became faster and more agile.

He also devoted time to Gear Third, inflating parts of his body to massive sizes, mirroring the strength of giants. Each technique flowed naturally as his body adapted to the abilities he had memorized.

But Luffy didn't stop there. He shifted his focus to mastering Gear Fourth, determined to push his Haki and Devil Fruit abilities to their limits.

He practiced transforming into powerful forms like Boundman, Tankman, and Snakeman, each requiring a delicate balance of Haki and Devil Fruit power.

As he trained, Luffy visualized how his future self executed each transformation with precision and strength, striving to make his own versions even more effective.

At first, progress was slow. His Devil Fruit didn't respond consistently, and he struggled to grasp the intricacies of each form. Yet, true to his adaptable nature, Luffy remained persistent. He experimented tirelessly, analyzing his movements and refining his technique.

Over the next three months, his dedication began to pay off. Each successful transformation brought a surge of excitement, and soon enough, he could seamlessly shift between forms. 

New abilities emerged, including the Sharingan, Rinnegan, and even the Jougan. These powers blended seamlessly with the Six Eyes, enhancing his awareness and control over his surroundings.

His eyes had transformed into powerful tools, granting him extraordinary perception and abilities. With the Sharingan, he could effortlessly mimic techniques and anticipate movements with remarkable accuracy.

The Rinnegan opened up a range of capabilities, allowing him to manipulate gravity. Meanwhile, the Jougan deepened his understanding of energy flows, significantly enhancing his mastery of Haki and body control

But that wasn't all. As Luffy's strength grew, unexpected abilities began to emerge. One day, while meditating beneath the treehouse, he felt an intense itch behind his ears.

When he scratched them, to his astonishment, a long, solid staff materialized—the Ruyi Jingu Bang, the legendary weapon of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

"Woah, what's this?" Luffy exclaimed, gripping the staff in wonder. It effortlessly shifted in size, growing larger and smaller at his command.

Intrigued, he tested further, discovering he could create clones by pulling strands of hair from his head and breathing life into them. These clones were not mere illusions; they were fully independent, capable of fighting and moving just like him.

Luffy soon realized the potential of his new ability. Each clone retained his skills and knowledge, but the real game-changer came when he discovered that the experiences of his clones returned to him upon dispelling them.

This meant he could train with one clone while meditating with another, drastically enhancing his efficiency and accelerating his training regimen like never before.