Waiting for Instructions

One of the two doors in the bedroom led to a washroom—although it was more like a full dressing room—with the toilet in a separate area just beyond that.

Sebas had patiently explained how to use the facilities, step by step. It was wooden, but surprisingly, it was a flush toilet.



Damien woke to the blinding sunlight streaming in through the window. After Sebas had brought him dinner the previous night—a comforting dish, something like seafood porridge or risotto—Damien had eaten it and gone back to bed.

The warmth of the meal had made him fall asleep almost immediately.

I really hope they didn't drug me or something, he thought, a bit nervously.

His eyes searched for the clock he was used to seeing on his bedside table, but of course, there wasn't one. He remembered that and felt a little down. What time was it? Judging by the brightness of the light pouring in through the window, it seemed like it was already pretty late.

He had assumed that someone would come to get him at least by breakfast, so now he felt a bit at a loss. Maybe in this world, people just didn't eat breakfast?

For now, he decided to use the bathroom, freshen up as best as he could in the washroom, and then sit at the small two-person table in the bedroom, waiting for someone to call on him. They had said they'd call him when it was time for meals, though for some reason they hadn't woken him up the day before. Also, he hadn't been introduced to Lupusregina yet.

He figured that if he waited long enough, someone would eventually come.


More than an hour passed.

No one came.

The sun outside the window was now unmistakably close to noon.

Damien was getting frustrated. It was time to take action, but he hesitated. Should he leave the room, or should he ring the bell?

After a moment of consideration, he chose to ring the bell. After all, they had told him to use the bell if he needed something. Maybe they had meant for him to stay in the room, and he didn't want to risk causing trouble by leaving without permission.

Ding-ling! Clatter! …Click.

No sooner had he rung the bell than there was a noise from the room next door. It was just like the previous night—someone in the neighboring room must have left to fetch Sebas.

Are they keeping a watch on me? Damien wondered. Perhaps it was for the best that he hadn't left the bedroom after all.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Yes, come in," Damien called out.

"Excuse me. Is there something you need?" Sebas asked, stepping inside.

The conversation was almost identical to the one they'd had the night before. Damien decided to accept this as the standard routine by now.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," Damien began. "I woke up a while ago and was wondering what I should do for today."