Tea Party Preparations

Damien felt a bit ridiculous asking what he should do after waking up, but he reminded himself that he was more like Theo's test subject or slave. He probably didn't have the right to do anything freely.

"Master Theo has instructed that once you wake up, we are to prepare your meal," Sebas said.

So basically, eat first, Damien thought. That wasn't strange, but the real question was what would happen after that. Surely they wouldn't just let him eat and then sleep again.

"Thank you. I'll gladly accept the meal," Damien replied. "But after I eat, what should I do?"

"After your meal, we will have the doctor examine you. Following that, you will be introduced to Lupusregina, who will take care of your daily needs. If your condition permits, Master Theo is hoping to have a tea party with you," Sebas explained.

Of course, Damien thought. The doctor's checkup was inevitable, and the introduction to the caretaker, Lupusregina, was just something that had been delayed from the previous day. The real issue, however, was the "tea party" that Theo wanted.

Was Theo just excited to talk about another world, or did he have some other motive? And would it really be just a tea party? What if it turned into an interrogation or worse, some sort of experiment?

Either way, Damien knew he didn't have the option to refuse.

"I understand. Thanks to everyone's care, I'm feeling well, so please tell Theo that I'm looking forward to it," Damien responded.

"Thank you, I'm sure Master Theo will be pleased to hear that," Sebas said with a polite smile before leaving the room to get the meal.

Now came the real challenge.

Damien knew he had to brace himself for whatever was coming next.


Breakfast? Lunch? Whatever it was, it turned out to be the same risotto from the previous night. Damien assumed it was something easy on the stomach.

The difference from the previous night's meal was that today's risotto had chicken.

"Would you like to eat here again today, or would you prefer the lounge?" Sebas asked.

"Huh?" Damien blurted out, caught off guard. He hadn't expected to be asked where he wanted to eat.

"Um, the lounge, you say?" he asked.

"It's the room right next door," Sebas clarified.

Apparently, the room Damien had assumed was a living room was the lounge. At least that part of the house seemed to be within his allowed range of movement. Since Sebas suggested it, Damien decided to ask for his meal to be served in the lounge, and to his surprise, the request was approved without issue.

He was seated at the head of a large table, where one chair among ten had been specifically placed for him. Sebas stood by his side the entire time, tending to him in every small detail during the meal.

It was a bit nerve-wracking, but Damien figured that this was what his life would be like from now on—always under someone's care and watchful eye. He was so tense that he could barely taste the food.