A Doctor's Checkup

I have to get used to this... he thought to himself.

After the meal, Damien was introduced to an elderly man who was said to be his doctor, and he underwent a basic checkup. His temperature was taken, his pulse was checked, and the doctor looked inside his mouth and listened to his heart. It felt like a simple health screening.

At one point, the doctor was about to draw some blood, but Sebas stopped him. The two exchanged a few tense words, but Sebas remained firm, citing Theo's orders, and the blood test was ultimately skipped.

In the end, the diagnosis was that Damien was in good health, though the doctor frequently tilted his head, looking puzzled. Despite this, there were no real issues.

In some ways, I almost wish something had been wrong, Damien thought. At least it would give me an excuse for whatever comes next.

But for now, his healthy body seemed to be working against him.


"What? Lupusregina's introduction has been canceled?" Damien asked, surprised. He had been tidying up his belongings after the doctor's visit when Sebas appeared to deliver the news with his usual expressionless face.

"Yes, that's correct. It seems there was a mix-up on our end, so Lupusregina's introduction has been put on hold for the time being."

"I see... May I ask the reason for that?"

"I'm afraid I cannot say. I'm sure Master Theo will explain the situation to you shortly," Sebas replied.

*What could have happened?* Damien wondered. Perhaps Lupusregina had refused the position, or maybe there were health reasons involved. Damien could only speculate, though he doubted it had anything to do with him personally, considering he'd never even met Marina.

"Understood. And is there any change to the tea party with Theo?"

Maybe they'll cancel that too, he thought, hoping for some relief.

"No, there are no changes to that plan. I believe Master Theo will visit you in about an hour."

Wait... Theo's coming here? Damien thought. He had assumed he would be the one going to meet Theo.

"Theo will come here? Not the other way around?"

"Yes, unless you would prefer a different location. Master Theo has instructed us to accommodate your preference."

"Oh, no! I-I have no problem with him coming here," Damien stammered, quickly trying to smooth things over.

It seemed like Theo had no intention of letting Damien leave this room anytime soon.

Sure, it was bigger than his own house, but the thought of being confined here indefinitely was suffocating. Still, if Theo had made that decision, Damien had no choice but to comply.

More pressing at the moment was the upcoming tea party. He wasn't sure exactly how long "a moment" was in this world, but judging from Sebas's demeanor, it wouldn't be too far off.

"Um... excuse me," Damien hesitated.

"Yes, what is it? Please feel free to ask for anything," Sebas replied.

"For the tea party... am I expected to wear these clothes? I know it's embarrassing to admit, but I'm really starting to feel a bit... uh... sweaty," Damien confessed.