Otro mundo

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Alex Chen woke up with a splitting headache in his apartment in New York. He didn't remember anything about his current life, but something strange was happening in his mind. Memories of a past life began to surface.

He remembered growing up in a small town, training in martial arts, and reaching a superhuman level of skill. He remembered fighting powerful enemies and saving the world on several occasions.

But those memories weren't his own. They were someone else's memories. Someone named Goku.

Alex sat up in bed, confused. What was going on? Why did he have Goku's memories in his head?

He looked around his room, trying to find some clue about his current life. Everything seemed normal: his clothes lying on the floor, his laptop closed on the table, and his window overlooking the building across the street.

But something wasn't right. Alex felt a strange energy in his body, an energy he couldn't explain.

He stood up and began exploring his apartment. He was looking for something that would tell him who he was and what he was doing there.

He found a kitchen equipped with modern utensils and appliances. There was a refrigerator full of food and a table with a couple of chairs.

In the living room, there was a sofa and a flat screen television. There was a shelf with books and magazines.

Alex sat on the sofa and began to look through the books and magazines. He did not recognize any of the titles or authors.

He got up and went to his bedroom. He found a closet full of clothes and a desk with papers and documents.

He began to look through the documents. He found a rental agreement, a bank account and an ID card.

The ID card said that his name was Alex Chen, that he was 17 years old and that he lived in that apartment.

In addition to that, he had black hair, black eyes, a marked jaw, a fairly athletic body but not with many muscles. He estimated that he was about 75 kilos tall and his body had some scars.

But he didn't remember anything about his life. He didn't remember how he got there or what he did.

He sat up in bed, confused and frustrated. Who was it? What had happened to his life?

Suddenly, he heard a noise at the door. It was Mr. Jenkins, his neighbor.

"Good morning, Alex," Mr. Jenkins said.

"Good morning, Mr. Jenkins," Alex replied.

Mr. Jenkins smiled.

"How are you today, Alex?"

"I'm fine, thanks," Alex replied.

"It's good to see you, Alex. Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks. I'm just going to get some coffee."

"Okay, then. Have a nice day."

They said goodbye and Alex was left alone in his apartment.

He had no answers. He only knew that his life had changed in some way. And he didn't know how.

After exploring his apartment, Alex decided to go out and look around the city. He wanted to know where he was and what had changed in his life.

He left the building and found himself on a bustling street. There were people walking in every direction, cars driving by, and skyscrapers that seemed to touch the sky.

Alex just looked around, trying to take in everything he saw. He didn't recognize any of the places, but something inside him told him he was in a major city.

He started walking, aimlessly. He wanted to explore and find out what had changed in his life.

As he walked, he saw a sign that said "Times Square." Alex was shocked. Was he in New York?

He walked over to a map of the city and studied it. Yes, he was in New York. In the heart of Manhattan.

He couldn't believe it. How had he gotten there? What had happened to his life?

Alex continued walking, trying to find answers. He passed the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and the Empire State Building.

As he walked, he realized his body felt different. He was stronger, faster.

What had happened to his life? Why did he have Goku's memories?

Alex didn't have answers, but he knew he had to keep looking. He had to find out what had happened to his life and why he had Goku's memories.

As he walked through the streets of New York, Alex was shocked to see advertisements everywhere with the face of Tony Stark, the famous businessman and inventor.

But then, something caught his eye. A homeless man was selling newspapers on the street corner.

"Buy your Daily Bugle! Fresh news about the city!" the homeless man shouted.

Alex walked over and bought a newspaper. Opening it, he was shocked to see the headlines:

"Stark Industries CEO Tony Stark Announces Innovations in Defense Technology"

"Stark Industries Leads Research in Renewable Energy"

"Young Entrepreneur Tony Stark Causes a Stir in Industry with His Innovative Ideas"

Alex's jaw dropped. What was going on? Was this not a normal world?

He looked around and saw that people were reading the same newspapers, talking about the

or realized that he wasn't in a fictional world. He was in a real world, but one with technology and events he didn't understand.

How had he gotten there? What had happened to his life?

Alex was overwhelmed with questions and confusion. But he knew he had to keep digging.

He bought more newspapers and began reading about the events that had occurred in the city.

He discovered that Tony Stark was an entrepreneur and inventor who had revolutionized the defense industry.

He discovered that Stark Industries was a leading company in innovation and technology.

And he discovered that the city was in a time of change and growth.

Alex felt like he was living in a dream.

What had happened to his life? Why had he come to this world?

He had no answers, but he knew he had to keep searching.

Suddenly, the shock and confusion turned into an overwhelming headache. Alex felt dizzy and his vision began to distort.

"What… what's going on?" he stammered.

But before he could answer himself, the headache intensified and everything went black.

Alex fell to the floor, unconscious.

When Alex woke up, he found himself in a hospital. He was hooked up to monitors and there were tubes in his nose.

A nurse approached him.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Alex tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse.

"Where… where am I?" he managed to say.

"You're at New York General Hospital," the nurse replied.

Alex tried to remember what had happened. He remembered walking down the street, seeing the Tony Stark commercials and…

"What happened to me?" he asked.

"You collapsed on the street," the nurse explained. "Someone brought you here. We don't know what caused the collapse, but we're running tests to determine that."

Alex nodded, trying to process the information.

Suddenly, he began to remember fragments of his life as Alex Chen. He remembered his childhood, his family, his friends...

He remembered that he was an engineering student at New York University.

He remembered that he had worked at Stark Industries as an intern.

But there was something else, something he couldn't remember.

"What happened to my life?" he asked himself.

He had no answers, but he knew he had to keep searching.

After calming down, Alex began to reflect on his life. He remembered his childhood in Japan, his family, and his legacy.

His family, the Chens, was an ancient and respected family of samurai who had served the Hand, a secret and powerful organization.

But Alex had not followed in the footsteps of his ancestors. He had no talent for martial arts or the gi.

His father, the patriarch of the Chen family, had banished him for not living up to family expectations.

Alex remembered the painful departure of his family and his subsequent move to New York.

He had tried hard to forget his past and start over, but now that he remembered, he felt a mix of emotions.

Why had he been banished? What had he done wrong?

The nurse interrupted his thoughts.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

Alex nodded.

"Yes, thank you. I think I need time to process all of this."

The nurse smiled.

"Sure, take your time. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Alex stood alone in the room, deep in thought.

What had happened to his life? Why had he been banished?

He had no answers, but he knew he had to keep searching.

Alex smiled to himself as he remembered his encounter with Peter Parker in the library.

He knew Peter was Spider-Man, the hero who had saved New York from villains like the Lizard and Electro.

He had seen the news, read the articles, and heard the rumors.

But he had never imagined he would run into him in the library.

Alex wondered what Peter was doing there, studying like a normal student.

Was he trying to keep his double life a secret?

Or did he just need a break from his adventures as Spider-Man?

Alex didn't know, but he was curious to get to know Peter better.

Maybe he could talk to him about his experiences as Spider-Man.

Or maybe he could help him in his fight against crime.

The possibility of getting to know Peter Parker, the Spider-Man, better excited Alex.

And who knows, maybe his own destiny was connected to Peter's.

Alex and Peter were the same age, 17, and in the same year of high school.

Although they hadn't talked much, Alex felt a connection with Peter.

They were both smart and curious, and they both had secrets to hide.

Alex knew Peter was the Spider-Man, but Peter didn't know that Alex had been banished from his family for not having talent in martial arts.

Alex wondered if Peter also felt the pressure to live up to his expectations.

Was Peter struggling with his double life as Spider-Man and a student?

Alex wanted to know more about Peter, and maybe they could help each other.

The next time they met at the library, Alex would decide to talk to Peter.

He didn't know what would happen, but he was ready to find out.

After some time of reflection, Alex felt ready to leave the hospital.

He paid the bills and headed towards the reception desk.

"Thank you for your care," Alex said to the nurse.

"You're welcome, take care of your health," she replied.

Alex left the hospital and headed towards a nearby park.

The sun was beginning to set, and the park was quiet.

Alex sat on a bench and looked out at the lake.

The reflection of the sun on the water was hypnotic.

Alex felt at peace for the first time in a long time.

He thought about his family, his past, and his future.

He thought about Peter Parker and his double life as Spider-Man.

Alex wondered what the future held for him.

Would he find his place in the world?

Would he discover his purpose?

He had no answers, but he knew he had to keep going.

Alex stood up from the bench, feeling a new determination.

"I'm going to show them that I'm stronger than they think," he told himself.

He began walking towards his apartment, located a few blocks from his school.

As he walked, he thought about his family and his past.

He wondered how they would react when they saw the change in him.

He arrived at his apartment and sat down on the couch.

He looked around, remembering the times he had spent there.

He stood up and headed to his room.

He took out a notebook and began writing a training plan.

He wanted to improve his martial arts skills and control his ki.

He was eager to be strong, to feel capable of protecting himself and others.

Alex felt motivated and focused.

He knew this was just the beginning.

He had a long road ahead of him, but he was ready to face it.

He laid down on the bed, feeling a sense of purpose.

Tomorrow would be a new day, full of opportunities.

And Alex was ready to take advantage of them.

_To be continued.