Entrenamiento y escuela

After getting out of bed early, Alex Chen decided to organize the physical training he needed thanks to Goku's memories.

Alex began to remember the intensive training with Master Roshi, the legendary warrior and Goku's sensei.

Memories of running for hours on the beach, lifting huge weights, and performing advanced combat techniques on Turtle Island.

"If I want to be strong like Goku, I must train like him," Alex told himself.

He started looking for a suitable place to train. He found a nearby park with an outdoor exercise area.

Alex headed there, determined to begin his training. When he arrived, he saw several people training and running.

"This is the perfect place," he thought.

Alex began to run around the park, feeling Goku's energy inside him. Then he walked over to the exercise area and started doing push-ups, squats, and deadlifts.

While training, Alex felt his body getting stronger. His muscles tensed and his breathing became more intense.

"This is just the beginning," Alex told himself.

After an hour of intense training, Alex stopped to rest. He was sweating and panting, but he felt invigorated.

"I'm still weak," Alex thought. "But I'm willing to improve."

And with that determination, Alex continued his training, determined to achieve his goal: to become a strong warrior like Goku.

He continued training until the afternoon hours, when he stopped, deep in reflection. The difference between a Saiyan like Goku and a normal human being like him was abysmal.

"How can I hope to match Goku's strength if I'm just a human?" Alex wondered, feeling frustrated.

The physical talent of humans was far inferior to that of a Saiyan. Speed, strength, endurance... everything was superior in the warriors of the Saiyan race.

"But I can't give up," Alex told himself, with determination. "I must find a way to overcome my limitations."

He remembered Master Roshi's words: "Strength comes not only from the physical, but also from the mind."

"I should focus on my mental training," Alex thought. "I must develop my concentration, my discipline and my will."

With renewed determination, Alex continued his training, determined to find ways to overcome his limitations as a human and achieve his goal: becoming a strong warrior like Goku.

Three months had passed since Alex began his intensive physical training. His body had changed drastically, with more defined muscles and incredible stamina.

His daily routine consisted of long-distance running, lifting weights, and combat exercises. His progress was remarkable, and he felt stronger than ever.

But Alex knew that physicality was only half the battle. To master ki, he needed an equally strong spirit.

"A strong physique comes with equally strong ki," he reminded himself. "And to sense ki, I must have a prepared body."

With his physique in peak condition, Alex felt ready to advance to the next level: ki training.

In a quiet, secluded place, Alex sat in the lotus position, closed his eyes, and began to breathe deeply. He sought to feel the energy flowing through his body.

At first, he didn't feel anything. But he didn't give up. He continued breathing, focusing inward.

And then, a slight tickling in his chest... An almost imperceptible sensation, but present.

"It's the ki," Alex said to himself, excited. "I'm starting to feel it."

With a smile, Alex continued his meditation, determined to explore and master the power of ki.

After three months of intensive training, Alex had made remarkable progress in his body and mind. However, ki training was still a challenge.

The first week after three months, Alex decided to keep his ki training at night and train his body during the day. Although he felt the ki, he was still not able to control it.

"It's frustrating," Alex told himself. "I feel the ki, but I can't control it."

But he didn't give up. He continued his training with determination.

He remembered Master Roshi's words: "Ki control requires patience and discipline."

"I must be patient," Alex told himself. "I must trust my training."

So he kept going, day after day, night after night.

At night, he would sit in the lotus position, close his eyes, and focus on his ki. I felt his energy, but I couldn't control it.

In the days, he trained his body in the Turtle style, perfecting his combat techniques.

And although progress was slow, Alex knew he was on the right path.

"One day," he told himself, "I will master ki and be a warrior like Goku."

Every time he reminded himself to be patient, even though it seemed like there was no progress, he was starting to get impatient when he suddenly remembered a phrase from Master Roshi that Goku always reminded him of in his training:

"You have to work, you have to learn, you have to eat, you have to rest; and you also have to play."

Alex smiled as he remembered those wise words from Master Roshi.

"It's true," he said to himself. "It's not just about training, but about finding balance in life."

He stood up, stretched his body, and sat back down in the lotus position.

"I'm going to move forward," he told himself, "and find that balance."

He took a deep breath and began to meditate, feeling renewed energy and determination.

At that moment, he knew he was on the right path.

Upon entering the school and heading to his classroom, Alex met his teacher, Miss Tanaka.

"Alex Chen, where have you been?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry, Professor," Alex replied. "I've had family problems."

Miss Tanaka looked at him curiously.

"You should talk to the director," he said.

Alex nodded and headed to the director's office.

"Mr. Director, how can I help you?" he asked.

"Alex Chen, you have been absent for three months without excuse," the director said. "What happened?"

Alex took a deep breath and lied:

"My grandfather was sick and I had to take care of him. My family needed me."

The director looked at him with compassion.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I hope your grandfather recovers soon."

Alex nodded, feeling guilty for lying.

"You must sign these papers to justify your absence," the director said.

Alex signed the documents and returned to the living room.

Miss Tanaka greeted him with a smile.

"I'm glad you're back, Alex."

Alex smiled weakly, feeling relieved to be out of the situation.

But he knew his training couldn't stop.

It would continue in secret.

Upon entering the room, Alex saw Peter in the back, sitting at his desk. He decided to come over and sit next to her.

Ned Leeds was talking to Peter, but stopped when he saw Alex.

"Hey, Peter, what's up?" Ned continued.

Peter nodded, answering Ned.

Meanwhile, Mary Jane Watson was chatting with Harry Osbourne in the front row.

Flash Thompson, the school athlete, was joking with his friends in the background.

And near the window, Gwen Stacy was studying concentrated.

Alex was excited to be surrounded by interesting people.

He focused on his work, trying not to attract attention.

But he couldn't help but look at Peter, who was still talking to Ned.

Alex wondered what would happen to his training now that he was back at school.

After a morning of classes, Alex headed to recess. He saw Peter and Ned chatting with each other as they walked towards the cafeteria.

He decided to follow them, taking the opportunity to get to know them better.

Upon entering the cafeteria, Alex sat at a table near them, trying not to attract attention.

Ned was talking excitedly to Peter.

"Do you think Spider-Man is from New York?" Ned asked.

Peter shrugged.

"I don't know, but I hope he continues to protect the city," he replied.

Alex stood up and walked over to his table.

"Can I sit with you?" Alex asked, smiling.

Peter and Ned looked at each other, then nodded.

"Sure, sit down," Peter said.

Alex sat down and introduced himself.

"My name is Alex. We haven't met before, have we?"

Ned smiled.

"We've met before, haven't we?" Peter said, smiling.

"Yes?" Alex asked, curious.

"Yes, in the library," Peter said. "You studied alone at a table, near the history section."

Alex was surprised.

"Oh, yes! I remember," he said. "I was doing research for a project."

"Exactly," Peter said. "I saw you several times, but we had never spoken."

"That's true," Alex said, laughing. "I guess I was too focused on my studies."

Ned laughed.

"Well, now that we've formally introduced ourselves, we can start talking," he said.

The three of them laughed and continued chatting.

After leaving the cafeteria, Alex headed towards the classroom.

He decided to separate for a moment to go to the bathroom.

Turning a corner, he encountered Flash Thompson and his group.

Flash was angry, his face red with anger.

"Watch where you're going, nerd!" Flash yelled.

"Sorry!" Alex said, trying to calm him down.

But Flash didn't calm down.

"What do you always do alone? Don't you have friends?" he mocked.

Mary Jane Watson and her friends watched uncomfortably.

"Flash, stop," Mary Jane said, trying to intervene.

But Flash continued.

"What's wrong with you, Alex? Do you think you're better than us?"

Alex felt ashamed and angry.

"Stop it, Flash!" he said firmly.

Flash was surprised.

"Do you dare to challenge me?" he said, approaching Alex.

The situation became tense.

Alex, tired of Flash's teasing, decided to confront him.

"What's your problem with me, Flash?" Alex asked, staring at him.

Flash was surprised by Alex's bravery.

"Do you think you're brave?" Flash said, smiling.

"I just want to know why you're harassing me," Alex replied.

Mary Jane and her friends watched uncomfortably.

"Flash, leave it," Mary Jane said.

But Flash didn't listen.

"He harassed you because you're a loner, a nerd," Flash said.

Alex got angry, but he didn't let himself get carried away.

"At least I'm smart and not a bully," Alex replied.

Flash became enraged and approached Alex.

He threw a punch at him, but Alex, due to his training, dodged easily.

With one swift movement, Alex kicked him in the chest.

The kick was so powerful that Flash flew back a meter.

He fell to the ground, unable to breathe.

Mary Jane and Flash's friends looked at him in shock.

Some nearby students stopped, surprised.

"What...what have you done?" one of Flash's friends stuttered.

Alex stood calmly.

"I won't start a fight," he said, "but I won't be bullied."

The scene remained silent for a few seconds.

Then the director appeared.

"What happened here?" he asked.

Mary Jane spoke.

"Flash attacked Alex," he said.

The director looked at Flash, who was still on the ground.

"Flash Thompson, you're going to the office," he said.

Flash stood up, with difficulty.

He walked away with the director.

Alex was left alone, thoughtful.

Upon returning to class, Alex sat at his desk.

But he couldn't concentrate.

Word of what had happened had spread throughout the school.

Peter and Ned looked at him curiously.

"Is what they say true?" Peter asked.

"What do they say?" Alex responded.

"That you beat up Flash," Ned said.

Alex sighed.

"It wasn't a beating," he said.

"I just defended myself.

Flash attacked me.

I had no choice."

Peter and Ned looked at each other.

"Wow," Peter said.

"I never thought you were so brave," Ned added.

Alex shrugged.

"I didn't do it out of bravery," he said.

"I did it out of necessity."

The teacher began to speak.

But Peter and Ned couldn't stop looking at Alex.

With a mixture of respect and admiration.

Alex felt uncomfortable.

But he also felt relieved.

He had finally shown that he was not a pushover.

After a long day of classes, Alex decided to go out into the city to relax.

He needed to clear his head after the incident with Flash.

He headed towards the city center, enjoying the afternoon sun.

He passed through the main square, where there were people walking and children playing.

He then stopped at a cafe for a sandwich and a coffee.

While he ate, he watched the people passing by the window.

He felt calm and relaxed.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, Alex."

He turned and saw Mary Jane Watson smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"I was looking for a place to study," Mary Jane said.

"But I saw your face and decided to join you."

Alex smiled.

"I'm glad to see you," he said.

Mary Jane sat across from him.

"What happened to Flash?" he asked.

Alex sighed.

"It's over," he said.

"I don't want to talk about it now."

Mary Jane nodded.

"I understand," he said.

"Do you want company for dinner?" he asked.

Alex smiled.

"I would love to," he said.

They spent hours talking and studying in the cafeteria.

Alex was surprised to discover that Mary Jane was smart, funny, and shared many of his interests.

They talked about books, music and movies.

Alex realized he had misjudged her.

He had always seen her with Flash, but now he saw a completely different person.

As they studied, they laughed together and shared stories.

Alex felt connected to her in a way he had never felt before.

At nightfall, they decided to close the books.

"I had a lot of fun today," Mary Jane said.

"Me too," Alex replied.

"Do you want to go out again soon?" Mary Jane asked.

"I'd love to," Alex said.

"Tomorrow night?" Mary Jane suggested.

"Perfect," Alex said.

They said goodbye with a smile.

Alex was feeling excited.

He had found a friend in the least expected person.

And maybe something else.

A few blocks before arriving at your apartment 

Alex stopped dead when he heard the cry for help.

He looked around and saw the dark alley.

Two hooded men threatened a defenseless woman.

Alex knew he had to act carefully.

He was a normal human, not a superhero.

They could have weapons that would kill him instantly.

He took a deep breath and approached slowly.

I didn't want to alert them.

He stood in the shadows, watching.

The nearest man was distracted.

Alex saw his opportunity.

He approached quickly, at a speed slightly faster than that of a trained human.

He gave him a precise blow to the back of the head.

The man collapsed without making a sound.

The other man turned around, surprised.

Alex didn't give him time.

He hit him in the jaw.

The man collapsed.

Alex approached the woman.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

The woman was trembling.

"Yes...thank you," he said.

Alex helped her up.

"What happened?" he asked.

The woman took a deep breath.

"They kidnapped me... they wanted money," he said.

Alex nodded.

"We're going to call the police," he said.

The woman nodded.

While they waited, Alex asked him.

"What is your name?"

"My name is May Parker," the woman said.

Alex was surprised.

"Are you Peter Parker's aunt?" he asked.

May was surprised.

"How do you know?" he asked.

Alex smiled.

"I'm friends with Peter," he said.

May smiled.

"Thank you for saving me," he said.

The police arrived and took the men away.

May said goodbye to Alex.

"Thank you again," he said.

Alex smiled.

"You're welcome," he said.

They said goodbye.

Alex headed to his apartment.

I was thinking about what had happened.

He had saved Peter's aunt.

But he also knew that he had taken a big risk.

That night, Alex felt refreshed after saving May Parker. He decided to train with Suki, and to his surprise, he managed to manipulate and concentrate him. This meant only one thing: he had completely awakened his ability to control and use ki.

After three months and a week of hard work, he had overcome the first mountain that had stood in his way of becoming stronger. He felt proud and motivated to move forward.

"I did it," he said to himself, smiling. "I can feel the ki flowing inside me."

His mind and body were connected like never before. He could feel the ki energy circulating through his veins, ready to be used.

"Now is the time to move on," he told himself. "I have to keep training and honing my skills."

Alex knew the path to ki mastery would be long and difficult, but he was ready to face the challenges ahead.

"I'm ready," he told himself, with determination. "I'm ready to move forward and become the warrior I've always wanted to be."

The room was filled with an aura of determination and energy, as Alex prepared for the next step in his training.