Training (2)

Under the blazing midday sun, a young boy stood shirtless, his long, messy hair clinging to his sweat-drenched forehead. His body glistened with perspiration, each droplet tracing a path down his toned physique that looked almost out of place for such a young boy.

With movements both graceful and powerful, he transitioned seamlessly from one martial stance to the next, his gestures fluid and precise. His arms rose and fell, each strike carrying an elegance that made his practice appear almost like a dance. His blows were swift, flowing effortlessly from one to the next, each executed with an unprecedented precision that spoke of relentless discipline and focus.

On the same little island, two young girls could be seen receiving guidance from an old man. The girls were focused, following his instructions diligently, their eyes filled with determination.

The old man then made his way toward the young boy. He couldn't help but marvel at what he was witnessing. 'Goku at his age had already mastered martial arts from his grandpa, but Gohan... It's almost beyond belief. In just six months, he's not only grasped every technique I've taught him but perfected it to a level that even seasoned martial artists struggle to reach. At first, he was clumsy like any beginner, but as we kept going, it was like each move I demonstrated was absorbed and replicated with absolute precision, no hesitation, no flaw.' Master Roshi, the seasoned martial arts master, had never seen anything like it. He had been training Gohan, Videl, and Erasa for the past six months, and while the two girls had proven to be more dedicated and talented than he initially thought, Gohan was incomparable. It was as if Gohan had an instinctive understanding, one that transcended regular practice. Master Roshi knew the time had come...Gohan was ready to take his training to the next level and truly master Ki control.

"This brat may even be more talented than his father!" Master Roshi thought, shaking his head in amazement.

"Gohan, you can stop now. Go rest. Tomorrow, we'll dive into the real training," Master Roshi called out, his voice carrying both pride and seriousness, his hands clasped behind his back.

"As for you two, keep repeating what I showed you!" he instructed Videl and Erasa, his tone unwavering.

"Yes, Master!" they responded in unison, though they exchanged a quick glance. Both couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy watching Gohan finish early.

Erasa let out an exaggerated sigh as she glanced at Gohan disappearing inside. 'Ugh, why is he so insanely good at this!' she thought, feeling a mix of frustration and admiration for his natural talent.

As Gohan made his way indoors, he saw Launch reaching for the pepper and quickly rushed over to grab it for her. "Hehe, excuse me, Launch, let me do that for you," Gohan offered, his voice cheerful.

"Oh—thank you so much, Gohan! You're such a sweetheart," Launch said, smiling warmly as always, clearly unaware of the true reason behind Gohan's eagerness.

During the past six months, Launch had transformed into her blonde alter-ego quite a few times. It wasn't just her usual aggression, though she certainly had her moments, but each time, she caused a scene, mostly out of frustration over Tien's death.

So like that time passed till it was time to sleep, I was already accustomed to have those brats sleeping with me. The Kid in me was very happy about that but my adult nature made me feel a bit uncomfortable...

So, time passed, and eventually, night fell. We wrapped up our training, ate dinner, and soon enough, it was time to sleep. By now, I had grown quite accustomed to having Videl and Erasa sharing the futon with me. They'd both cling to my arms without hesitation, as if it had become their nightly routine, and honestly, I was starting to find it comforting in a strange way. It was nice not to be alone.

The kid in me couldn't deny how happy it made me. But my adult self, the part of me that remembered a different life, couldn't help but feel a little awkward about it. It was hard to reconcile those feelings—the innocent joy of being close to people I cared about versus the more mature awareness that made it feel a bit too strange.

Nevertheless, I wasn't about to complain. Their presence was comforting, and as I lay there listening to their soft breathing and feeling the warmth of their small hands gripping onto me, I couldn't help but smile. It was moments like these that reminded me how much I had grown accustomed to this way of living and how much I wanted to protect it. I wouldn't let any threat take this away from me. This world wouldn't be destroyed, not if I had anything to say about it. And of course, I won't die !

The next day, as usual, Master Roshi first gave guidance to Videl and Erasa before making his way over to me.

"Alright, Gohan, we're going to start today, but there's something you need to understand first," Master Roshi began, his expression serious. "I know many techniques, but Ki control isn't exactly my specialty. It wasn't until Goku and Krillin started diving deeper into it that I began researching more about it myself. My knowledge of Ki control is limited, but I will give it my all so you can master it. It would've been ideal if Kami could have taught you... anyway, let's start. Sit down."

I nodded, following his instructions, and sat down cross-legged across from him.

"Ki is the life energy that flows through every living thing," Master Roshi explained, "and, in a way, through non-living things too. It permeates everything, but it's just in much greater quantity in living beings. In people like us, Ki flows naturally within our bodies. The Ki that leaks out, that's what we perceive as someone's strength."

He paused, giving me a knowing look. "But remember, Gohan, never rely solely on that to judge an enemy. I'm sure you've realized this during your adventures, but it's important for me to clarify. Since you can already sense and control your Ki to some extent, I'll skip the basics."

Master Roshi shifted slightly, his voice becoming even more serious. "To make sure you don't run out of energy, you need to reduce your Ki output intentionally. By doing so, you'll learn to control your strength, and it will also help strengthen your body. The more Ki your body retains, the more it will circulate through your system, making you stronger, though only up to a point. Eventually, you'll reach the limit of what your body can endure, but for now, as a kid, this is ideal for you."

He leaned closer, his eyes glinting with something like excitement. "The more Ki you learn to keep within, the more you'll have at your disposal to manipulate. I've heard about your potential, Gohan. If you master this, you'll be able to tap into those reserves deep within yourself. That's where your true strength lies."

"Understood, Master!" I replied firmly. I had a grasp of what he was saying. I already knew how to suppress my energy to make myself undetectable, but intentionally lowering it to keep my strength at a controlled level was something far trickier.

"Good," Master Roshi nodded. "Now, follow my lead. First, we're going to empty our thoughts. It's simple—focus on just one thing, and only that. For example, think about the ocean. Concentrate on how the water in the ocean moves, how it flows. Let your mind settle on that."

I closed my eyes and began focusing on the ocean. At first, it felt strange. My thoughts kept wandering, latching onto anything but the ocean, memories, ideas, concerns. It was like trying to catch a slippery fish, my mind darting from one distraction to another. But I kept bringing my focus back to the ocean, over and over again, until finally, my thoughts began to quiet. Gradually, I found myself slipping into a trance.

I could see the ocean in my mind: an endless, shimmering blue expanse, stretching across the horizon. I pictured the waves, rising and falling, their movements gentle and constant, flowing with an effortless grace. I imagined the salty scent of the air, the sun reflecting off the water's surface, the distant sound of waves crashing softly against the shore. It was almost hypnotic—every detail deepening my connection to the vision, pulling me deeper into a sense of calm and focus.

"Great, excellent, perfect!" Master Roshi praised, his voice filled with a surprising level of excitement, as if I had just accomplished something profound.

"Open your eyes and look at yourself!"

I blinked my eyes open, and immediately, I felt different. It was like a new sense had awakened. I could see everything, not just in front of me but all around. There was a heightened awareness—a subtle sense of the world beyond what my eyes could perceive. I felt the air, the warmth of the sun, even the subtle movement of the earth beneath me. My energy seemed to pulse gently around me, like ripples spreading out in a calm, light-gray hue.

Master Roshi watched me, his smile full of approval. "This is only the beginning, Gohan. With practice, you'll gain control like never before. Remember, focus and harmony are key."

"So, what you see right now is your energy manifesting naturally, without you forcing it out," Master Roshi explained, his tone measured and calm. "It's flowing freely, and that's good. But now, we're going to take it to the next level."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Your task now is to draw this energy back in, suck it in until it returns within you. But listen carefully, Gohan: you must be very careful not to overload yourself. Control is everything here."

I nodded, my eyes locking onto the faint aura that surrounded me, like a gentle, gray mist. I could feel the energy, and I knew it was a part of me, yet it moved freely as if it had a life of its own. Slowly, I focused, trying to draw it back in, reining it closer, feeling it slowly absorb into my body. I started breathing through my mouth, each breath longer and steadier than the last.

It wasn't easy; the energy was resistant. I had to maintain control—too much, and I could harm myself; too little, and it would slip away entirely.

"Take your time, Gohan. Feel every part of it," Master Roshi's voice guided me, calm but filled with expectation. "Remember, you don't need to rush. Let it become one with you, naturally."

Bit by bit, the energy began to draw in, my aura shrinking as it retreated into my body, into my muscles. I could feel it consolidating, my body warming as the power flowed into every muscle, every fiber. The sensation was both strange and invigorating. Slowly, my aura faded, and I felt a stillness within, a perfect balance, as if every part of me was aligned.

Master Roshi nodded, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "Good work, Gohan. This is the essence of controlling your power, and mastering this will allow you to grow beyond your limits. Keep this up, and there won't be an enemy out there that can stand against you."

I looked up at him, my breath still coming in deep, steady rhythms. "Thank you, Master. I'll keep practicing." I knew this was only the start, but I felt a glimmer of something powerful, an understanding that true strength wasn't just about raw energy or transformations, but about truly knowing my capabilities, knowing myself, and mastering my body. It was this journey that would lead me to the top.

Author's note : please leave a review as if there is enough my story will have more recognition. Ten would be the required amount to have a rating. Please 🤧