Mastering useful techniques and Kamehameha.

After a few days, I could easily enter the trance state, letting my mind flow and my energy settle. It felt almost natural. Day after day, with relentless practice, my control over my energy sharpened. Finally, after months of focused training, I had managed to reduce my power level to just 5, a level of restraint and control that took me three months to achieve. The precision needed was immense, but mastering it felt like a significant milestone, a true step toward understanding my limits and surpassing them.

"I have to say, Gohan, you're an excellent student. I think it's time I teach you some of my techniques. I've got a few tricks left up my sleeve!" Master Roshi said excitedly. "I'll start with the original Breaking Wave of Ki—the true Kamehameha. This isn't just a simple energy beam; it requires much more finesse and understanding. Let me show you. Once you master the original Kamehameha, you'll be able to create other forms of it as well."

"I will demonstrate first," Master Roshi added, positioning himself.

"Wait, Master, won't it attract the androids if you unleash such a powerful beam?" I asked, my voice tinged with nervousness.

Master Roshi smiled reassuringly. "No need to worry. If they show up, it means they were already searching for us specifically. Besides, I'm not planning to release all of my power."

"Okay, Master," I nodded, still a little apprehensive.

Master Roshi then bent down, his knees slightly bending as he took a deep breath. He extended his arms forward, his fingers in an open fork shape, and brought his hands together. "Feel my ki carefully!" Master Roshi instructed, his eyes sharp and focused.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, feeling Master Roshi's ki beginning to gather around his wrists in a spiraling motion.

"KA!" he shouted. His ki surged with power, accumulating in his palms, though still invisible.

"ME!" The energy flared even more, buzzing with intensity.

"HA!" A glowing blue ball of light started to form between his hands as he pulled them to his side, his stance deepening as the energy gathered.

"ME!" The force continued to grow, becoming almost overwhelming.

Finally, "HA!" The energy burst out like an overinflated balloon that had been torn, the beam surging forward in a brilliant blue arc, full of crackling power, yet under complete control.

The ocean water rippled and bent around the beam as it shot across the horizon. The sheer force displaced the water, creating powerful waves in its wake.

"Did you see that, Gohan?" Master Roshi said, lowering his hands. "This wave was incredibly dangerous, but with the level of power I put into it, it shouldn't have been that strong. This is the true form of the Kamehameha, the energy itself enhances the surroundings, bending nature to its will." He paused, his gaze sharp as he looked at me. "Now, it's your turn to try. But I'm concerned your power level will make the beam too strong, even if you hold back. So, this is what I want you to do: stop the Kamehameha right when it begins to form."

He took a step closer, his voice filled with both instruction and caution. "It's actually easy to stop if you know what you're doing. You need to absorb the energy back into yourself, almost like you're breathing it in. That's the second reason why I taught you to control your power levels. If you're skilled at it, you can even nullify your own attacks."

"Understood, Master!" I nodded, determination coursing through me. A thought crossed my mind as I focused on his words: If I could master this technique... perhaps I could learn to partially absorb other people's attacks too?"

Master Roshi watched as I began focusing on practicing the Kamehameha, his expression both proud and thoughtful. He nodded to himself, then turned to make his way over to where the girls were training.

As he approached, his gaze settled on Videl, assessing her movements. This Videl girl is really talented, he thought to himself, watching the sharp, disciplined way she practiced her techniques. She seems to have her own martial arts foundation, likely taught by someone experienced. Adding my style might disrupt her current form. He stroked his beard in thought. She's getting close, perhaps ready for the basics of ki control. But I'll wait a bit longer before deciding how to teach her.

He then turned his attention to Erasa, watching her as she struggled through her exercises, her face set in a mix of determination and exhaustion. This other girl, Erasa… she's a bit above average, but Ki control is far beyond her right now. Roshi frowned slightly, his thoughts full of concern. It would take her years, perhaps five or more, to grasp it properly, even if she pushed herself hard every single day. It's unfortunate, but I can see she's hanging on mostly because of her friends.

Master Roshi sighed softly, the thought weighing on him. But this isn't the kind of training where stubbornness alone can carry you forward. He decided he would need to speak to Erasa soon, to ensure she understood her own limits. Pushing beyond them without a solid foundation could only end in frustration or worse. It was time to have a real conversation with her about her capabilities and how best to help her grow.

Master Roshi waited until the training session ended, then gestured subtly for Erasa to stay behind. She noticed and approached him, curiosity in her eyes, though a hint of unease was visible on her face.

"What is it, Master?" Erasa asked, her voice lighter than her expression. She could tell from Master Roshi's serious demeanor that this wasn't a casual chat. Deep down, she already knew what was coming.

Master Roshi took a deep breath, his gaze softening as he looked at her. "Erasa, you've done well to keep up. Your determination is admirable. But I think it's time we had an honest talk about where you stand in your training."

Erasa frowned slightly, her shoulders tensing. She tried to brace herself, but Master Roshi's words carried a heavy truth.

"You've done your best, and I respect that. You've made progress, without question. But you need to understand that you won't be able to catch up to Videl, and certainly not to Gohan." He paused, letting the words sink in. "Both of them have unique potential. Videl was already trained before she came here, and Gohan... well, he's a prodigy, perhaps even more than his father was at his age."

Erasa bit her lip, nodding slightly, though her eyes betrayed the disappointment she felt.

Master Roshi sighed, his tone becoming gentler. "This isn't about you lacking anything, Erasa. Everyone has different talents, different strengths. I don't want you to push yourself to the point of injury or exhaustion trying to keep up with them."

She swallowed, her voice barely a whisper. "Does that mean I should stop training?"

"No," Roshi shook his head firmly. "Not at all. If training brings you fulfillment, then you should continue. But I want you to understand your own pace. You have strength, Erasa, and you've got spirit. That matters. You can keep growing, but it has to be your journey, not one measured by the progress of those around you."

Erasa looked down at the ground, her expression a mix of emotions, frustration, acceptance, and perhaps a hint of relief. Finally, she looked back up at Master Roshi, determination still shining in her eyes. "I understand, Master. I just have to find my own way."

Roshi nodded approvingly. "That's right. Take it step by step. And remember, if you decide to stop, that's okay too. No one will judge you for it."

Erasa smiled faintly, the tension in her shoulders relaxing a little. "Thank you, Master Roshi."

He watched her walk away, knowing the road ahead would be challenging for her, but also recognizing the spirit she carried, a spirit that would keep her going, no matter how tough the journey became.

I smiled as I made my way deeper inside, having overheard everything Master Roshi said to Erasa. It made me genuinely happy to see her understand her own path. In the show, she was just a secondary character that popped up during my school days. I had been a bit worried about how things would turn out for her here, but it seemed she was finding her way.

"You must think you're so cool right now," a voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up to see Videl standing in front of me, her arms crossed, giving me a knowing smirk. It seemed she had stayed to listen in too, and judging by her expression, she wasn't going to let me bask in the moment without teasing me a little.

"Ugh, I don't know what you're talking about," I said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. I could feel my face heating up, trying to play it cool, but failing miserably.

Videl raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. "Yeah, sure. You looked like you were about to give some kind of speech or something," she teased, stepping closer, raising her eyebrow looking at me.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. "I wasn't! I was just… you know… happy for her, that's all."

She let out a laugh, her teasing expression softening. "I know. I heard it all too. You're a pretty good guy, Gohan."

I blinked, surprised by the sudden sincerity. "Uh, thanks, Videl."

She nodded, her usual confidence returning as she crossed her arms. "Just don't let it get to your head, okay?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No danger of that." I wasn't about to forget those killing machines were flying around.

We ate dinner quietly, the day's training leaving us exhausted but content. As we finally settled down in the futon for the night, Videl's voice broke the silence.

"Hey, Erasa, you know… we heard everything Master Roshi said to you earlier," Videl said, her tone gentler than usual.

Erasa lay beside us, staring up at the ceiling. She let out a small sigh. "Yeah, I figured you guys were listening. It's okay. I mean, it's not like it's a secret or anything," she said with a faint smile.

Videl propped herself up on her elbow, looking over at Erasa. "You know, just because Roshi said you wouldn't be able to catch up to me or Gohan doesn't mean you're not strong," she said earnestly. "Honestly, if it were anyone else, they'd have given up ages ago. You're still here, Erasa. That's something to be proud of."

I nodded in agreement. "Videl's right. Everyone has their own pace. And besides, I know how tough you are, sticking it out with us is no small feat." I smiled, hoping it would reassure her.

Erasa looked at both of us, her expression softening. She blinked a few times as if holding back tears. "Thanks, guys… It's hard sometimes, you know? But I really want to keep going. Not just for you two, but for myself too," she said, her thoughts briefly drifting to her parents and the desire to find them alive.

Videl grinned, giving Erasa a playful nudge. "That's the spirit. You're not allowed to quit anyway."

Erasa giggled, wiping her eyes quickly before turning back toward the ceiling. "Alright, alright. No quitting for me."

"Such a good girl!" I said, leaning over to give Erasa a gentle kiss on her forehead. It was meant to be comforting, an innocent gesture.

Erasa's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing pink. "W-What was that for?" she stammered, though a small smile tugged at her lips.

I scratched the back of my head, feeling a bit awkward. "Uh, just... encouragement," I said sheepishly.

Videl raised an eyebrow, her lips twitching with a hint of a smirk. "Encouragement, huh? Why don't I get one too?" she asked, her tone light, though there was a hint of jealousy.

I looked at Videl, taking note of her expression, and let out a sigh. "Fiiine." Leaning over, I gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead as well.

Videl blinked, her cheeks turning just as pink as Erasa's had. "There. Happy?" I teased, trying to play off the awkwardness.

She huffed, crossing her arms but with a small smile. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get all cocky now, Gohan."

Erasa giggled softly, and we all exchanged glances, the warmth between us making the moment feel more like a bond shared between true friends. I guess my reasons for protecting this world increased !

The next day, we were brimming with excitement, and it didn't go unnoticed. Master Roshi eyed us, his proud smile barely concealed beneath his usual calm demeanor. He could see the determination in our expressions, and it seemed to make him genuinely happy.

After just a week, I managed to master the Kamehameha technique. I had been focused, working tirelessly to perfect it, and in the process, I made an interesting discovery. As I learned to absorb and control my own ki, I realized I could manipulate the Kamehameha's form in new ways. If I retracted my energy at just the right moment, I could turn the Kamehameha into a sort of energy bomb, one that I could control at will. It was all about timing and precision, and the potential it had excited me.

Master Roshi watched my progress intently, nodding with approval. It was clear that he was impressed, and it felt good knowing that my hard work was paying off.

Even the way I channeled my ki could completely transform the technique. The more I practiced, the more fascinated I became by how slight changes in ki manipulation could alter the outcome entirely. It wasn't just a beam or an energy bomb anymore, it was a versatile tool that could be adapted depending on the circumstances. It was incredible to think about the possibilities, and I couldn't help but feel motivated to see how far I could push my skills.

While I was absorbed in training, I noticed something else. Someone had been watching us, and that someone was Launch. I had spotted her a few days ago, and it seemed like whenever she wasn't busy cooking, she'd find her way over to watch us practice. Specifically, she had her eyes on me most of the time, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

It wasn't like she was hiding it either. She'd stand nearby, her gaze fixed intently on my every movement, and occasionally I'd catch her smiling. It made me curious. What was it about the training that fascinated her so much? Or was it something else entirely?

Honestly, I didn't have time to dwell on it. The androids were still out there, and until they were dealt with, my focus had to remain on training and getting stronger. But I couldn't deny that Launch intrigued me. She was such an unusual presence, able to change personalities with a sneeze, and somehow summon weapons from nowhere. It didn't make any sense, even in a world as strange as this one. How in the world could sneezing trigger something so drastic?

There were so many mysteries surrounding her, and maybe one day, once the threat of the androids was gone, I could learn more about her. But for now, my mind had to stay on the task at hand, saving this world, and making sure none of us fell short when it mattered most.

So, just like that, a few more months slipped by, and it had now been a full year since I had arrived here. I was now 10 years old. The androids were still out there, wreaking havoc as they pleased. They frequently made their appearance on a news channel that was somehow still managing to broadcast. It baffled me. They were still alive, still managing to find refuge in some bunker somewhere, and it seemed to me like the androids were just letting them be. If the androids truly wanted to, they could easily wipe out the entire planet, let alone a news crew hiding in some bunker. It wasn't like they couldn't annihilate a measly channel, if they felt like it.

Yet, every report that came through painted a picture of the destruction those androids caused, every update adding to the list of the innocent lives they had claimed. Watching it, seeing the devastation, it made my blood boil. Every single time, I felt a mix of anger, helplessness, and frustration bubbling up inside of me. These people were suffering, people who didn't deserve any of this. But despite the rage, I knew I couldn't do anything just yet. Not until I was strong enough to take them on and make a difference.

Master Roshi, recognizing my impatience, pushed me harder and taught me a few other techniques that could make a difference when the time came. Among those were Thunder Shock Surprise, Evil Containment Wave, and even his Max Power Form. Each of these skills held immense potential, but it was the Max Power Form that left the most impact on me.

It wasn't an easy technique to master, and it had its risks, but I knew that in a fight where my chances seemed bleak, it could turn the tide.

I wasn't going to delve into the details of those techniques now, but every single one felt like a godsend. They each had their specific use, and if applied correctly, I knew they could prove to be invaluable in the battles ahead. I needed every edge I could get. These weren't just run-of-the-mill opponents—these were killing machines that could obliterate the planet in an instant if they chose to.

And so, every day I trained. I studied every movement, practiced every technique to perfection, because when the time came, I had to be ready. I couldn't let this world fall into despair.

Master Roshi smiled proudly as he spoke, "Gohan, I've taught you almost everything I know. Now, it's time for you to go out and train on your own."

I bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle, my voice sincere. "Yes, Master! Thank you for everything!"

Master Roshi patted my shoulder as I straightened up. "Go, and make your father proud. And remember, it's not just about power—it's also about heart."

I nodded and turned to Videl and Erasa, who were standing to the side. Videl's lips were set in a thin line, and Erasa's eyes shimmered with tears.

"I guess this is it, huh?" I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah..." Videl muttered, trying to keep her voice steady. She stepped forward, arms crossed. "Make sure you come back in one piece, got it? We'll be waiting here."

I grinned at her, nodding. "Of course. I'll be back before you know it."

Erasa, on the other hand, didn't hold back. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Stay safe, Gohan! Don't forget about us, okay?"

I returned the hug gently, smiling. "I won't, I promise."

After I let go, I looked at them both. "You two keep training, alright? Keep getting stronger."

"You bet!" Videl said with a smirk, her usual confidence shining through.

"Absolutely!" Erasa chimed in, her bright smile returning.

I turned to head inside, knowing I still had a few more farewells to make. I found Launch in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast. She turned, her usual kind smile brightening when she saw me.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" she said softly.

I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for everything, Launch. You've been amazing."

She smiled warmly, and to my surprise, she leaned forward and hugged me. "You take care of yourself, Gohan. And don't forget, we'll all be waiting for you."

"I won't forget," I replied, my voice full of gratitude.

I then found Oolong and Puar in the living room. Oolong tried to look uninterested, but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Well, I guess you're off to play hero, huh?" Oolong said, attempting to sound casual.

"Yep. Someone's got to do it," I said with a smile.

"Just... try not to get yourself killed, alright?" Oolong muttered, looking away.

"I'll do my best," I replied, giving him a thumbs-up.

Puar floated closer, his eyes wide. "Good luck, Gohan! We believe in you!"

"Thanks, Puar," I said, giving him a little wave. "I'll make sure to come back stronger."

With all my goodbyes said, I stepped outside and looked back at the small house on the island. My heart felt heavy, but I knew this was the right path. I had a mission, and I couldn't afford to let anything stop me.

After saying my goodbyes on Master Roshi's island, I knew my next destination was Capsule Corp. Bulma would be the key to advancing my training. If my memory was right, Trunks would be around three years old now, still too young to join in on anything physically demanding. But that also meant Bulma would have more time to help with what I needed.

As I flew, the ocean breeze whipping past me, I started planning out the next steps in my mind. I needed Bulma's technological brilliance if I was to take my training to the next level. My power had grown exponentially over the past year, but I knew there was still so much more to achieve—especially when it came to mastering Super Saiyan.

I couldn't just rely on old-fashioned methods anymore. What I needed now was more intense training—training that would push me beyond my current limits. And that meant a gravity room. Vegeta had trained in one to become even stronger, and I knew if I wanted to face the Androids, I needed something similar. Maybe even better.

Author's note : Quite a long chapter 😭, I'm tired as hell, next chapter tomorrow won't be as long but expect some actions to take place... MUAHAHAHAHA