We'll see about that !

Videl's POV

It had been a year since Gohan left Kame House. A whole year of training, of missing him, of wondering when he'd be back and if he was okay. Erasa and I had kept up our training, though without Gohan around, it was different, quieter, lonelier. We had grown stronger, no doubt, but deep down, we both knew that we weren't anywhere close to Gohan's level. Not yet.

But now, everything seemed to be spiraling out of control. The androids, they were searching for Master Roshi. They'd attacked the news channel, asking for his location, threatening innocent people just to draw him out. My heart pounded as I thought about what this meant. It wasn't just Master Roshi they were after. They were hunting for Gohan too. And that made my blood run cold.

Master Roshi had gathered us all earlier in the day. His face was serious, more serious than I'd ever seen it. We had to leave Kame House, the place we had called home for the last year. "It's no longer safe here," he said, his voice firm. "They'll be coming for us, and I can't risk you girls getting hurt."

Erasa and I exchanged a look. She looked as worried as I felt. We had both known this day might come, but now that it was here, it felt surreal. The place that had been our sanctuary, our place of growth and safety, was suddenly a target.

"Master Roshi, where will we go?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. The thought of leaving made my chest tighten, but I couldn't let fear show. Not in front of Erasa, not in front of Master Roshi.

Roshi sighed, his gaze drifting to the ocean for a moment before he answered. "We'll find somewhere else to lay low. Somewhere remote. I've got a few ideas, but for now, we need to focus on getting out of here safely."

I nodded, determination setting in. We couldn't afford to hesitate. The androids weren't going to wait for us to be ready, they were already on the move. And if Gohan was out there somewhere, I knew he'd be doing everything he could to protect us.

"Erasa, we'll be okay," I said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and scared, but she nodded.

"Yeah," she said softly. "We've come this far. We can keep going."

We packed quickly, the weight of what was coming pressing down on all of us. As I stuffed my few belongings into a bag, I couldn't help but think of Gohan. Was he ready? Did he know what was happening? I hoped, wherever he was, that he was prepared, because soon enough, we were all going to need him.

Videl and the others had managed to evacuate Kame House, but they hadn't gotten far. They found themselves on the nearest island, hiding amongst the dense foliage and rocky outcrops, watching the horizon anxiously. It was frustrating, being so close to safety, yet knowing they weren't truly out of danger. The news that the androids had found Kame House hit them like a punch in the gut, freezing them in their tracks.

Moving now was too dangerous; any sign of movement could tip off the androids, leading them straight to their hiding spot. But staying where they were wasn't much better. If the androids decided to expand their search, this nearby island would be an easy target, putting them directly in harm's way. It felt like they were trapped between two impossible choices, stay and risk discovery, or move and risk detection.

Videl clenched her fists, her eyes narrowing as she peered out toward the direction of Kame House, the distant silhouette barely visible. The thought of being caught was terrifying, but the thought of sitting still, helpless, waiting for the worst to happen was even worse. They had to think of something, some way to get out of this predicament without drawing the androids' attention.

She glanced over at Erasa and the others, trying to keep her expression calm despite the tension in her chest. She knew they needed to stay quiet, stay hidden, and somehow avoid becoming the next targets of the androids. But every second that ticked by only added to the weight of the danger pressing down on them. They were in a tight spot, and Videl knew it would take everything they had to make it through unscathed.

'Gohan...' Videl's thoughts drifted back to him, her heart aching with worry. It had been over a year since Gohan left Kame House, heading off on his own training journey. She knew how powerful he was, how determined he was to protect everyone, but it didn't stop the fear from creeping in. Where was he now? Would he even know what was happening? She bit her lip, hoping that somehow, Gohan would sense the danger they were in, that he'd know they needed him.

She glanced at Erasa, who was huddled close, her eyes wide and filled with fear. It broke Videl's heart to see her like this. Erasa had been so strong throughout the past year, pushing herself every day despite not being able to keep up with Gohan and Videl. But now, the terror was evident on her face, her usual optimism replaced by uncertainty.

"We'll be okay," Videl whispered, though her voice was almost lost in the sound of the ocean waves crashing against the nearby rocks. "We just have to stay hidden... and hope for the best."

Erasa looked at her, her eyes softening for a moment before she nodded, her lips forming a shaky smile. "Yeah, we will. Gohan's strong... I know he'll come."

Videl nodded, though the knot of fear in her chest remained. She had to believe that Gohan would find a way to come back to them. He always did. And this time, more than ever, they needed him to be the hero they knew he was capable of being. For now, all they could do was wait, stay silent, and pray that they remained unnoticed until help came.


"Hey, old man, is this the place?" Android 17 asked, holding an elderly martial artist by the collar.

"Yes... argh, yes, this is Muten Roshi's House!" the old man gasped, struggling for breath.

"So it is," 17 said, a mocking grin on his face. "It's pretty cozy. Maybe we could live here, 18!" he added, tossing the old man into the ocean without a second thought.


"Pff," 18 scoffed, her face betraying no emotion. She glanced at the house, considering for a moment that it did look comfortable, but she didn't let her thoughts wander too far.

"Well, let's check it out," 17 said, stepping toward the quiet Kame House. He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing. "Doesn't seem like anyone's home. I don't sense a thing."

Android 17 looked at the Kame House, then back at the empty stretch of ocean surrounding the small island. He frowned, his eyes narrowing. "It's strange. The house is here, but it doesn't feel like anyone's been around for a while." He glanced over at his sister, who was looking around with disinterest.

"Maybe they fled, but they couldn't have gone far," 18 suggested with a shrug, her eyes drifting to the ocean beyond.

"Tsk," 17 muttered, stepping closer to the door of the house. He pushed it open, peering inside. The house was empty, eerily silent, as if it had been abandoned in a hurry. The furniture was there, but there were no signs of life, no food, no clothing left out, nothing to indicate that people had been staying here.

"Someone's been here recently," he said, his voice low. He could see a photo frame on a small shelf, a picture of Master Roshi with Launch, Oolong, Puar, and some others including Young goku. He held it up, showing it to 18. "Look, they didn't live here alone. There's more of them."

18 looked at the picture and sighed. "Then let's search the nearby islands," she said, crossing her arms. "They can't have gone far. The old man wouldn't have gotten far without help.""

"Fine," 17 smirked, dropping the picture back onto the shelf carelessly. "I was hoping for a bit more fun, but I guess we'll just have to go island to island until we find them." He turned and walked back outside, glancing around at the neighboring small islands. "I'll destroy the house, it'll send a message. If they're hiding nearby, they'll hear it."

Android 18 nodded, giving the house one last look before she turned her back on it. 17 raised his hand, gathering energy in his palm, the light growing and humming with power. Without a second thought, he released it, the beam striking the Kame House and obliterating it in a blinding flash of light. The explosion sent debris flying, the remains of the cozy home scattered into the ocean.

"There, gone," 17 said, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "Now let's go find the old man and his friends. They must be nearby."

The two androids took off, flying low over the water, scanning the surrounding islands for any sign of life. They moved quickly, with the cold efficiency that came naturally to them. Island after island passed under them, and they found nothing, no sign of Roshi or the others.

But then, as they approached one of the smaller islands, 17's eyes narrowed. He saw movement, a flash of color among the dense greenery. He smiled, his eyes glinting with excitement. "There, I see something."

18 turned her gaze toward the island, her expression still indifferent. "Let's check it out."

They landed on the beach, their feet sinking slightly into the soft sand. The island was quiet, but they could sense that someone was there. 17 led the way, pushing through the dense foliage, his eyes scanning the area intently.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," he called out mockingly, his voice echoing through the trees. "Old man, we know you're here. You can't hide from us forever."

From their hiding place, Videl, Erasa, Master Roshi, and the others held their breath. They had seen the explosion from afar, watched as the Kame House was reduced to rubble. And now, the androids were here, searching for them.

Master Roshi looked at the others, his face grim. "Stay quiet," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "We can't let them find us."

Videl clenched her fists, her heart pounding in her chest. She glanced at Erasa, who looked terrified, her eyes wide as she tried to stay calm. They were trapped, unable to move without being detected, and unable to stay without risking being found.

The androids were getting closer, their footsteps crunching on the underbrush. Videl closed her eyes, her thoughts going to Gohan. 'Please, Gohan... wherever you are... we need you.'

"If you don't come out, we'll blow up this place. Counting to three... two... one..." Light began to gather in the hands of both Android 17 and 18, ready to obliterate the island.

"STOP!" Master Roshi stepped out of his hiding place, his heart pounding.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the so-called Muten Roshi," 17 sneered, though he seemed puzzled, tilting his head slightly. "You really made us search for you, old man. But are you trying to tell us you're here all alone?" He glanced around, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Roshi shook his head urgently, his voice shaky but firm. "No one else is here! I'm alone, I swear!" He was hoping, praying that his desperate plea would make the androids give up the search.

17 raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. A smirk tugged at his lips as he crossed his arms. "Don't take us for fools, old man. You can't be alone, not after the way you fled. 18, go find the others."

"Ugh, seriously?" 18 sighed, rolling her eyes in irritation. She wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of hunting people down when she could have just blasted the island. Nonetheless, she moved quickly, her cold blue eyes scanning the dense underbrush with calculated efficiency.

"Wait, no, I'm telling you the truth!" Master Roshi protested, his voice cracking. He stepped forward, his hands raised in desperation, but his words fell on deaf ears. 18 wasn't about to let him deter her.

She pushed through the greenery with swift, sure movements. It wasn't long before she found them, Videl, Erasa, Launch, Oolong, and Puar, all huddled together, their faces a mix of fear and resignation. They had tried to keep as quiet as possible, hoping against hope that the androids would move on, but there was no hiding from the relentless pursuit of Android 18.

"Got them all," 18 called out, her voice carrying an edge of mockery as she marched back to where 17 stood, dragging her captives behind her. Videl and Erasa stumbled as they were forced forward, their faces pale, but their eyes were defiant. Launch was breathing heavily, her expression wavering between terror and anger. Oolong and Puar were both trembling, their eyes wide with fear.

Master Roshi clenched his fists as he saw them, frustration and helplessness etched on his face. He had tried to protect them, but in the end, they were caught anyway. His heart sank as he looked at each of them, knowing that they were at the mercy of these merciless androids.

"Well, look at this," 17 said, his smirk widening as he surveyed the group. "The whole gang's here." He turned his gaze back to Master Roshi, his tone dripping with mockery. "You really thought you could hide them from us, old man? How pathetic."

Roshi remained silent, his lips pressed tightly together. He could feel Videl's eyes on him, her expression filled with anger and desperation, and Erasa looked as though she was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, 17," 18 said, her gaze fixed on their captives, "what do you think we should do with them? They went through all the trouble of hiding from us. Shouldn't we make an example out of them?" Her cold smile sent chills down everyone's spine.

17 looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I think you're right. But let's not be too hasty. After all, we went through all this trouble to find them. Why not enjoy it a bit?" His smirk returned, his eyes gleaming with sadistic amusement.

The group remained silent, their hearts pounding in fear. They all knew what was coming, and each of them held their breath, hoping for some kind of miracle.

From their place, Videl gritted her teeth, her fists clenching tightly. Her thoughts went to Gohan. 'Please, Gohan... wherever you are... we need you now.'

Master Roshi took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite the odds. He knew they had only one hope left, if Gohan could somehow find them before it was too late.

"Tell us, where is Son Gohan, the son of Son Goku?" 17 demanded, his voice cold, yet amused. He tightened his grip on Master Roshi's collar, lifting him slightly off the ground. "Surely you must know him, right? If you tell us, we might not make you suffer."

"Son Gohan? I... I don't kno—" Before Master Roshi could finish, a sudden flash of light flew past his head. A ki laser, fired by 18, missed his ear by a fraction, leaving a thin line of blood trickling down his neck. The old man gasped in pain, wincing as the searing heat of the blast lingered.

"Oops," 18 said with a casual smirk, inspecting her nails as if she hadn't just nearly blown Roshi's head off. "My finger slipped."

Roshi's eyes narrowed, struggling to remain calm despite the stinging pain. He could hear the soft gasps from behind him—Videl, Erasa, Launch, Puar, and Oolong watching in horror, powerless to do anything. He had to stay strong. He had to protect them, no matter what.

"You... you won't get any answers out of me!" Roshi said, his voice firm despite the tremor of pain.

17 tilted his head, an unimpressed look on his face. "You sure about that, old man?" He shook Roshi slightly, his tone mocking. "I don't think you understand your situation here."

"Yeah," 18 chimed in, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the others. "It'd be a shame if something happened to your friends because of your stubbornness." She turned to Videl and the others, her gaze cold and calculating. "One by one, old man. How much are you willing to let them suffer before you break?"

Erasa's eyes widened, and she took an involuntary step back, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "No, please..." she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Leave them alone!" Videl shouted, her voice cracking with both fury and desperation. She tried to step forward, but 18 held her in place, the android's grip like a vice.

Master Roshi clenched his teeth, his heart aching as he saw the fear in their eyes. "Please," he said, his voice breaking slightly, "don't hurt them... they have nothing to do with Gohan."

17 smiled at that, leaning closer to Roshi, his eyes gleaming with a cruel light. "Oh, but that's where you're wrong, old man. They have everything to do with him. Because, you see, Gohan's the reason we're here. If we make enough noise, I bet he'll come running—just like a hero should."

Videl's heart sank as she listened, her gaze drifting to Master Roshi, who looked just as hopeless. They all knew the androids wouldn't just stop if Gohan came—they'd destroy everything anyway.

"Now, let's make it simple," 17 said, his tone dropping, the amusement gone. "You have one last chance, old man. Tell us where Gohan is, or we'll start with her." He gestured to Videl, whose face paled.

Master Roshi felt his stomach drop, his mind racing. He knew there was nothing he could say that would satisfy these androids, nothing that could spare his friends from their cruelty.

He could only hope, pray that Gohan was on his way—that somehow, he'd know they were in danger.

But for now, he had to stall, had to keep them focused on him. He took a deep breath, trying to muster what little strength he had left.

"I'm not telling you anything," he said, looking 17 directly in the eyes, his voice steady despite the fear. "If you want Gohan, you'll have to find him yourself."

The silence that followed was deafening, the tension thick. 17's eyes flashed with annoyance, his lips curling in displeasure.

"Wrong answer," he said coldly, his grip tightening on Roshi's collar.

18, watching the scene unfold, gave a small, almost bored sigh. "Guess we're doing this the hard way, then."

And with that, the situation became even more dire. The captives knew they had to stay strong, even if hope seemed out of reach.

Master Roshi was still convulsing slightly, his body trembling from the intense pressure that had just been released, but before he could process what was happening, the grip on his neck was suddenly gone. A flash, then an earsplitting BOOM! echoed through the island as Android 17 was sent flying backward, crashing into the rocks with a resounding impact.

"Gohan!" Everyone shouted in unison, their voices filled with a mix of shock and hope. Relief washed over them as they saw him standing there, his stance strong and unwavering. He had grown, his body more toned, and his eyes sharper, more intense. He wore an orange gi, reminiscent of his father's, and his short hair framed his face perfectly. He looked almost like a different person, older, more mature, and yet still Gohan.

Gohan glanced back at them, his gaze softening slightly when he saw their worried faces. "Well, it seems I barely made it. Master, are you alright?" His eyes then narrowed, shifting towards Androids 17 and 18, his fierce expression returning. He looked every bit the warrior he'd trained to be, focused and ready.

Master Roshi coughed, wincing a bit as he tried to sit up. "Cough... I'm okay, you really made me wait, you punk!" Despite the situation, a smile tugged at his lips, the relief evident in his eyes.

"Sorry about that, Master," Gohan said, his lips twitching into a brief smile before his expression hardened again. He reached into his gi and pulled out a capsule, tossing it towards Master Roshi. "Take this."

Master Roshi caught it, looking at it in confusion for a moment before recognition dawned on him. "It's an aeronef," Gohan said. "Get everyone out of here—far away. I'll take care of these two."

Master Roshi's eyes widened, and he gave Gohan a sharp look. "Gohan, these androids... are dangerous," he warned, his voice shaky. "Even if you're stronger now, this—"

"I know," Gohan cut him off, his voice firm, but with a glint of determination that left no room for argument. "I know what they are, and I know what I'm up against. But I have to do this. Get them out of here, Master."

Master Roshi hesitated, his gaze lingering on Gohan's determined face. He could see the strength in the boy, the readiness for battle, the same look that his father, Goku, used to have. He nodded, knowing there was no stopping him now.

"Alright, but... you better come back alive, Gohan," Master Roshi said, a note of finality in his voice.

Gohan gave a small nod, his gaze flickering back to the androids. "Don't worry. I'll be right behind you once I'm done here."

Without another word, Master Roshi pressed the button on the capsule, and it exploded with a puff of smoke, revealing a small aircraft. He motioned for Videl, Erasa, Launch, Oolong, and Puar to get in quickly.

Videl looked at Gohan, her heart pounding, her face a mixture of fear and admiration. "Gohan... be careful," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos around them.

Gohan gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, Videl. Just stay safe."

As the aircraft began to lift off the ground, Gohan turned fully towards the androids, his stance widening as he prepared himself. Android 17 emerged from the rubble, his eyes blazing with fury, while 18 hovered nearby, her expression cold and assessing.

"You little brat," 17 spat, dusting himself off. His gaze locked onto Gohan, pure malice in his eyes. "You're going to regret that."

Gohan's eyes narrowed, the fierce determination in them unwavering. "We'll see about that."

Author's note : Leave a comment and a review, hope it was a good chapter.