
"Well, Gohan, you're going to regret taking me by surprise!" 17 growled, a wicked grin spreading across his face. He glanced at 18. "18, don't intervene. I intend to teach this brat a lesson myself!"

18 crossed her arms, a hint of a smirk on her lips. "Alright, but remember, if you start struggling, I'm taking over. I need to vent on this annoying kid too."

Gohan smirked, his eyes flashing with confidence. "That's pretty amusing, coming from you two. It's your last day, and yet you're still cracking jokes!"

"What?!" 17's eyes widened, offended by Gohan's mocking tone. Rage flashed in his eyes, and without hesitation, he charged at Gohan. In an instant, he appeared in front of Gohan, his fist flying towards Gohan's stomach.

But just as 17's punch was about to connect, Gohan moved with lightning speed. His hand deflected 17's fist with a swift, skillful motion, redirecting it with the back of his hand. The momentum left 17's guard wide open, and Gohan didn't miss the opportunity.

With a powerful twist of his hips, Gohan countered with a punch of his own, his fist driving deep into 17's gut. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, and 17's eyes widened in shock, his body lurching forward as the breath was knocked out of him.

"Argh!" 17 spat out some saliva, the force of my punch clearly enough to make him feel as if it had torn through him.

"I advise you to use your full strength and not underestimate me," I said calmly, not out of arrogance, but as a simple fact. "Or you will die in a matter of seconds."

17 stumbled back, wiping the saliva from his lips, his eyes locked on Gohan, rage bubbling beneath the surface. "You brat...! You think you're something just because you landed a hit on me?"

Gohan looked at him calmly, his expression unwavering. "I'm just saying, if you don't go all out, you'll regret it." His tone wasn't arrogant; it was as if he was stating a simple fact.

17 gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing. "You want me to go all out? Fine." His aura flared up, blue energy swirling around him as he gathered his strength. "You'll regret making me do this."

Without further words, 17 lunged at Gohan, his movements faster and more aggressive than before. He came at Gohan with a flurry of punches and kicks, each one fueled by the full extent of his power. The force of each strike was intense, but Gohan's eyes were sharp, his body moving fluidly to evade each attack.

17's fist flew toward Gohan's face, but Gohan leaned back just enough for the fist to pass by harmlessly. Another kick came from the side, but Gohan raised his arm, effortlessly blocking it before twisting his body to deflect the force. His movements were precise and controlled, his eyes following 17's every move, reading his intentions like an open book.

Gohan slipped past 17's guard, delivering a sharp elbow strike to his ribs, followed by a quick spin to bring his knee into 17's side. The blows were swift and accurate, hitting all the right spots to disrupt 17's rhythm. Even though 17 had the advantage in raw power and speed, Gohan's skill and technique allowed him to keep up without missing a beat.

17 grunted in frustration, swinging wildly at Gohan, but Gohan slipped past each strike, his body moving with a calmness that seemed almost effortless. He used minimal movement to dodge, conserving his energy while making 17 work harder for every inch. Each time 17 tried to press his advantage, Gohan was already a step ahead, redirecting the attacks and countering with well-placed strikes that kept 17 off balance.

Gohan ducked under a high kick, his eyes never leaving 17's face. He could see the frustration growing in the android's eyes, the anger that came with every missed hit. Gohan's fist shot up, catching 17 under the chin with an uppercut that sent him reeling back. He followed up with a spinning kick that connected solidly with 17's side, the impact echoing through the air.

"What's wrong, 17?" Gohan asked, his voice calm as he straightened up, his gaze steady. "You wanted me to fight seriously, didn't you?"

17 snarled, his aura flaring brighter. "You think you're better just because you're dodging?! Fight me head-on, coward!" He charged again, his fists flying, but Gohan's movements were almost like a dance, graceful, deliberate, and always just out of reach.

With each exchange, it became more apparent, Gohan wasn't struggling. He wasn't even pushed to his limits. He was in complete control, his mind focused, his body responding instinctively to every move 17 made. He could see every opening, predict every attack. It was as if 17's anger and frustration were making his moves even more predictable, while Gohan remained composed, unfazed.

As 17 lunged at him again, Gohan sidestepped, his arm shooting out to grab 17's wrist. With a swift movement, he twisted it behind 17's back, forcing the android forward before kicking him away, sending him skidding across the ground.

17 scrambled back to his feet, his face twisted in fury. "Damn you, Gohan...!" He charged again, but Gohan remained calm, his eyes watching, his body ready. The difference in their approaches was clear—17 was fighting with brute force, while Gohan was fighting with precision and skill, controlling the fight without wasting any energy.

As the fight continued, Gohan's dominance became more evident. He wasn't just keeping up—he was leading the fight, dictating its pace. And 17, despite his power, couldn't break through.

Every move he made was countered, every opening he tried to exploit was already closed off by Gohan's swift movements.

It wasn't a matter of strength or speed anymore. It was a matter of control, and Gohan had all of it.

As the fight progressed, 17 sustained only minimal injuries, thanks to his infinite stamina, he wasn't tired in the slightest. On the other hand, Gohan hadn't tapped into his full power and still maintained a calm composure, showing no signs of fatigue.

Gohan's attacks were precise, well-calculated, and fluid, always managing to evade or counter 17's relentless assaults. He had trained to perfect his movements, and it showed. Despite not matching 17's raw speed and brute strength, Gohan's martial arts skills were leagues ahead.

Every strike, every maneuver carried an elegance that outclassed the android's sheer force.

Even when 17 tried to increase his aggression, pushing his speed to break Gohan's defenses, Gohan always managed to stay one step ahead—deflecting, dodging, and redirecting the android's powerful blows. It was as if Gohan could predict each move, reacting with grace and skill. And all the while, Gohan's expression remained calm, his eyes unwavering, as if he had already visualized the outcome of this battle.

'I should test this,' I thought, a determined resolve settling in my mind.

Without wasting a second, I erupted forward at full speed, my aura flaring around me as I rocketed towards 17. He hadn't seen it coming, his guard down as he exchanged a glance with 18, still confident that he was in control of this battle.

Before he could react, I appeared right in front of him, my fist already drawn back. His eyes widened in shock, the realization hitting him just a moment too late. I slammed my fist into his chest with every bit of strength I could muster. The impact was like a thunderclap, the force rippling out from the point of contact. The air in front of my punch compressed under the sheer pressure, the shockwave blasting outward.

"Argh—!" 17 grunted, his breath forced from his lungs in a violent gasp as the force of my punch shot him backward, driving him into the ground with a loud crash. The ground beneath him cracked, a small crater forming as he was slammed down with incredible force.

I hovered above him, watching as he struggled to push himself up from the crater. "What's wrong, 17?" I called down, my voice carrying an edge of taunt, "Didn't you say you were going to teach me a lesson? Looks like you're the one who's getting schooled here!"

17 gritted his teeth, his face twisted in pain and frustration. He looked up at me, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think this changes anything, you brat?! I haven't even started using my full power yet!" He spat, his voice dripping with both rage and disbelief.

I floated down to the edge of the crater, my eyes locked on him, unwavering. "Oh, really?" I said, raising an eyebrow, my tone calm. "Because, from where I'm standing, it looks like you're the one struggling." I took a step forward, my gaze hardening. "You said you'd use your full power. Well, here I am, not even breaking a sweat. So come on, 17, show me what you've got, or admit that you're not as strong as you think you are."

17's face contorted in fury, his pride wounded, and he forced himself back up, his stance unsteady. His aura began to flare up, a shimmering light that surrounded his body. "You… you'll regret this," he growled, his voice low and threatening. He turned his head slightly, glaring at 18. "Stay back, 18—I don't need your help for this," he snapped, his tone sharp.

18, still standing on the edge of the battlefield, crossed her arms, her gaze locked onto me with a hint of intrigue. She smirked, clearly entertained by her brother's frustration. "Alright, 17," she said, her voice calm, yet condescending. "Just try not to embarrass yourself any further."

I watched 17 as he powered up, his aura flaring with intensity, dust and debris swirling around him. I clenched my fists, the energy within me simmering just beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed. 'Let's see if he can handle it,' I thought to myself, a newfound confidence rising within me.

My aura flared once more, the grey energy swirling around me as 17 lunged forward, trying to catch me off guard. He threw a rapid series of punches, each one aiming to exploit a potential opening, but I remained focused. I moved fluidly, dodging each blow at the last possible moment, almost like I was anticipating every move he made. My counter came swiftly, a fist aimed straight at his chest, but before it could land, 17 deployed a force shield, the translucent barrier shimmering in front of him.

"You can't break through this, can you?" 17 taunted, a smirk crossing his face as he assumed his shield would hold. He looked confident, almost triumphant, as if he believed this was the end for me.

But I wasn't impressed. "Useless," I muttered, my voice calm yet filled with intensity. Without missing a beat, I channeled my ki into my fist, feeling the energy surge and concentrate. My hand began to glow a bright blue, the power building rapidly. With a determined yell, I punched forward, my fist connecting with the shield.

For a brief second, the shield resisted, the energy rippling across its surface. But it wasn't enough—the force of my ki-infused punch shattered the shield, the pieces dissipating in an explosion of light. 17's smirk faded as he stumbled backward, surprise etched across his face.

"You thought you had me?" I said, my eyes locking onto his. "You haven't seen anything yet."

Android 17 was visibly mad.

'Now I see… this is probably the extent of their power. I… I've been far too cautious,' Gohan thought, a realization dawning upon him. He wasn't even using all his special techniques, nor had he transformed into a Super Saiyan, yet here he was, holding his own against one of the most feared enemies. The anxiety he had carried for so long began to unravel. He had spent so much time fearing these androids, fearing the devastation they were capable of, that he had failed to see his own growth. The trauma from their last encounter had clouded his judgment, making him overestimate their abilities and underestimate his own.

A wave of guilt began to surge through him, tightening in his chest. His hesitation, his fear, had almost led to his friends losing their lives. He had let them down by not believing in himself enough, by not trusting in the strength he had cultivated all this time.

'No more,' Gohan resolved, his eyes narrowing with renewed determination. Fighting 17 had forced him to confront his fears head-on, and he realized how deeply that terror had controlled him. But now, as 17's relentless attacks came at him, something inside Gohan began to shift. It wasn't just about fighting to survive anymore, it was about something far bigger. He was fighting to protect those he loved, to ensure that the nightmares of the past would never repeat themselves, and that the chaos of the future would never happen.

Every blow 17 threw at him, every strike he dodged or deflected, was like a stark reminder of everything he was fighting for. With each dodge, each block, his resolve strengthened. His movements grew more fluid, more confident. There was no hesitation, no doubt—just pure, unwavering focus. Gohan could feel a fire igniting in him, a surge of determination that pushed him beyond the limits of fear.

He looked into 17's cold, calculating eyes and saw nothing but emptiness. Gohan knew the androids felt no true empathy, no real desire other than destruction and chaos. They treated lives as nothing more than a game, and that realization fueled Gohan's desire to end their threat once and for all. Maybe Their past counter-parts could be different but the ones in front of him, no, they could never change.

The two parts of his soul—the reincarnated one, burdened by a fear of death, and the one that grew up as Gohan, determined to protect—began to synchronize, merging into a harmonious force. Gohan now understood that fear must not cloud his judgment, nor dictate his actions. The fear was still there, but it was no longer in control; it had become a reminder of why he had to push forward, why he couldn't let anything stand in his way.

Gohan clenched his fists tighter, feeling the energy surge through him, the ki that pulsed like a drumbeat inside his veins. He wasn't the frightened boy from a year ago anymore. He wasn't just trying to stay alive—he was fighting to make sure no one else would have to experience what he had gone through. He was fighting to ensure a future, free from terror and destruction.

Gohan looked at the androids, it was time to end this. He had seen enough.

"Hey, 17, you're really losing. This brat seems to have more left in him than he's letting on—let me join," 18 called out, her irritation evident as she watched her brother failing to overpower Gohan.

Her expression, which usually carried a detached indifference, now bore a hint of frustration.

17 wiped the corner of his mouth, his pride clearly wounded by the fact that the boy had managed to withstand everything he had thrown at him. "Yeah… let's end this brat together," 17 growled, his voice filled with frustration, yet carrying an edge of excitement. There was no way he was going to let Gohan get the upper hand.

Gohan, however, was not intimidated. He took a deep breath, eyes narrowing as he looked between the two androids. "You want to come at me together?" He clenched his fists, feeling the energy simmering beneath the surface, ready to explode. "Then come at me—I'll show you why this is the last mistake you'll ever make."

Author's note : As usual, comment, and if you like the chapter, you power stone is welcomed, tomorrow, I'll release two chapters so don't worry.