Are you dating?

Rachel quickly grabbed her bag and motioned for Aria to follow her. "We need to get Elian out of here without the reporters seeing him," she explained.

Aria nodded, and together they carefully lifted Elian off the couch. Rachel handed Aria a baseball cap and sunglasses. "Put these on him," she instructed. "We need to disguise him."

Aria quickly put the cap and sunglasses on Elian, and Rachel handed her a jacket to drape over his shoulders. "Okay, let's go," Rachel said.

They carefully made their way out of the apartment, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Rachel led the way, scanning the hallway and stairs for any signs of reporters.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Aria could see a group of reporters gathered outside the building. Rachel quickly pulled out her phone and dialed a number. "Hey, I need a favor," she said into the phone. "Can you bring your car around to the back of the building?"