Chapter 11: Mysterious Power


Senju Tobirama was surprised. He hadn't expected Mochizuki Hui to claim that his strongest skill was swordsmanship.

"Yes, swordsmanship," Hui replied with a serious nod.

"Alright, show me what you've got. Do you need a sword?" Tobirama asked, intrigued.

"No need, I brought my own."

Hui walked over to a nearby seat and picked up a small, sheathed sword. It was modest in size but finely crafted.

Returning to Tobirama, Hui took a stance, one hand gripping the sword's hilt and the other holding the scabbard, lowering his posture slightly.

In that moment, Hui's entire demeanor changed.

His eyes turned cold, his emotions seemingly muted. His breathing grew deeper, and an unseen energy began to stir around him.

Tobirama's expression became serious. From Hui's posture, he could sense the presence of a warrior, reminiscent of the samurai he had encountered in the past.

While samurai weren't the dominant force in the world of shinobi, many were still formidable, and Tobirama had crossed paths with several of them in battle.

"Silver Moon!"

At the peak of his focused energy, Hui drew his sword.

The blade left the sheath at a speed so swift it seemed invisible. Along with the blade came a flash of silver light, like the arc of a crescent moon.


The light appeared quickly and vanished just as fast.

After the strike, Hui didn't move again. He stood still, breathing slightly heavier, and turned his gaze to Tobirama.

Tobirama, meanwhile, examined the kunai he was holding.

A thin line extended from one edge of the kunai to the other, almost cutting it clean in half.

This was the result of Hui's strike—the Silver Moon technique, one of his signature moves, and the foundation of his swordsmanship. By combining the power of light with his sword, he had formed a cutting wave of energy.

"Continue," Tobirama said, suppressing his shock.

However, Hui hesitated, coughing awkwardly before admitting, "Uh... that's actually all there is to my swordsmanship right now..."

Tobirama blinked in confusion.

Seriously? That one attack was the extent of his so-called mastery?

But… thinking back on that flash of silver light, Tobirama couldn't help but acknowledge its potential.

"That's quite impressive. This power is unlike traditional ninjutsu, yet it behaves like a jutsu that requires no hand signs. If refined, it could become a very effective technique."

As a master of forbidden jutsu and innovator of many combat techniques, Tobirama was quick to recognize the value of Hui's move. His sharp instincts told him this could be developed into something formidable.

"How did you manage to produce a strike like that?" he asked, needing more details to fully evaluate the potential of this new technique.

"It feels like there's a mysterious energy inside me. When I use my sword, I can guide that energy through it, and it results in a strike like this," Hui explained after some thought, though his tone was uncertain.

"A mysterious energy? Can you sense this energy directly within your body?" Tobirama continued to probe.

"No, I can't sense it clearly. But when I use the sword, I know I can draw it out," Hui responded.

Nodding, Tobirama asked, "What about without the sword? Can you still channel that energy?"

"Yes!" Hui replied confidently.

He quickly ran to the edge of the training ground, picked up a fallen leaf from the ground, and then returned.

Opening his left hand, palm up, he placed the leaf onto his palm with his right hand and took a deep breath, focusing.

Tobirama watched as the leaf began to rise from Hui's palm, seemingly lifted by an unseen force. It hovered four to five centimeters above his hand.

A faint glow radiated from Hui's palm—so subtle that if Tobirama hadn't been observing closely, he might not have noticed it.

"Like this!" Hui said, a note of excitement in his voice as if he had mastered a fun new trick.

Tobirama's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, and he began analyzing the situation, thoughts racing in his mind.

"This energy… when did you first notice that you had it? Could you lift the leaf from the beginning, or did that come later? Have you tested the limits of this power? Have you noticed any changes in your body since you discovered it?"

Tobirama fired off a series of questions, seeking more clarity. He had observed no trace of chakra during Hui's display, which led him to believe this wasn't a traditional kekkei genkai but some kind of unique bodily talent.

"Um, I noticed it about a year ago," Hui began, answering each question in turn. "At first, I couldn't lift the leaf, but eventually I could do it naturally. As for its limits... well, the strongest thing I can do is that slash you just saw."

"The energy itself feels like it's growing stronger over time. My breathing feels lighter, and… I've developed a preference for being in the light."

Hui's answers caused Tobirama's eyes to light up even more with each response.

A year ago, growth potential, affinity for light, non-chakra-based, undetectable by shinobi, assassination potential, no hand signs, evolving...

Tobirama's mind was flooded with possibilities. He could see countless applications for this mysterious energy.