Chapter 27: Escape! A Choice

All four of them were instantly struck with panic. Without a second's hesitation, Bear swiftly extinguished the fire, plunging the cave into darkness.

"It must be an enemy scout squad. I didn't expect them to get this deep into the area," Bear muttered, already trying to devise a plan.

But before he could say more, Hui's voice cut through the blackness. "They've noticed us—they're coming this way!"

"Damn it, that means they've got a sensor ninja on their side!" Lightning growled, turning to Bear. "Captain, what do we do?"

"Run!" Bear commanded without hesitation.

There was no chance of winning against an enemy force consisting of three Jōnin and twenty-four Chūnin. Staying to fight would mean certain death.

Immediately, the four of them bolted out of the cave, sprinting toward the Konoha frontlines as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, the enemy sensor ninja reported back to their squad. "Captain, the three chakra signatures we detected—they've started moving fast, heading towards the Konoha base."

One of the Jōnin, upon hearing this, quickly pieced together what was happening. "So they're Konoha ninjas, not just some wandering rogues. And there's a sensor among them, too."

His eyes narrowed with resolve. "We can't let them escape. If they get away and alert their forces, our whole mission could be ruined!" he barked, immediately giving the order to pursue.

This enemy squad was from Kirigakure, a scout team carrying out a critical mission. Three kilometers behind them, a larger force of four to five hundred ninjas was waiting.

The strategy was to take advantage of the heavy fog and launch a nighttime assault on Konoha's frontline camp.

While the main force attacked from the front, this scout team was to lead a group for a surprise rear assault, catching Konoha in a pincer movement. The plan was set for tonight, and failure was not an option.

The scout team had initially mistaken Hui's group for some wandering ninjas and planned to capture them for information. But realizing they were Konoha shinobi, the stakes had risen dramatically.

Thunder cracked through the night sky, lightning streaking across the dark clouds. Soon, raindrops began to fall, drenching the ground and trees, making everything slick and treacherous.

"Captain, they're now only 350 meters behind us!" Hui warned as he ran, his voice tense. His clothes were already soaking wet from the rain, which made running even more difficult.

"Damn this fog! I can't see the road ahead at all!" Lightning muttered in frustration.

They had started fleeing when the enemy was about 300 meters away. They'd managed to put another 100 meters between themselves before the enemy began their pursuit. Now, though, the gap had shrunk by 150 meters.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't have been caught up so quickly, but tonight was different. The thick fog and heavy rain had slowed them down significantly.

Hui's enhanced vision allowed him to see more clearly than the others, but it didn't matter if he could see—the rest of the team couldn't.

The Kirigakure ninjas, however, thrived in these conditions. Raised in constant mist and rain, they were accustomed to fighting in such environments and could even move faster here than usual.

"This isn't working," Bear said, his voice calm but firm. "We need to split up. Wind, head towards the frontline camp. Lightning, go towards Heichuan Lake. Hui, you head back towards the village."

Hui's heart tightened at the order.

"What about you, Captain?" Wind asked, already suspecting what Bear's answer would be.

"I have my own plan. Now, split up—this is an order," Bear commanded, his voice hardening.

"You're planning to stay behind and buy time, aren't you?" Wind's voice rose in anger, having realized Bear's intentions.

Wind's memories flashed back to a past mission, where his former captain had said the same words. That time, Wind had survived, but his captain never returned.

"Damn it, Captain! We're a team! How could we abandon you to hold them off by yourself?" Lightning shouted, his voice filled with frustration and anger.

Hui also quickly understood why Bear had ordered him to head toward Konoha.

It was the farthest destination, and by sending him in that direction, Bear knew the enemy would prioritize chasing after himself—the one with the most critical information to deliver, and the strongest.

"Captain, it's not that desperate yet! We still have a chance to escape together," Hui urged. Logically, he knew Bear's plan was their best shot at survival, but emotionally, he couldn't accept it.

"Hui, how far are they now?" Bear asked, his tone making it clear he already knew the answer.

After a brief pause, Hui responded quietly, "Three hundred meters."

The weight of that distance hit them all like a punch to the gut. At this pace, the enemy would catch up soon.

"Captain, you're faster and stronger than I am. I'll stay behind, you head for the frontline camp!" Wind shouted suddenly, coming to a stop.

Lightning split the sky, illuminating the area with a bright, white flash. Bear, Lightning, and Hui all saw Wind standing still, resolute.

"Wind?!" The three of them skidded to a halt, but Wind's voice cut through the rain and thunder.

"This is the only way! Do you want all of us to die here? Now go, get help!" Wind roared, his voice trembling with emotion.

His words hit them hard.

"Move!!" Bear bellowed, turning and running forward again.

He wasn't heartless, nor was he running away out of fear. He had been the first to suggest staying behind, after all. But he knew Wind was right. The longer they stayed, the more danger they were all in.

Reluctantly, Lightning and Hui followed Bear, sprinting into the night.

As they ran, Hui cast one final glance over his shoulder.

In the dim light of the storm, he saw Wind frantically setting up traps—traps that wouldn't stop the enemy for long, but might buy them a few extra seconds.

Gritting his teeth, Hui pushed himself to run even faster, the rain soaking him to the bone.

Raindrops streamed down his face, mingling with something else.


Both rain and tears slipped down his cheeks, unnoticed under his Anbu mask, as he pressed forward into the night.

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