Chapter 29: Bear


Thunder rumbled across the sky as rain poured harder and harder.

Hui and Lightning were still running with all their might, unwilling to let Wind's sacrifice be in vain.

Bear had already split off from them, heading in the direction of the Konoha forces' camp. His route would surely draw more of the enemy away from them.

Before they parted ways, Bear had ordered Hui and Lightning to split up as well—Lightning heading toward Heichuan Lake, while Hui was to head toward the village.

Hui had agreed, but not fully.

After running about twenty meters, he looped around to reunite with Lightning.

He had already watched Wind stay behind to cover their retreat, and he wasn't about to let Bear and Lightning die the same way.

But Bear had made his decision, and he would never allow Hui to flee with him, which is why Hui had returned to Lightning's side.

Though the situation was dire, Hui was determined to get Lightning out of this alive.

"Light?! Why are you back?!" Lightning shouted, shocked and confused.

"Save your breath, conserve your energy, and follow me!" Hui replied, not bothering to explain. He surged ahead, clearing the path a few meters in front of Lightning.

Thanks to his extraordinary vision, Hui could see clearly even in the dark, rainy night.

Lightning, though puzzled, didn't ask more questions and instead focused on keeping pace with Hui.

On the other side, the Mist Village scouts had split into two groups.

One group of two Jonin and sixteen Chunin was pursuing Bear, who was heading toward the Konoha forces' camp. The other group, led by one Jonin and eight Chunin, was chasing after Hui and Lightning.

The Mist Village's sensor ninja had gone after Bear, as the ninja heading toward the Konoha forces' camp posed a more immediate threat than those running toward the village.


Thunder echoed again, flashing in the rainy mist as Bear dashed through the forest.

As master of taijutsu, Bear's physical stamina far surpassed that of an average ninja. Even though the rain obscured the path, he charged forward at full speed, crashing through the foliage without hesitation.

He had no sensory abilities and couldn't gauge how many enemies were behind him or how far they were, so he just kept running, pushing himself to the limit.

Truthfully, Bear wasn't concerned about his own safety. As a member of the Anbu, he had long accepted death as part of his life.

What he was worried about was Lightning—and more importantly, Hui.

He saw the future of the village in Hui.

Hui's codename, "Light", was fitting. To Bear, Hui was a light capable of illuminating the path forward for Konoha.

So, if sacrificing himself could ensure Hui's survival, Bear would do so without hesitation.

"You have to live, Hui!" Bear muttered to himself, no longer thinking of Hui as just a codename, but as a person—Hui, the future of the village.

Despite his imposing appearance, Bear was a man with a sensitive heart. From a few subtle hints, he had pieced together Hui's true identity.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

The sound of feet splashing through puddles reached Bear's ears. The enemy was getting closer.

Though his wild dash had increased his speed, it also left a clear trail for his pursuers to follow, making it easier for them to catch up.

With a quick glance back, Bear first saw nothing but darkness. But as a flash of lightning illuminated the sky, he caught a glimpse of the enemies closing in on him.

The Mist Village ninjas had also spotted him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several kunai and shuriken were hurled at him without hesitation.

"Earth Release: Earth Wall!"

Bear swiftly formed hand seals while running, then abruptly stopped, slamming his hands into the ground.

A tall earthen wall erupted from the ground a few meters in front of him.

"Watch out!"

The Mist ninjas shouted warnings as they quickly reacted, some leaping over the wall while others flanked around it.

"Earth Release: Earth Spears!"

As the Mist ninjas soared over the wall, spikes of earth shot up from the wall, impaling one of the enemy ninjas, who let out a scream of pain.

"You're courting death!"

By this time, the remaining Mist ninjas, especially the two Jonin leading the charge, had reached Bear.

Without hesitation, Bear pulled out a kunai and charged at them.

From the beginning, he had never intended to flee. He had already accepted his fate.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Kunai clashed violently, sparks flying in the rain.


The sound of flesh being sliced open was faint amidst the downpour and the clash of weapons, but it was unmistakable.

Bear's body was riddled with wounds, blood seeping from the gashes.

As a Special Jonin with exceptional taijutsu skills, Bear was strong—but his opponents were two fully-fledged Jonin.

The surrounding Chunin had encircled them but refrained from joining the battle, knowing that they would only be a hindrance in such a high-level fight.


Another deep cut opened on Bear's body, yet his face, hidden beneath his mask, remained expressionless.

He fought ferociously, using every ounce of his strength and ignoring the mounting injuries on his body.

This was the battle of a cornered beast. Death was the only outcome awaiting him.

But for someone who had already embraced death, there was no fear—only the resolve to give everything he had.

Unfortunately, the gap in strength was simply too vast to overcome with sheer will.

As time passed, Bear's wounds increased. His strength ebbed away, his movements slowed, and his breathing became labored. His pale face was a clear sign of his body's exhaustion.

Boom! Boom!

Thunder roared, the sky filled with flashing white light as rain cascaded down in torrents.

Bear fought on, even as his body teetered on the edge of collapse. His sole purpose was to hold the enemy back for as long as possible.

The longer he could keep them here, the higher the chance that Hui and Lightning would survive.

The two Mist Jonin had already grown less concerned. As long as they could take down this Anbu, the other target was of little importance.

Even if the other ninja managed to escape and deliver a message to Konoha, it would be too late to disrupt their plan.

By the time the information reached Konoha and was relayed to the frontline, their ambush would already be complete.


At that moment, Bear realized his strength was nearly depleted.

Knowing he couldn't hold out much longer, he made a desperate move—he deliberately allowed one Jonin's kunai to pierce his body.

In that brief, unexpected moment, Bear delivered his final blow, shattering the enemy's throat with a punch.

But the price was his own life, as the other Jonin plunged a kunai deep into his heart.


Blood gushed from Bear's mouth as he slowly fell to the ground.

It was worth it.

Not only had he bought Hui and Lightning precious time, but he had also taken down an enemy Jonin in the process.

Lying there, Bear's thoughts were filled with peace as more Chunin rushed forward to finish him off, plunging kunai into his chest.

Hui, you must survive.

Become the light of Konoha... and guide its future.

With this final thought, Bear's life slipped away.

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