Chapter 3: The Academy

[Prepare for appraisal...]

Wren found himself in a space between dream and reality. It was an endless black void illuminated by a myriad of stars. Between those stars, countless strings of silver light were woven into a beautiful and inconceivably complex net, forming various nexuses and constellations. It was truly breathtaking.

Somehow, Wren understood that he was seeing the inner workings of the Nightmare Spell. He also couldn't help but think that it looked a lot like the celestial equivalent of a neural network. If so... was the Spell alive?

This was a question that countless people had been asking themselves for the past few decades. The best answer they had come up with was that there was no way to know. The Spell was neither alive nor dead; neither sentient nor mindless.

It was more of a function than a creature.

Throwing the philosophical question out of his mind, Wren was waiting to get his appraisal.

The voice of the spell echoed , it was not related to his appraisal, but the spell had brought him a reward less yet precious like a boon.

[You have received a memory: Slayer of Shadow]

'Sounds like a weapon memory'

Wren was happy or rather more proud on himself, that he had received a memory, an awakened one from the nasty shadowspawn, he could have get a memory of same rank from the Valor Clan though this was something he had earned through proving his worth, by clearing his First Nightmare.

There were seven ranks to everything in the Spell. These ranks were, in order of growing power: Dormant, Awakened, Ascended, Transcendent, Supreme, Sacred and Divine (with the exclusion of Nightmare Creatures, who were ranked as Dormant, Awakened, Fallen, Corrupted, Great, Cursed and Unholy).

From the Spell's point of view, Wren was a dormant human. Having a Memory of a higher rank than his own soul core would be of great help once he enters the Dream Realm. The power gap between different ranks simply could not be overestimated.

He could have looked at the Slayer of Shadow, but that could be done later, soon the spell was done with it's appraisal.

[Aspirant! Your trial is over.]

[A nameless King, traveled with his army to destroy the temple of the -Unknown-, in hopes of gaining the blessings of the other six gods. Many monsters felled to his teal blade, during the adventure he faced a mad shadowspawn abandoned by the Shadow God. He entered the temple of the -Unknown- and gave away his vandalized body as a sacrifice. The -Unknown- impressed, gave him his blessings.]

[You have defeated a dormant beast: Ironclad Ant x 134.]

[You have defeated a dormant beast: Ironclad Ant Larva x 340.]

[You have defeated an awakened devil: Shadowspawn.]

[You have received -Unknown-'s blessing.]

[You have achieved the unachievable.]

[Final appraisal: outstanding. Your bravery truly is something remarkable.]

The last part surprised him somewhat, but what strange was that the spell which was referring the God of Abyss as the -Unknown-, like it was forbidden and that's why the Gods also wanted to destroy the temple to keep information about the -Unknown-remain hidden.

'Very strange...'

[Dreamer Wren, receive your boon!]

He was finally a dreamer, a aspirant no more, it was the beginning of his journey. Wren grinned.

[You have been bestowed a True Name: Heir of Abyss.]

His jaw dropped. A true name! He had received a true name! Never in his wildest dreams did Wren dream of becoming one of the chosen few to accomplish such feat and in his very first Nightmare to boot! Not even all of the Saints could boast of having one, not even Saint Tyris could- ahem Wren don't if you want to live longer. His True Name was related to the God of Abyss, maybe it was due to his blessings or due to some another reasons, that he didn't know about.

[Your Aspect is ready to evolve. Evolve Aspect?]


[Dormant Aspect King is evolving...]

[New Aspect acquired.]

[Aspect Rank: Divine]

'A Divine Aspect, sorry Saint Tyris..' Wren grinned maniacally.

Aspect: [King Of Abyss]

Aspect Description: [You are a being born from darkness, and the one favored by the one who is hated by all Gods, the -Unknown-. As a being born from darkness you possess a mark which is a curse to other divinities while having strange and wondrous powers. However, you belong to a kin which is merciful and greedy, you have the ability to devour those who oppose you and to give solace who follow you or are with you.]

Innate Ability: [Devourer]

Ability Description: [You can directly absorb a portion of the soul essence of any Nightmare Creature or Human destroyed by your blade of darkness, in addition you can steal a memory bound to their soul core.]

This was truly.... strange.

Gaining a divine aspect was something unheard, but what disturbed Wren most was that the Aspect description 'a being born from darkness?' and an innate ability that steals memories, things were strange from start now it had got worse. But one thing was sure he has to lie about his divine aspect, knowledge about this could bring more harm to him than benefits.

Anything with the "divine" prefix was so hard to find that it mostly lived in the realm of myths and legends. After all, the human race had not reached that high yet; it was only slightly more than a decade since humans managed to finally conquer the Third Nightmare and receive the ability to evolve their cores to Transcendent rank.

As Transcendent or Saints, as they were called in the real world powerful Awakened ruled over the Dream Realm, but even they did not dare to face Nightmare Creatures of higher ranks. Subsequently, there were not a lot of Memories and Echoes of Supreme rank around, let alone Sacred... or Divine. The same went for Aspects.

So it's existence has to be kept a secret.

Wren had a dark expression on his face, thinking that one day he have to lie to his teacher, but he knew she will understand it. Then, The spell spoke once again:

[The First Seal is broken.]

[Awakening dormant powers...]

Wren felt something waking up inside of him. With a muffled cry, he clutched his chest and stared into the darkness, trying to understand what was happening. The feeling was not painful or unpleasant, yet it was like nothing he had ever experienced. It was as though his soul was being shaken awake, infused with strange new energy.

However, that energy did not come from some outside source. Rather, it was coming from within, as though it had always been there, sleeping.

The energy filled every fiber of his being. Wren felt his emotions becoming clearer and sharper. Then, his body began to change, too. He felt as though a miniature star was burning in the center of his chest: waves of heat were radiating from it, slowly reaching his stomach and shoulders, then his arms and legs, then his hands and feet.

Under that heat, his bones, muscles, organs and blood vessels were being rebuilt and revitalized. Wren felt like he was being reborn. He was becoming stronger, faster, healthier.

It was exultant.

After some time had passed, the star burning in his chest finally cooled down. The heat was replaced with a soothing coldness. That coldness washed over Wren's body, taking away all the aches and discomforts that had been accumulated there over the years. Then it moved up, reaching his brain and, finally, his eyes.

His vision strangely doubled.

He could still see the void populated by an endless pattern of stars. But he could also see something different.

A place filled with complete darkness, surrounded by an endless sea and a pitch-black Sun which was though blended in the darkness but still visible.

Things were frustrating for Wren due to strange occurrences and now there is his dark soul core, he wouldn't be surprised if it isn't called a soul core. One thing was normal though, that was a sphere of light orbiting around it, the Slayer of Shadow. A sense of relief washed over him.

'At least one thing is normal.'

The voice of the Spell pulled him out of the soul of sea.

[Awakening Aspect Ability...]

Moment of truth had arrived, Divine Aspect or not, Wren's future was depended on it. All of his hard work would go in vain if he doesn't get a combat ability or utility ability related to combat, healer and or other utility ability are rare and very useful but Wren was a part of a clan which is known for battle machines so he can't afford this.

[Aspect Ability acquired.]

[Aspect Ability Name: Void Soul]

Wren quickly summoned his runes and went straight to the description of his new ability description.

Aspect Abilities: [Void Soul].

Aspect Ability Description: [Your soul is filled with eternal darkness, that is a blessing of recovery for you and curse for those who are your enemy.]

'Looks like I am really a special case.'

What Wren had got was ability that cover both his combat and healing needs, satisfied he decided to give other information a look.

Name: Wren.

True Name: Heir of Abyss.

Rank: Dreamer.

Void Heart: Dormant.

Void Fragments: [100/???].

'Well... shit!'

As if hearing his thoughts the name of his core was not soul core but 'Void Heart' and then there are void fragments which he don't know how to acquire, and the numbers also confused him considering his training and the amount of beast he had killed the number of fragment are very less, which gives a possibility that a single void fragment requires lot of soul essence.

That means his path of progression is very slow, but this would also has it's own merits, satisfied with his theory, he continued to study the runes.

Memories: [Slayer of Shadow].

Echoes: —

Attributes: [Blessing Of Void], [Wanderer's Eye], [Curse to Divinity], [Prince of Darkness].

Aspect: [King Of Abyss].

Aspect Rank: [Divine].

'So what the [???] attribute is [Wanderer's Eye], secondly why I am called a prince when my Aspect refers me as king, and lastly the [Blessing Of Void] I thought it was temporary, looks like being a God has it's own perks, well I would be damned if it is not useful, sorry God of Abyss if I angered you.'

A moment later, new sets of runes appeared below, and the voice of the Spell's voice resounded in the dark void.

[All power has a price.]

[You have received a Flaw.]

Then suddenly the voice of the Spell stopped for a moment, as if it was thinking then it continued:

[Your Flaws are: ...]

Wren read the runes, and his eyes widened, they were full of dread.

'Oh shit, not good.'

For a few moments he stared at the runes, and then dismissed it, his Flaws are something he didn't want to see again, not like anyone like their Flaw but still they were going to create many issue for him and his subordinate.

[Wake up, Heir of Abyss.]

The dark void spun and disappeared.


Wren calmly opened his eye, and stared at the familiar ceiling of his room, he missed his room and his things, he missed the real world.

He shifted his body only to find restraints on him, he moved his head to ask someone to unbind him from his bed, he tilted his head to the left, and find a woman staring at him with cold expression on her face, it was his teacher, Saint Tyris.

"What are you staring at?" Wren asked while laughing.

Saint Tyris, stared at him then gave a smile something he doesn't usually see whenever he was with her, she calmly replied:

"You. I was waiting for you to say something or rather for the Nightmare creature to appear."

"You believed that your student can't survive his First Nightmare?" Wren asked.

"I did, but that doesn't mean that Fate does the same thing." She replied indifferently.

As Saint Tyris finished her cold words, she unlocked the restraints on Wren, allowing to him finally move his stiff body, he sat straight laying his back on the headboard and asked:

"How much time has passed?"

Saint Tyris lingered for a moment then replied:

"A day and a half. Congratulations! on surviving your First Nightmare, Sleeper Wren. Interested enough to tell about your First Nightmare to your teacher."

Wren smirked and started to tell his story but the Spell didn't like it.

"So I was a King traveling with his army to destroy the temple of #$% %# @#%$$, and fought an awakened devil, killed it with the- argh."

Wren clutched his chest with pain, he didn't know what was happening Saint Tyris gave him water to drink, a moment later the pain resided. Saint Tyris asked him:

"Which God's temples you were going to destroy?"

Wren gave her a confused look, as he knew he clearly told her the name of the God:

"I told you didn't I? It was #$% %# @#%$$."

This time Wren was shocked when he heard his distorted voice, then the voice of Spell echoed:

[You are prevented from telling the name of -Unknown-]

His eyes widened and he looked toward his master:

"The Spell... it is preventing me."

Saint Tyris also had a surprised look on her face, this was first time she heard that the Spell was preventing the name of a God to be known.

"Well that's surprising, if the Spell is doing this then there is nothing we can do about this. You also said that there was an awakened devil you killed, can I know it's name?"

"It was a Shadow spawn."

"Well tell me more about your aspect and Flaw."

"It is combat based aspect, a Supreme one and it is related to darkness. As for my Flaw, I can't share information."

Saint Tyris eyes were filled with pride, her student has got a Supreme Aspect currently the highest Aspect rank achieved. Wren didn't told his Flaw to her, which is what she wanted from him.

"I was already proud of you, and now you have achieved more it makes me happy, although it is late to say Happy belated birthday Wren. Also the Valor Clan has allowed you for the academy."

Wren's eyes widened, what was shocking for him was not forgetting his birthday, it was that he was allowed to leave for the academy, something he thought wouldn't be possible. Saint Tyris stood up patted his head, and left the room.

Wren had summoned his runes to study about his attributes and the memory he got from killing the devil.

[Blessing of Void] Attribute Description: "You are blessed by the -Unknown-, making your physical body stronger in addition, you have a good resistance to mental and soul attacks."

[Wanderer's Eye] Attribute Description: "You are able to see attributes, Aspect and Flaw of the other Spell carriers, but the clarity of information depends upon your understanding of them."

[Curse to Divinity] Attribute Description: "Your soul bears a curse though it not bring harm to you and other people, it is a poison to other divinities who try to mark their presence on your soul."

[Prince of Darkness] Attribute Description: "The darkness see you as their Prince and are at your disposal, however the most ancient darkness would accept you, only through proving your worth."

Memory: [Slayer of Shadow]

Memory Rank: Awakened

Memory Type: Weapon

Memory Description: [Made from the remains of a mad Shadowspawn abandoned by it's God, driven by madness it took innocent lives, it's tyranny was stopped by the king who was a being born from darkness and was blessed by the -Unknown-. Using the claws of the shadow beast, this blade was forged by a master blacksmith.]

'Wow, a description made for me, or rather the King's body I was using, so he was same like me.'

Wren then summoned the Slayer of Shadow, black sparks started to form taking a shape of katana. The katana's blade was pitch-black with white engravings similar to it's black wooden sheath, the square guard of the katana was pristine white. The blade was very sharp enough to cut awakened beast of rank similar to Shadowspawn. Wren read the runes further to study enchantments of the black katana.

Memory Tier: IV.

Memory Description: [Mortal enemy of shadows...].

Memory Enchantments: [Mortal Enemy], [Absorber].

[Mortal Enemy]

Enchantment Description: [Increase the strength of the wielder against shadow based Nightmare creatures.]


Enchantment Description: [Absorbs the shadow of the beings killed by the wielder.]

'Hmm, an enchantment similar to my innate ability, though it should at least had three enchantments but still it is a good weapon.'

Wren dismissed the memory, stood up and stretched his sore muscles and stiff joints, went to his bathroom, take off his white shirt revealing few old scars on his body, that were left after awakening the dormant powers. The hot water from the shower started to relax his muscles and joints. 

'This will be the beginning of journey.'


In the academy's cafeteria, a skinny young boy with raven black hair and dark eyes, his skin was pale and he had short stature sitting next to him was a blind girl with pale blond hairs, big blue eyes, and an exquisite face. They were Sunless and Cassie.

Sunny grimaced. It seemed that the two of them were doomed to be outcasts together for the remaining four weeks. He also felt uncomfortable in the company of someone who was practically a dead person, but there wasn't much of a choice.

Losing his good mood, he sat at the blind girl's table and gave a percursory nod to the social worker who was helping her get around. After that, he tried to pretend that they didn't exist and concentrated on his food.

However, before he could finish, a sudden commotion drew his attention.

'What's going on?' 

He looked up and noticed that a lot of Sleepers were gathered around the large screen hanging on the wall of the cafeteria, their faces filled with excitement and awe. On the screen, a list of names was displayed, ranking the new batch of Sleepers from weakest to strongest, most likely deduced from the results of the interviews.

Not particularly interested, he quickly found his own name near the bottom of the list. The only Sleeper who the Academy judged to be less likely to succeed than him was the blind girl. Turns out, her name was Cassia.

But the commotion was a bit too loud to be just the result of the ranking. Curious, he moved his gaze up. The Sleepers were restless.

How... how can this be?!"

"I'm not seeing things, right?"

"What kind of a monster is she?!"

Caster was placed in second place. And right above him, the portrait of the silver-haired girl could be clearly seen.

To the right of it, two simple lines of text were displayed:

"Name: Nephis"

"True Name: Changing Star"

But before anyone could say further, another name was displayed on the screen in the place which was previously occupied by the white haired girl, a similar two lines text was displayed:

"Name: Wren"

"True Name: Heir of Abyss"

The portrait of the person appeared, revealing a boy with white hair that was golden blond at tips of the hair. It appears he also achieved a True Name, to get his own Sunny had to deal with Hero and Mountain King while possessing a completely useless Aspect, he wonders what he had to survive and what was his Aspect in his First Nightmare.

Sleepers in the cafeteria were dumb struck by the revelation of this achievement. They were staring at the screen with astonishment, fear and admiration. Listening to their excited whispers, Sunny felt a childish desire to scream "Me too! I have one too!".

But, of course, he kept quiet.

Looking around, he noticed Caster's gaze fixed on the screen. There was a strange, somber expression on the humorous young man's face. But the weird thing about it was that, as far as Sunny could tell, Caster wasn't looking at the line of text containing the True Name.

Instead, he was staring at the lines of text that read "Nephis", as though the girl's actual name held more meaning to him than the one given by the Spell.

'Interesting. Do they know each other?' Why would a lofty Legacy know someone who came to the Academy in a police- issued tracksuit? And speaking of Nephis... where was she?

Sunny glanced around the cafeteria and quickly noticed the silver-haired girl, who was sitting quietly in a corner with a cup of coffee in her hands. She wasn't paying a lot of attention to the commotion, but at the name "Wren" seemingly immersed in her thoughts. Her grey eyes were serious and distant.


Standing in front of the massive, seemingly indestructible red gates of the Awakened Academy was boy with a height of 187 cm, he was wearing a white T-shirt on top of it was a long black cardigan coat with the hood covering his hair, along with tight fitted black jeans and high ankle black leather boots. His hands were in his pockets and a duffle bag carried by his right shoulder.

Wren was looking at the academy infrastructure, the academy was, in fact, a city within the city. It was built like a fortress, with a high wall made of hard alloy, deep moat and numerous large-caliber turrets which were placed in certain positions to create a deadly air-suppression dome. No Nightmare Creature, not even colossal titans, were supposed to be able to break through its defenses.

It was a legendary place. Actually, many of the most popular webtoons, youth dramas and novels took place right behind that wall. Adventures, rivalries and romantic entanglements of the young Awakened heroes were the mainstream theme of modern entertainment.

He sighed and started walking towards the entrance, meanwhile the Academy was in a state of chaos.

"Two Sleeper with a True Name? That's impossible!" 

'Hmm is there another one like me?' Wren was just standing in front the entrance of the cafeteria, he sighed again and entered.

"It's technically possible. Smile of Heaven received her True Name in the First Nightmare, I think. But yeah, I'm doubtful..."

"Maybe they lied in the interview?"

"Are you stupid? If it was that easy to deceive the administrators, the crazy pervert from yesterday would have been in the first place instead!"

'A pervert?'

"Well, why don't we just ask her?" 

'Her? So it is a girl hmm.' Wren thought.

Suddenly, there was a deafening silence in the cafeteria. Following the suggestion, Sleepers stopped talking and turned around, staring at Nephis. However, no one seemed to have the courage to approach her first.

The silence was broken by a tall hooded figure who walked over, to the direction of where the silver-haired girl was standing with a cup of coffee in her hands. Finally sensing something, she raised her eyes and looked at the figure standing in front of her with surprise.

"Mmm. What?"

"Are you the one who has received a True Name in their First Nightmare?"

The silver-haired nodded and the figure took off his black hood revealing his face, to everyone's surprise it was the current no.1 in the Academy, Wren.

"Hello there! I am Wren or you can say the Heir of Abyss." Wren smiled and offer a handshake which Nephis took gracefully.

After a few moments, Caster suddenly walked over and made a small bow.

"Lady Nephis. I am Caster from the Han Li clan. I see that your trial went well?"

'Lady? Why is he addressing her that way? And he had to introduce himself... so, they don't know each other? Interesting.' Wren and Sunny thought.

Nephis seemed to be a little bit perplexed by the question. After thinking for a while, she smiled brightly and shrugged.

"It is what it is."

Caster awkwardly returned the smile.

"I see. I am very glad that you returned unharmed. Uh... not that I doubted your abilities."

Nephis nodded.

"Thank you."

As their conversation was over, Wren suddenly voiced his thought:

"Uh... do you know her Caster?"

"Ah yes, She is Nephis of the Immortal Flame Clan, I don't think I need to tell you about her grandfather, her parents were Smile of Heaven and Broken Sword."

Everyone in the cafeteria felt silent, their face deathly pale including other Legacies. Sunny almost fell from his seat, everyone was silent except one person again asked:

"I am sorry, but was there a clan like that?"

Wren was intelligent, but as a kid he was a part of the orphanage, only basic knowledge was taught there, while rest of his years were spend in training, so he had little to no time in collecting general knowledge that will not help him survive in battles.

Everyone was silent, some were angered including Caster, while some looked at him dumbfounded at his response like Sunny, Nephis had no reaction but she was also surprised by Wren's answer.

"You peasant! First you speak informally to Lady Nephis, then you disrespect her clan!!" Caster said in anger.

Many in the background were supporting Caster, while Wren was unaffected from this and said in calm tone:

"Woah chill big guy, why getting so worked up, you like her or something and since when clans started to meddle in the matters of the Academy." Wren stopped while Caster was red from anger and Nephis chocked on her coffee, the people in the background also stopped shouting.

"First of all sorry Sleeper Nephis, if I disrespected your clan. Second of all, I have spent all of my nine years in training so I am not well updated, third of all I remember your parents not due to their clan name but for their strength and I believe that a clan have nothing to do with your potential, an outstanding potential can be found in outskirts too, and lastly Caster if you are so much into the clan stuff than let me formally introduce myself." As he finished he took out a crest that has a straight sword thrust through an iron anvil.

"I am Wren of the Valor Clan."