Chapter 1: The Wonders of Magic

Support me and be 20 chapters ahead of webnovel:


In a three-story house near the village of Ottery St. Catchpole, eleven-year-old Kyle Joba stood by the window, carefully studying the parchment in his hands.

*Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore*

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Joba,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 31st with your response.

*Deputy Headmistress*

(Professor Minerva McGonagall)


Yes, it was his Hogwarts acceptance letter.

Since arriving in this world eleven years ago, Kyle had been waiting for this day.

Why was he so certain? It was simple: not far from his home lived several other rather unique families.

The ones Kyle was most familiar with were the editor of The Quibbler, Xenophilius Lovegood, and the Weasley family.

The latter, in particular, was unmistakable. The strange house and the family's fiery red hair immediately confirmed the nature of this world for Kyle.

It was also worth noting that Kyle's presence in this village meant that he, too, came from a wizarding family in this life.

His father, Chris Joba, worked at the Ministry of Magic as the Deputy Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, as well as the head of the Beast Division. Thanks to a family talent for communicating with magical creatures, Chris was also a renowned Magizoologist and one of Newt Scamander's few students.

Kyle's mother, Diana, also worked at the Ministry, though in the Department of Mysteries. However, Kyle had no idea what her specific role was. He'd tried many times to subtly inquire, but all his efforts had failed. Clearly, his parents were very good at keeping secrets, as they had never let slip even the slightest detail.

As for the family's status... well, they were quite ordinary, with no particularly famous ancestors to speak of. They certainly didn't measure up to the great names like Dumbledore or Grindelwald.

But even so, Kyle was content. Both of his parents were wizards, and getting into Hogwarts would be no problem.

Unless, of course, he was a Squib.

But that concern had been dispelled after his first magical outburst when he was three years old.

Although he had long known this day would come, when the owl finally tapped on his window with the letter, Kyle was so excited he nearly jumped out of his skin.

He held that parchment like a precious treasure, refusing to let it out of his sight, even keeping it by his bedside. Every now and then, he would glance at it just to make sure it was still real.


"Kyle, dear, you've been staring at that letter for three days now. Can you put it down? I promise you, it's absolutely real!"

Chris couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at his grinning son, gently reminding him, "Don't forget we've arranged to meet the Weasleys today to go to Diagon Alley. Let's not keep them waiting."

"Okay, Dad, I'm coming!"

Hearing his father's words, Kyle quickly put away the Hogwarts acceptance letter, which he had read countless times, and hurried to his feet. As he stood, he tapped on a nearby wooden stump. "Groot, I'm heading out."

As soon as the words left his mouth, a small green creature jumped out and waved at Kyle.

The Joba household didn't have many magical creatures, just a Bowtruckle named Groot and a Kneazle called Tom.

Although Chris, as the Deputy Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, could easily care for a dozen or more magical creatures, he hadn't done so. Even Groot and Tom had only stayed because they refused to leave.

It wasn't that Chris disliked magical creatures. In fact, he believed magical creatures shouldn't be kept by wizards at all.

Anything kept close by a wizard was merely a pet.

On this point, Chris—usually known for being kind and soft-spoken, even earning the reputation of a good-natured gentleman at the Ministry—was particularly firm.

His view was also shared by Newt Scamander.

Newt, too, believed magical creatures belonged in the wild, and his actions reflected this belief throughout his life.

As for why Newt's suitcase was filled with so many magical creatures, that was purely due to Newt's unique circumstances.

Kyle had met the old man several times, so he could say this with certainty.

Newt Scamander was like a certain mysterious young detective—he had an equally peculiar attraction to trouble.

Kyle remembered vividly when, at the age of five, he had accompanied Newt on a stroll through the garden and witnessed a Demiguise diving straight into Newt's arms.

A Demiguise! Known as a master of Disapparition, these creatures, though not particularly intelligent and not prone to hiding deliberately like other magical beasts, had a strong territorial instinct and an acute sense of danger.

The moment they detected a wizard or any other creature posing a threat, they would vanish without a trace.

In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the first line in the entry on the Demiguise states: "Can be observed from afar, but never approached."

Yet this Demiguise had somehow perfectly leapt right into Newt's arms.

It was unbelievable.

Then there was the time, when Kyle was seven, that he and Newt encountered a Salamander.

When he was eight, they stumbled upon an injured Unicorn.

And when he was ten, they barely escaped from a Fire Crab that was nearly turned into a cauldron.


These magical creatures often had strange ways of showing up around Newt. Some had been smuggled into the British wizarding world and escaped, while others seemed to have wandered in by chance.

No matter the situation, they always managed to appear near Newt in the most bizarre ways.

And this was with Newt staying mostly at home!

Back when Newt was traveling the world with his suitcase, returning magical creatures to their natural habitats, things were far worse.

For every magical creature he sent home, a dozen more seemed to crash into his path. Over time, it was no surprise his suitcase had filled up with magical creatures.

With such a peculiar talent, it was no wonder that nearly every Ministry of Magic had placed Newt on their restricted entry list.

After all, those magical creatures were not exactly the friendliest before meeting Newt—especially the injured or pregnant ones. A slight misstep could lead to an explosive encounter.

Just imagine: you're casually enjoying afternoon tea, when suddenly, a rampaging Manticore or Nundu bursts onto the scene... The mere thought of it is enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

Forget Grindelwald or Voldemort. Dark Lords causing chaos by their own hand? That's amateur hour.

Look at Newt. He didn't need to lift a finger to create havoc. All it took was buying a plane ticket, visiting a country for a few days, sipping coffee, and sightseeing. Chaos followed naturally, and he didn't even have to deal with the aftermath.

That's why Grandma Tina is such a hero. By keeping Newt "sealed" by her side, she's done the world an enormous favor. Honestly, the world owes her a First-Class Order of Merlin.

But pity the British wizarding world.

According to unofficial statistics, since Newt settled in Dorset, magical creature incidents at the Ministry had skyrocketed, and Britain had inexplicably become the number one hotspot for smugglers to dump their contraband creatures.

Fortunately, despite the countless minor and major incidents over the years, none had caused serious harm—at most, a few unlucky souls had suffered minor injuries.

Maybe being Newt's birthplace gave this area a passive protective buff.

However, Chris wasn't as fortunate. Due to his job, he often had to work overtime for days on end.

Though from the way Kyle saw it, his father didn't seem to mind.


As Kyle stepped outside, he realized that not only was Chris waiting at the door, but his mother, Diana, had also returned early from the Ministry. She stood there, smiling warmly at him.

Her long black hair was impeccably styled, and the black robe with white trim she wore gave her an air of grace and sophistication. Her soft blue eyes were filled with warmth as they met Kyle's gaze.

Elegant and intelligent.

That was how Kyle always thought of Diana.

Out of instinct, Kyle glanced at Chris... Okay, he was somewhat handsome. His youthful charm was still faintly visible, and together, they made a pretty fitting couple.

Most importantly, Chris wasn't balding. Even though he was nearing forty, the distance between his hairline and eyebrows remained steady at an inch, a stark contrast to Mr. Weasley next door.

Naturally, with such strong genes, Kyle had inherited good looks as well. Among the people he knew, he was easily ranked first. Even at his young age, he was already on track to be heartbreakingly attractive.

But that wasn't important. Kyle had never cared about his appearance—he wasn't planning to rely on his looks, after all.

"Sorry for the delay," Kyle said as he walked between his parents, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"If you had put that acceptance letter away, you wouldn't have been late. Hogwarts isn't going to leave Britain just because you didn't guard the letter properly," Chris teased, making up a joke on the spot.

Well, it was technically a joke—at least Chris found it funny enough to laugh heartily afterward.

As for Kyle, even though he didn't quite get what was so funny, he politely smiled, if only to humor his dad.

Fortunately, the awkward moment didn't last long.

"Alright, it's getting late. We should head out," Diana said with a gentle smile, breaking the tension as she took Kyle's hand. "There's a lot to buy for school, and we shouldn't keep the Weasleys waiting any longer."

With that, a sharp crack echoed through the air, and Diana vanished, taking Kyle with her.

Seeing this, Chris quickly Disapparated to follow them.


(End of Chapter)