Chapter 2: The Leaky Cauldron

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The Leaky Cauldron, established in the early 16th century, is one of the most popular gathering places for wizards and also serves as the entrance to Diagon Alley, the only wizarding street in Britain.

As Diana led Kyle through the door, the previously noisy and bustling bar suddenly seemed to pause, as if someone had hit the mute button. The place became instantly silent.

It was as quiet as a late-night study hall, where even a pin drop could be heard.

The eerie atmosphere lingered until Chris followed them inside. Only then did the tension ease slightly, though the bar didn't fully return to its previous lively state. It felt like everyone was deliberately speaking in hushed tones.

There were a few exceptions, though.

The bar owner, Tom, walked over, his face lighting up with joy. "Oh, Diana, long time no see! Care for a drink? It's on the house."

"Maybe next time, Tom," Diana replied with a smile. She patted Kyle on the shoulder and pointed towards the approaching Weasley family. "We still need to go shopping in Diagon Alley, and we're running a bit short on time."

"Oh, of course," Tom nodded, understanding. "Time flies, doesn't it? Little Kyle's already eleven! So, you're here to get his Hogwarts supplies?"

"That's right," Diana said, nodding with a smile.

"Well, then you'd better hurry. You know the way." Tom stepped aside to reveal the path behind him but then looked down at Kyle with a slight frown. "I must remind you, Kyle, if you move that trash can again, I'll have no choice but to send a complaint to Hogwarts.

"By Merlin's beard, do you know how panicked the first-years get when they find out they can't enter Diagon Alley? You really shouldn't give an old man with bad legs unnecessary extra work."

Kyle couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed at being called out for his previous mischief.

It was clear that this wasn't his first time in Diagon Alley.

But in all honesty, how could someone who has transmigrated to the wizarding world not move the trash can in front of Diagon Alley? That's just what any self-respecting transmigrator would do!

Still, there was no way he could say that in front of his parents, so Kyle could only offer a sheepish grin and say, "Next time, I promise."

Tom didn't seem too bothered by the response, but Diana raised an eyebrow and gave her son a thoughtful look. Her instincts told her something was off about that promise.

Before she could press further, though, the Weasley family had arrived.

"Oh, Kyle, darling!"

Molly Weasley greeted him warmly, pulling him into a big hug before leading Diana off to the side for a chat.

Meanwhile, Mr. Weasley naturally struck up a conversation with Chris.

The two families were close. Diana and Molly were best friends, and Chris and Arthur were like brothers. Their bond grew even stronger after Kyle was born, with the Weasleys enthusiastically inviting them to move closer, which they eventually did.

Kyle had overheard plenty of stories like this during family dinners.

Because of the adults' strong friendship, Kyle had also become fast friends with the Weasley children.

As soon as the grown-ups wandered off, two arms draped themselves over his shoulders, one on each side.

"Hey, Fred, look who's here."

"Well, if it isn't this year's new Hogwarts student."

George's voice was particularly clear when he said the word new.

"Hogwarts can be a dangerous place, especially for first-years like you..."

"Of course, if you're willing to sweet-talk us a little, we might consider helping you out."

Kyle ignored the twins, greeting the rest of the Weasley siblings instead. "Long time no see, Percy, Ron, and Ginny."

They smiled back at him warmly, nodding in unison.

"Long time no see, Kyle." *3

The Weasleys had seven children in total, but Bill was in Egypt, and Charlie had been off somewhere for the past month, so only five were present today.

As they chatted, the group made their way to the rear courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron, the entrance to Diagon Alley. Mr. Weasley, leading the way, quickly located the right brick and tapped it with his wand.

Meanwhile, at the back of the group, the Weasley twins exchanged a glance. After receiving no response from Kyle, they raised their eyebrows in perfect sync, clearly plotting to teach their cheeky underclassman a small lesson.

Perhaps with their newly invented Jumpy Powder. A sprinkle of that on someone's hair, and they'd get to experience a level of discomfort like never before.

They'd tested it on themselves, and the results were spectacular—let's just say, who wouldn't want to experience ten days of not being able to wash their hair?

If luck was on their side, Kyle might even unlock the hidden bonus: a sneak peek into the life of a middle-aged gentleman, complete with a receding hairline.

The twins were just about to sprinkle the powder when Chris's voice rang out from up ahead.

"Hagrid? What are you doing in Diagon Alley?"

His tone, no longer casual, was laced with a hint of caution. This immediately caught the attention of the twins, who froze in their tracks.

After all, they'd heard that tone countless times—it was practically a reflex for them to pay attention.

"N-nothing much," Hagrid stammered.

The half-giant, towering over three meters tall and nearly two meters wide, visibly flinched at the sight of Chris, his eyes shifting nervously.

But then, as if recalling something, Hagrid seemed to relax a little. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small package. "Just buying some berry seeds. Harry Potter's coming to Hogwarts next year, and I wanted to bake him a birthday cake as a welcome gift."

"Really?" Chris's tone remained tense, his eyes narrowing as he eyed the package. "If I'm not mistaken, the Hogwarts kitchens should have enough supplies to bake ten cakes, shouldn't they?"

To be fair, Chris's tone did seem a bit aggressive. If someone unfamiliar with the situation were to witness this, they might mistake him for a villain.

But Kyle, the twins, the Weasley parents—everyone who knew Hagrid well—didn't react at all. Their expressions didn't change, as if this kind of scene was entirely expected.

And it was.

As the Deputy Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and the head of the Beast Division, Chris knew Hagrid all too well.

To put it mildly, if Chris were forced to choose the one person he least wanted to see, it would undoubtedly be the Hogwarts gamekeeper and half-giant, Rubeus Hagrid.

By Merlin's beard, the amount of trouble Hagrid caused accounted for more than a tenth of Chris's workload each year.

Especially the hybrid magical creatures Hagrid had a knack for creating. They drove Chris to the brink of madness.

Right, last time it was… oh yes, the Serpens Canis—a two-tailed snake crossbred from a Rune Snake and a Snout Hound.

How Hagrid managed to gather so many magical creatures is anyone's guess. Surely, not all of them came from the Forbidden Forest, right? Chris certainly didn't remember any Rune Snakes being in the forest during his school years.

As a traditional magizoologist, Chris considered such intentional crossbreeding to be heretical—a practice that should be absolutely forbidden.

Unfortunately, it wasn't illegal. He'd submitted numerous drafts of legislation to ban such activities, but never received any serious attention. When Cornelius Fudge took office as Minister of Magic, Chris even paid a visit to his office to push the matter. However, Fudge's masterful evasion tactics stalled everything until it was quietly swept under the rug.

Clearly, to the new minister, this magical creature legislation held little value. Time was better spent making visits to the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts—at least that boosted Fudge's image and reassured the public.

So, Chris couldn't do much about Hagrid.

Moreover, those creatures Hagrid tinkered with were still living beings. He couldn't simply ignore them or dispose of them.

All Chris could do was observe, document, and classify them, gritting his teeth all the while.

Over time, Chris's resentment toward Hagrid had reached its peak. The only reason he didn't lash out at Hagrid upon meeting him was because there were children around.

Otherwise, he would've taken a swing at Hagrid, and even Dumbledore standing nearby wouldn't have been able to stop him.

Surprised? Don't be. Even though he was the Deputy Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Chris spent most of his time on the front lines dealing with these magical creatures. He was still quite formidable.

A full-blooded giant might give him trouble, but a half-giant without a wand? Chris was more than confident.

Hagrid, aware of his own guilt, obediently opened the package he carried. Inside were, indeed, nothing but a handful of unremarkable seeds.

"In Dumbledore's name, I swear, I'm only here to buy these seeds," Hagrid mumbled.

Hearing this, Chris's furrowed brow finally relaxed. He gave Hagrid a few parting warnings and let him go.

With Hagrid's respect for Dumbledore, it was unlikely he'd lie about something like this.

Kyle, however, glanced thoughtfully at Hagrid's retreating figure.

"This time he wasn't lying… but what about other times?"

Kyle remembered that Fluffy, the three-headed dog from the first book, had been purchased by Hagrid from a Greek man in a bar. Whether it was the Hog's Head or the Leaky Cauldron, he couldn't be sure.

Don't be fooled into thinking the Leaky Cauldron was above shady dealings. Plenty of gray-market transactions took place there. Besides, it was the only inn in the area that offered accommodation without requiring any identification, making it a favorite stop for smugglers who dealt in small, inconspicuous items.

Small goods were easy to hide—stuff them in a suitcase, and no one would notice. It wasn't unusual for a trader to grab a bite to eat and, while at it, finalize a deal with a customer.

And the fact that Hogwarts had a groundskeeper with an extreme passion for magical creatures? That was no secret in the broker's circles.

It wasn't hard to gather information about Hagrid.

"Tsk, who said Hagrid was simple-minded? He's got a few tricks up his sleeve," Kyle thought.

He reckoned that his father probably wasn't aware of Fluffy's origins yet. But Kyle had no intention of ratting Hagrid out.

After all, who could resist the charm of a three-headed dog?

(End of chapter)