To say Anna was shocked is an understatement, she was jarred. She stared at me blankly at first and then the blank look on her face slowly turned to horror and then rage "those bitches! who do they think they are to treat you like this!!! Are they psychotic?! they must be looking for death to treat my best friend like this. wait till I get my hands on them, I'll make them wish they were never born, I'll make them experience a fate better than death..." she ranted on and on without taking a breath in between. I left her to blow off some steam and afterwards, I told her to calm herself down and then she got mad at me " why should I calm down huh? Are you still going to sit back and watch them continue bullying you? It started with your drawings and stuff and now they have sent you into a strangers bed forcing you to get married to the monster of the Steele family would you wait until they send you to hell too? I want you to pay them back in their own coin else you can forget about me being your best friend. I am ready to go any length with you for revenge against them." she ranted in one breath. I looked at my best friend in amazement and I actually felt my heart swell in pride cause she never ceases to amaze me for real. I can always count on her but do I wan revenge? "I don't want revenge Anna," I whispered "What!?" she yelled drawing the attention of everybody in the cafe to us. I smile awkwardly and replied "I want to ruin Evelyn and Samantha bit by bit until they crack. I want to make life unbearable for them. I want the to regret every single harm they had brought my way. I want to bring horror to them Anna. I despise that mother and daughter" I saw Anna's face wash with relief and then excitement "yaaaassssss" she squealed "what's the plan and when are we going to start with it?" she questioned almost jumping up and down from excitement. "I'll let you know once the plan is about to commence Anna. You're going to be a huge part of my plan" I replied making her excitement rise sky high. We were still chatting when a call came in from Maria ( my assistant) about the client that I was supposed to be meeting after lunch and that Is when I realized that I've been talking to Anna for about two hours. I bid Anna farewell and drove all the way to the office like a Mad Max. I pulled into the parking lot seven minutes later cutting the drive time in half. When I walked into the office, Maria ran to meet me in the reception whispering "your client has been on seat for over twenty minutes waiting for you" well... I guess I'm done for this time. This is a huge client whose deal could bring the company to a new level. Just one slip up from me and this could send our company down an endless abyss. I walked as fast as my legs could carry me into my office but before I went in, I fixed my hair and dress before putting a smile on my face and walking in. Mr Johnathan Abraham was sitting on the sofa in my office with a cup of coffee in hand and an obvious scowl on his chubby face. Wait let me introduce Me Jonathan Abraham to y'all... Jonathan Abraham: CEO of a tech startup company named Wincall inc. A chubby middle aged man with a beer belly. not really good looking... well he barely escaped being ugly. A sleazy man with history of picking on young ladies ( well it's all rumors) and is publicly afraid of his wife ( rumors also have it that his wife is the family's source of wealth) well back to our meeting. 

"Good afternoon Mr Johnathan, How has your day been?" I asked politely "Well at least you still have a bit of manners" he snorted in reply. I ignored his response and went straight into business with him and not much to my surprise Mr Johnathan was always zoning out or losing focus all through the meeting and it was starting to get annoying until the end of the meeting when I finally finished showing him some drafts I had that could be modified to his taste and I thought I was doing a great job when he suddenly spoke up " Miss Sophia, I must say, I really like your works and I feel like we may have a long term partnership and I could refer you to other CEOs for work you know. But I'm a very time conscious man and you kept me waiting for about twenty minutes of my precious time which is worth twenty hours of regular people's time. Well I know you're a smart lady so what do you think you can serve as compensation for the time wasted?" I stared at him as his lips moved noticing every motion they made even up to the little spittle that left his mouth while he spoke till his question snapped me out of my daze. I stared at him blankly for a moment before finally putting my smile back on and replying him politely "I'll discuss with the company on giving you a discount since you're willing to help us grow the company by referring us to other CEOs for work " I see a sinister smile flash across his face before he replied again " I am wealthy Sophia, I don't need the discount. If you really want to thank me you can have dinner with me at the Blue Manor hotel later tonight" I smiled and tried to decline politely but he wasn't having any of it. I was thrown into a state of despair until an idea bulb lit up in my head. I smiled and agreed to his dinner proposal and he was so happy that he signed the already drafted contract immediately. He left me with his supplementary card and left in high spirits. I called Anna immediately and told her about the dinner tonight. "WHAT!!! I hope you're not planning to go out alone with that monster? you know what he is capable of doing to you even if it is just rumors you have to be careful." I had to keep my phone at an arms length to avoid getting an ear bleed from the way Anna was screaming. when she finally calmed down I calmly explained my plans to her " I am going to have dinner with him and I know that if at all he's going to drug me, the drug will most likely be in the drink so I'll avoid any drink at all and only drink the water that I bring along but I'm going to make him think I'm taking the drink cause I'm going to lift the glass to my lips a couple of times in his presence. that's where you come in. you'll create a distraction behind his chair and that will allow me throw the drink away and afterwards you place a call through to me and tell me I have to rush down to the hospital to see my father. it's a win win win situation for all three of us." at the end of my "speech " Anna screamed again and I'm pretty sure she's jumping up and down where ever she is right now. After I ended my call with Anna, I pack my things and head out to get a dinner gown since I don't want to go home to change and I can't go to dinner in a corporate wear. I stop by my favorite store in the mall named 1pm. they sell the best and most affordable clothes in the entire mall and I don't have to break a bank to buy a dress. I walk into the store and the store attendant Ava recognizes me immediately and rushes to my side to help me with my bag and sat me down. I told her I need a dinner dress and she ran inside the store room to get me some of their best dinner dresses "hyper Ava" I laughed to myself. A few minutes later, Ava came out with about 7 beautiful dinner dresses and I stepped into the dressing room and started checking them out one after the other until the fourth dress that happened to be be a black dress with deep purple designs. The dress was so stunning that I fell in love with it at first sight and when I wore it, it accentuated my curves perfectly. I knew I had to take it even though I wouldn't be wearing it tonight so I also took a cream colored plain dress to wear and just as I was telling Ava to pack up the dresses, "I want that black dress" a thin voice rang out.