Sophia's bearings were disoriented from the chain of happenings as she wandered into the corridor of Logan's mansion.

It had been three days since the wedding and she couldn't still comprehend that she was married to Logan.

 The vows, the consent, the solemn procession of exchange of rings – they all faded away in the haze of a pitiful nightmare. 

And yet, Logan's almost disinterested look in her direction during the reception, three days ago was painfully real.

 He hadn't even been overly courteous as to hold her hand unless it was a matter of great urgency, and she could still feel the tension in his jaw as he pronounced the words, 'I do'.

This can't be how it ends. 

Sophia had seen all forms of family relationships, yet this one was a different case. It was never Samantha who was not a schemer; she was always getting her way, but to this extent, why would she even… The more she pondered the situation, the more she felt the sense of treachery clawing inside of her.

She could not brush it off. She could not allow her sister to get away with this.

Resolved, Sophia spitefully decided to go back to her house and confront her sister. 

She pivoted and strode through the house, her legs swiftly gliding over the shiny floor, dress cascading behind while she combed for Samantha. 

She couldn't find her there so she knew there was only one place she could be at.

There were still many people standing at the corners talking in low tones pertaining to the weird events in the bar.

 They were oblivious to reality. They didn't know the reality of what happened outside of the bar. All they wanted to do was drink and party. The same goes for Samantha. 

Catching a glimpse of Samantha at the back of a table area where she was engaged with a few guests, taking deep breaths in and out, Sophia clenched her hands into a fist and went directly to her. 

Then, upon arrival, Samantha looked at her, a look of almost indifference on her face, as if this were just an everyday occurrence.

"Listen to me, Samantha," Sophia stated firmly in a deep but cutting tone.

Samantha lifted an eyebrow, consuming some champagne. "What about?" she inquired, the smug, teasing tension around her lips expressing a hint of a smirk. It was a smile that Sophia had come to despise during their years together, the kind of smile Samantha wore whenever she was sure of winning.

"About what transpired," Sophia spat. "About the wedding and how you… drugged me."

For a fraction of a second, something stirred on Samantha's surface—shock most likely, amusement probably. But it was gone almost immediately, overtaken by that long-familiar superiority. "Oh, that."

"Yes, that," Sophia retorted. "What the hell was in your head?"

Samantha looked around, more particularly behind her, to check who the eavesdroppers were, and then nonchalantly advanced closer. Her tone was innocent but thick with sarcasm. "I was thinking that I do not want to go through with the marriage to Logan Steele, and you were a convenient out. You are the sweet, submissive sister who would do anything for the family."

 She italicised the last part with lilting malice while leaning in. "And you fit this role perfectly."

Sophia flinched as if she'd been struck. "You manipulated me," she said in a breath, already feeling the coming of the inescapable reality. "You forced me into marrying him -"

"Oh, spare me." Samantha groaned dramatically. "Don't pretend that I spoiled some epic win-the-love-of-you-back story. Get out of here. You had no affection for Logan, and he certainly had no interest in you. This is a kindness. Now you are someone else's billionaire's wife. You owe me."

Sophia felt extreme nausea. A long step back followed almost immediately, her heart racing. "You don't understand," was all she managed to get out as her voice trembled with distress. "You've dragged me into this inane drama of yours. I don't want this. I never wanted this!"

Samantha chuckled lightly. "Silence this flare for the dramatics already, Sophia.

Through the haze of her vision, she became aware of the tears she was holding back, but for a different reason—anger. Anger was something she felt ready to lash out with, and she opened her mouth for that reason when a voice cut through from somewhere behind her. 

"Quite an interesting talk."

Sophia was not able to move. The colour left her face as she looked back to see Logan standing directly behind them, his expression cold and his eyes glinting dangerously. Logan's attention shifted from her to Samantha in an appreciable manner and when it returned to her, his jaw was harder.

"Logan—" Sophia began, her heart plummeting to her toes.

Logan's attention was returned to Samantha, suddenly rendered speechless, her confident grin disappearing. He raised her eyebrow at her and asked, with calm yet lethal menace, "What was that about?"

For the first time, Sophia saw fear flicker for a moment in Samantha's eyes, though she sought to hide it instantly. "Logan," she 'trilled' moving into Logan's personal space, "you see, this is a misunderstanding. Do you see how Sophia is? She is just… disoriented."

Frustration took over Sophia. "No, I am not," came her reply resolutely as she advanced as well. "I know what transpired. She put something in my drink, Logan. She did not want to wed you so she made sure I was the one left at the altar."

Logan's pupils constricted as he ground his eyes into Sophia's neck, and it hurt. A frozen smile devoid of joy appeared on his rounded face. "Oh, is it?" He lowered his voice to such a level that it made her spine want to crawl.

Before she could elaborate on that, Samantha, whom Sophia thought had lost her edge, came back to life, her voice assertive and overly smooth again. "Logan, please. This marriage was never anything serious, and you know it. I mean, what difference does it make? Which Parker did you get? You've got your wife, which is all that matters at the end of the day, isn't it?" She shrugged dismissively as if all this was just a joke.

Sophia felt horrified as the expression on Logan's face changed, and his eyes grew darker. He glanced back at her, and at that moment, she understood that something was very wrong.

"Everyone was in the plan, huh?" Logan hissed. "Right from the start."

Sophia choked. "What? No, I-"

Logan cut her off. "You're no hero here. You and your little friend probably masterminded this whole sick operation. I should have expected it from a schemer like you. Just like her."

"No!" Sophia reprised as her voice broke. "I had no clue, I promise! I didn't—"

Logan interrupted her with an amused, mocking cry. "You expect me to buy that? That you just ended up at the wedding as some happen to do? Do you take me for a fool, Sophia?"

Sophia's throat felt tight. She could hardly breathe, not to mention talk if she pleased. The way he regarded her was full of disdain, and it stirred something within her.

"You are just like everyone else," Logan went on in a raised voice. "In it just for the money, and the prestige. I am sure you thought this would be your winning gamble, am I right? Getting married to a billionaire and then living a life of—"

"Lies!" Sophia shouted, her voice trembling. "I didn't desire anything like this! I wasn't even aware of what Samantha's ideas were until after it took place!"

Fury sparked in Logan's gaze. "Right, you are."

Sophia took a step back, her heart racing. She could not let him think that way. She needed to make him understand. She needed to – 

"You know what?" Logan cut in, changing the tone of his voice to one that practically promised death. "It isn't an issue anymore. You're my wife now, and we will get even for this."

Sophia's eyes went large. "Logan, no—"

He moved closer until she could feel him on her skin; her breath almost evaporated, and he said, "I will make you wish you were never born."

Her blood ran cold. She co

The incident was deeply moving for Samantha, who witnessed the whole episode with her eyes glued to the group. "Aah," she let go of a breath in the form of relief, "I knew this would play out badly, and it has."

"Haven't you got any shame at all?" Sophia's hands trembled with rage and disbelief as she turned to face her sister.

But Samantha was already striding off, the sound of her heels echoing on the glossy floor. "It's fine, baby sister," she yelled back. "Someday you will come to appreciate what I have done."

Sophia remained standing still, even as the ruins of her life unfolded around her. A tool for others, she had been used, turned into the enemy, and currently… Now, she was stuck in an unhappy marriage with a man who despised her. Who assumed that she was simply a money-seeking homeless creature and a daughter-in-law only useful to one of the sister's vile plans?

And there was no escape from this situation.