Fixed marriage

In the Lee mansion, both families were gathered together discussing the marriage of their sons with joy and happiness.

"It is settled then, they'll be getting married next month", Mr Lee said grinning happily at the rest as they nodded their heads in agreement.

"But where is your son, Jun Seong, Hyuna?",Mrs Shin said looking around the big mansion.

"He's a workaholic as always,he rarely visits us and he doesn't even care about his health",she said sighing deeply at her son's behavior.

"But I trust Seongho here will take good care of him, right?",She said flashing a charming smile and at Seongho.

"Y. . .yes ma'am,once we're married. . . . I'll make sure to take good care of my hubby",He said blushing cutely as he fiddled with his fingers.

"You guys are not married yet but you're already calling my hyung your hubby huh?",Minseong said teasing him while the others cooed at his cute behavior.

Later that night, Junseong went over to his parents to visit them.As he walked into the mansion he could not help but think about why his parents summoned him so urgently.

He smiled warmly as he approached his parents who were watching a reality show on TV.

"Hi mom and dad, how are you both doing ?" He said bowing slightly to them and sat on the couch beside him.

"How do you expect us to be okay with this workaholic attitude of yours, pabo?"Mrs Lee said glaring angrily at her son.

"Well we've found the solution to your problem, your father and I fixed your marriage with the shin's,you know that family friend of ours?"*His mother said smiling innocently at him while father smirked knowing fully well that even if He doesn't want the marriage,He has no other option.

"Mom can i at least see his photos?",Junseong said clenching his fists at his sides.

"Oh . . .definitely my son", She said scrolling through her phone and tapped on a picture showing to Junseong and then he smirked at the pretty boy's image.

He was sure going to have a lot of fun in this sham marriage his parents were forcing him into.

"Okay mother and father, I'll get married to him", *He said smiling innocently at the both of them.

"That's good then, now all is good", His father said and went back to watching TV while his mother sang praises to him.

Junseong turned his head to the direction of the stairs when he heard the familiar voice of his brother.

"Hyung, I missed you so much", *Minseong said hugging him tightly and sat beside him*

"Hyung. . . . your soon to be bride is so cute and pretty,he was so blushy about the marriage when it was being discussed and he even called you his hubby", Minseong said squealing loudly as he dramatically threw his hands in the air.

Junseong felt his lips curve into a smile as Minseong told him about the little details of Seongho but he quickly chided himself, reminding himself that the marriage is just of convenience and he'll never fall in love with his soon to be partner.

After dinner and playful discussions between the family, Junseong left for his mansion in Seoul to think about the marriage of convenience he was getting himself into. Junseong drove furiously into the mansion totally ignoring the greetings from his staffs as usual and went straight to his room to take a shower.

After taking a cool refreshing shower, het hought of the date that was set up for the both of them the next day by his parents and groaned loudly at the idea.

To take his mind off it,he went to his study to review the reports that was sent by his secretary earlier that night and ended up being cooped up with it that he forgot about it all.

Meanwhile In Busan, Seongho couldn't stop thinking about the meeting with his soon to be in-laws.He blushed deeply as he thought about how his first night with his husband will be and how his husband will love,cherish and respect him.

He felt butterflies at the pit of his stomach imagining his love story being a fairy tale like those Webnovel stories he reads at night,he finally fell asleep with a little smile on his lips excited for the date between him and his soon to be hubby tomorrow.