Dinner Date Gone Wrong

Seongho's face flushed with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he prepared for his date with the cold billionaire, Junseong. He carefully selected his outfit, making sure every detail was just right. Adjusting his tie in the mirror, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending time with someone so captivating and out of his usual world. The anticipation of the evening ahead filled him with a delightful flutter of emotions.

Seongho's outfit for the date with the CEO billionaire included a well-fitted suit in a classic color like navy or charcoal. He chose a crisp white dress shirt to complement the suit, along with a stylish tie that adds a touch of sophistication. To complete the look, he opted for polished dress shoes and subtle accessories that enhanced his overall appearance. The ensemble was a perfect balance of elegance and charm, reflecting Seongho's anticipation and excitement for the special evening ahead.

Seongho's heart skipped a beat as he heard his mom's playful footsteps approaching his room. With a mischievous grin, she peeked in, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, well, look at you, all dressed up! Is someone going on a special date tonight with his future billionaire husband?" she teased, knowing full well the reason behind Seongho's polished appearance.

Blushing furiously, Seongho tried to play it cool, but his cheeks gave him away. "Mom, it's just a casual dinner with between us, like getting to know each other better" he stammered, attempting to downplay the significance of the evening. His mom's knowing smile only made him blush deeper, her teasing banter adding a light-hearted warmth to the nervous excitement that bubbled within him.

Seongho's heart swelled with gratitude as his mom's teasing demeanor shifted to a more supportive tone. "Alright, my dear son, go out there and charm your future hubby with your wit and kindness. Remember, be yourself, and don't forget to compliment him on something genuine. Oh, and a warm smile never hurts!" she advised with a twinkle in her eye, her maternal love shining through her words. With her well-wishes lingering in the air, Seongho's felt a surge of confidence as he waited to meet his mysterious billionaire date.

As Seongho nervously waited for his date, the doorbell rang, and there stood the enigmatic billionaire, exuding an aura of power and sophistication. With a polite nod, the billionaire greeted Seongho, his demeanor cool and composed, yet his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity as he observed Seongho's reaction to his presence.

Meanwhile, Seongho's mom, who had been watching discreetly from the hallway, couldn't resist the opportunity to wish them well. Stepping forward with a warm smile, she said, "Have a wonderful time, boys. Enjoy your evening together, and remember, kindness and honesty go a long way in building a strong connection." Her words of encouragement added a touch of maternal warmth to the air, easing Seongho's nerves and bringing a scoff to the billionaire's lips.

Seongho fiddled nervously with his fingers, feeling the weight of the awkward silence that hung heavy in the car. Junseong's steely gaze remained fixed on the road ahead, his expression unreadable, but a simmering anger seemed to radiate from him. The tension in the air was palpable, making Seongho's discomfort grow with each passing moment. Despite the uneasy atmosphere, the scenery outside the car window painted a serene picture, the contrast between the external calmness and the internal tension adding to the complexity of the moment.

Seongho, feeling the weight of the silence, gathered his courage and attempted to start a conversation, hoping to break the icy barrier between them. "So, uh, Junseong hyung, do you enjoy the city lights at night?" Seongho ventured, his voice slightly shaky. However, before he could finish his sentence, Junseong waved his hand dismissively, his attention still fixed on the road, as if Seongho's words were inconsequential. The dismissal hit Seongho hard, leaving him feeling small and insignificant, his expression turning sad and pouty as he sank back into his seat, the hurt evident in his eyes.

Seongho, feeling a glimmer of relief, thought that perhaps the awkwardness would soon dissipate as they arrived at the restaurant. As they stepped out of the car, Seongho's anticipation grew, hoping for a fresh start in a new setting. However, as they walked towards the entrance of the most luxurious restaurant in Korea, which turned out to be Junseong's, a sense of grandeur and exclusivity surrounded them. To Seongho's surprise, the restaurant was closed down for their date, adding an unexpected twist to the evening and leaving them standing in front of the closed doors, unsure of what to do next.

Junseong and Seongho stepped into the restaurant, greeted by an opulent interior that exuded elegance and sophistication. They were led to the most enchanting spot in the restaurant, a secluded area adorned with twinkling lights and fragrant flowers, creating a magical ambiance. The employees, recognizing Junseong, welcomed them warmly with genuine smiles and impeccable service, adding a touch of warmth to the luxurious setting. The combination of the exquisite surroundings and the genuine hospitality of Junseong's employees set the stage for a memorable evening ahead.

Junseong and Seongho were presented with the menu, filled with a variety of delectable Korean dishes like gimbap, bulgogi, and kimchi. After perusing the menu, they placed their orders, eagerly anticipating the delicious meal ahead. However, as they waited for their food to arrive, Junseong began scrolling lazily on his phone, seemingly lost in his own world. On the other hand, Seongho's gaze lingered on the food, a mix of hunger and awkwardness evident in his expression as he stole glances at Junseong, unsure of how to break the silence hanging between them.

Seongho's, feeling the tension in the air, attempted to nudge Junseong gently, urging him to start eating and perhaps ease the awkwardness between them. "Hey, Junseong, why don't you dig in? The food looks amazing," Seongho suggested, his voice laced with a hint of hope. However, instead of a warm response, Junseong shot him sharp glares, his eyes cold and unwelcoming, causing Seongho to retreat back into his own thoughts, uncertain of how to bridge the growing gap between them.

Seongho's heart sank as Junseong's words pierced through him, shattering the fragile hope that had begun to bloom. "It's just a marriage of convenience, Seongho. I won't put effort into it, but I'll fulfill my duties," Junseong's voice was cold and matter-of-fact, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Tears welled up in Seongho's eyes, a mix of pain and acceptance reflected in his gaze as he absorbed Junseong's words, the weight of unrequited feelings settling upon his shoulders. Despite his affection for Junseong, Seongho knew he had no choice but to accept the harsh reality laid out before him.

Seongho heart felt like it was being crushed under the weight of Junseong's words. The air around them grew heavy with the unspoken emotions swirling between them. Seongho's eyes, now teary and filled with a mix of pain and longing, glistened in the dim light of the restaurant. Despite the ache in his chest, Seongho knew deep down that he couldn't force Junseong to feel something he didn't. With a heavy sigh, Seongho nodded slowly, accepting the terms laid out before him, even though it meant suppressing his own feelings for the sake of a marriage that would never be more than a facade.

The dinner came to a somber end, with Seongho's heart heavy and his thoughts filled with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. As they left the restaurant, the silence between Junseong and Seongho spoke volumes, echoing the unspoken pain that lingered in the air.

Later, as Junseong dropped Seongho off at his home, the weight of the evening hung heavily in the car. Junseong stepped out and walked with Seongho to the doorstep where Seongho's mother stood, a concerned look on her face. Junseong turned to her, his expression unreadable yet tinged with a hint of regret. With a soft goodbye, He bade farewell to Seongho's mother, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air as he turned and walked away, leaving Seongho to face the ache in his heart alone.

Seongho, feeling the weight of the evening's emotions, put on a brave face as he entered his home. His mother's concerned gaze met his, and before she could utter a word, Seongho plastered a smile on his face and spun a tale about how the dinner had turned out great, downplaying the true emotions that had transpired between him and Junseong.

His sister,Hyeri, always quick to pick up on subtle cues, teased Seongho playfully, unaware of the turmoil that lay beneath the surface. Laughter filled the room as they shared light-hearted banter, the facade of happiness masking the truth of the evening's events. Despite the charade, Seongho couldn't shake the heaviness in his heart, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air, hidden from the prying eyes of his family.

Seongho's pov

As I walked into my room, the facade I had worn for my family crumbled, and the weight of the evening's emotions crashed down on me. I sank onto my bed, the tears I had been holding back now flowing freely, soaking my cheeks as I allowed myself to finally release the pain that had been building inside me.

I couldn't shake the memory of Junseong's words, the cold truth of his feelings piercing through me like a dagger. The promise I had made to myself, to make my future husband fall for me, now felt like an impossible dream slipping through my fingers. The ache in my chest grew with each sob, the weight of unrequited love pressing down on me, suffocating me in its grip. Despite the pain, I knew deep down that I had to find the strength to pick myself up and face the harsh reality that lay ahead.

Seongho lay on his bed, tears drying on his cheeks, a resolve building within him. With a determined whisper, he promised himself to keep trying to win Junseong's heart, no matter the obstacles. The weight of his emotions slowly lifted as he drifted into a peaceful slumber, thoughts of a hopeful future with Junseong dancing in his dreams