Reception party: playful banters and new beginnings

The grand ballroom adorned with twinkling fairy lights and cascading floral arrangements in hues of blush and gold. The air is filled with the melodic strains of a live band playing soft jazz tunes, setting a sophisticated and elegant tone for the evening.

Guests mingle and chatter animatedly, their laughter intermingling with the clinking of champagne glasses. The room is aglow with the warm light of flickering candles, casting a soft, romantic ambiance over the space. Tables are elegantly set with delicate china and sparkling crystal, each centerpiece a work of art in itself.

As the newlyweds make their grand entrance, applause and cheers fill the room, signaling the start of a night to remember. Seongho and Junseong share a tender first dance, though their one sided love,it radiated through every graceful movement. The guests watch on, their hearts touched by the genuine emotion that fills the room.

Throughout the evening, a delectable feast is served, each course a culinary masterpiece that delights the senses. From savory appetizers to decadent desserts, the menu is a symphony of flavors that leaves guests raving about the exquisite cuisine.

As the night progresses, the mood shifts to one of celebration and revelry. The dance floor beckons, and guests of all ages take to their feet, moving to the rhythm of the music with joyous abandon. The DJ spins a mix of classic hits and modern tunes, ensuring that there's something for everyone to groove to.

Amidst the laughter and music, heartfelt toasts are raised to the newlyweds, each speech a testament to the love and admiration felt for Seongho and his new hubby. Tears are shed, hugs are shared, and bonds are strengthened as the night unfolds in a symphony of love and happiness.

Junseong's pov

I was exhausted, beyond tired of the charade at the reception party. Every forced smile, every polite conversation felt like a heavy weight on my shoulders. All I could think about was the comfort of my bed, the soft embrace of sleep waiting for me at home. The laughter around me sounded distant, the chatter a mere buzz in the background. I longed for the moment when I could finally escape this facade and retreat to the solace of my own space, where I could let go of the act and just be. Just a little longer, I told myself, and then I could bid farewell to this night and welcome the sweet relief of rest.

Seongho's pov

I was all blushy and flustered, thinking about our first night together . The anticipation and excitement mingled with a hint of shyness as I remembered the lingerie my sister had bought for me, for the occasion. The thought of that intimate moment made my heart race and cheeks flush with a mix of nervousness and desire. Imagining the soft fabric against my skin, I couldn't help but smile at the sweet anticipation of what was to come even though I knew what I was getting myself into , a marriage of convenience.

End of point of view

It was now time for the couple to feed each other,they were given a special place to seat while the guests watched the act of display.

Junseong's piercing glare as Seongho attempted to feed him conveyed a sense of reluctance, almost as if he was reluctantly accepting the gesture without much choice. The tension in the air was palpable, adding a layer of complexity to the moment, making it more captivating and filled with unspoken emotions. The act of feeding each other became a silent play of desire and constraint, a dance of hidden feelings that lingered between them, creating a captivating and enigmatic atmosphere. Junseong's intense glare as Seongho reluctantly fed him added a layer of tension to the moment, making it more intriguing. As they exchanged gestures of feeding each other, the guests around them erupted into applause, recognizing the love and connection between the newlyweds. The room filled with a warm and celebratory atmosphere as Junseong and Seongho, now applauded, felt the love and support of their friends and family enveloping them. Soon, the guests gathered around the couple, showering them with blessings and prayers for a lifetime of happiness and togetherness. The scene was a beautiful blend of intimacy, celebration, and well-wishes for the newlyweds, creating a moment that they would cherish forever.

And as the reception draws to a close, the guests bid farewell with warm embraces and promises to meet again soon. The night lingers in their memories, a tapestry of moments woven together to create a beautiful and lasting impression of a celebration filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

Junseong's smirk, filled with anticipation to turn the marriage into a challenging game, contrasted sharply with Seongho's quiet sobs as he faced the emotional turmoil of leaving his family behind. The farewell scene was a mix of conflicting emotions, with both families offering prayers and blessings, their hearts heavy with the weight of goodbyes and the hope for a bright future. The air was thick with a blend of excitement and sorrow, setting the stage for a marriage that promised to be a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. As they settled into the luxurious car, the soft leather seats enveloping them, the atmosphere was tense. The car glided smoothly towards Junseong's grand mansion, the lavish decor and intricate details reflecting his opulent lifestyle. Seongho gazed out of the window, lost in his thoughts, while Junseong's expression remained unreadable.

Finally, breaking the silence, Junseong turned to Seongho with a cold gaze. "Seongho, So you fucking thought I married you because of you or what?.... . I only agreed to this marriage for my parents' sake. It was a mistake, a decision made under pressure," his words cutting through the air like a sharp blade. Seongho's heart sank as the weight of Junseong's confession settled upon him even though he was told that from their first date, the reality of their situation sinking in as they approached the mansion's imposing gates. The grand facade of the mansion now seemed to cast a shadow over their uncertain future.

Seongho, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, nodded silently, his heart heavy with the weight of Junseong's conditions. Despite the turmoil within him, he accepted Junseong's terms, the gravity of the situation settling upon him like a heavy shroud.

As they stepped out of the car at the grand mansion, the flashing lights of the cameras illuminated their strained expressions. The media and press eagerly capturing every moment, but Junseong's demeanor was distant and detached. He swiftly made his way into the mansion, leaving Seongho behind, who trailed after him like a lost puppy, the cameras clicking away in the background, capturing the stark contrast between their emotions.

The painted a poignant picture of Seongho's silent acceptance and Junseong's aloofness, set against the backdrop of the intrusive media, creating a moment of vulnerability and isolation for both of them

.They went into the mansion and Seongho's eyes widened seeing the number of staffs in the big mansion. Junseong's voice sliced through the chilly air as he introduced Seongho to the staff as his new husband, causing whispers to flutter among them. The staff couldn't help but remark on Seongho's resemblance to a very cute baby duck, eliciting a warm blush from him. Despite Junseong's icy glares, Seongho hurried to his side, linking their arms together, a silent plea for connection. Junseong, though met with cold gazes, reluctantly allowed Seongho to cling to him, not wishing to cause a spectacle.

As they ascended the grand staircase of the mansion, their steps reverberating in the opulent surroundings, Seongho couldn't resist calling Junseong "hubby" with a cute pout, further stirring the emotions in the tense atmosphere. Upon entering the big master bedroom and locking the doors, Junseong pushed Seongho away, glaring at him with an irritating stare, creating a palpable tension in the room. Junseong's voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade, "Stay within your limits, Seongho. I won't tolerate your childish antics any longer." His words laced with a coldness that sent shivers down Seongho's spine, the air heavy with tension. As Seongho hiccupped, his cute pout now mixed with tears, he gazed at Junseong with a mix of hurt and longing, silently pleading for a glimpse of warmth in Junseong's icy demeanor. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the next move in thisintricate dance of emotions.




To be continued. . . . .