Seongho's Firm Resolution

After Junseong's warning echoed in Seongho's mind, a heavy silence settled in the grand bedroom. Seongho's heart ached with a mixture of regret and longing as he watched Junseong retreat to the guest room, leaving behind a trail of unsaid words and unspoken emotions.

As midnight draped its velvety veil over the sprawling mansion, Seongho found himself unable to seek solace in the vastness of the empty room. The shadows danced ominously on the walls, mirroring the turmoil in Seongho's heart. The weight of Junseong's caution hung heavily on his shoulders, a constant reminder of their sham marriage.

In the dimly lit bedroom, Seongho's heart raced with conflicting emotions as he stared at the lingerie spread out before him. The weight of Junseong's hurtful words still fresh in his mind, Seongho's hands trembled as he reached for the delicate garments.

But then, a surge of frustration and despair washed over him, clouding his vision with doubt and pain. With a sudden burst of emotion, Seongho's hand flung across the table, sending the lingerie tumbling to the floor in a flurry of silk and lace. The once alluring pieces now lay crumpled and discarded, a silent testament to his inner turmoil.

As the room fell into a heavy silence, Seongho sank onto the edge of the bed, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. The discarded lingerie scattered around him, a poignant reminder of the love slipping through his fingers, irretrievable like the broken pieces of his shattered hopes.

Feeling a mix of anger and sorrow, Seongho clenched his fists, his jaw set in a determined line. In that moment, a fire ignited within him, a fierce resolve to confront Junseong and lay bare the raw emotions that simmered beneath the surface. With a deep breath, he rose from the bed, his steps purposeful as he marched towards the door, ready to face the storm that awaited outside.

Unable to bear the solitude any longer, Seongho quietly sought out the maids for directions to the guest room, a small flicker of hope igniting within him at the thought of being near Junseong once more. With hesitant steps, he navigated the dimly lit corridors, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpeting that lined the floors.

As Seongho pushed open the ornate double doors leading to the guest room, a soft gasp escaped his lips at the sight that greeted him. There, bathed in the gentle glow of a solitary lamp, lay Junseong, his features softened in sleep, the lines of worry that had etched themselves on his face now smoothed out in peaceful repose.

Seongho's heart clenched at the sight of his beloved husband, the ache of their strained relationship throbbing painfully within him. With a wistful sigh, he approached the bed where Junseong lay, his eyes tracing the familiar contours of Junseong's face, a bittersweet ache settling in his chest.

Unable to resist the pull of his emotions, Seongho's resolve crumbled as he let out a soft, tearful sob, the weight of his regrets and unspoken truths cascading down his cheeks. In that vulnerable moment, he longed for the comfort and closeness that he knew that it would be impossible to receive , aching to bridge the divide that grew between them.

With a trembling hand, Seongho gently squeezed himself onto the bed beside Junseong, his heart swelling with a mix of sorrow and affection. As he settled down, his body molded against Junseong's, a small, wistful pout gracing his lips as he sought solace in the warmth of their shared space.

In the hushed stillness of the guestroom bathed in the soft glow of the lamp, Seongho lay beside Junseong, his heart heavy with unspoken words and unshed tears. As he closed his eyes, the rhythmic sound of Junseong's breathing a comforting lullaby, Seongho allowed himself to drift into a fitful slumber, his dreams haunted by the ghost of his one sided love.

In the quiet of the guest room, Seongho's fingers tightened around the soft fabric of Junseong's shirt, the only anchor in the swirling storm of emotions that threatened to engulf him. His husband's presence lingered like a ghost,a bittersweet reminder of the love that seemed out of reach.

Meanwhile, in the hushed corridors of the grand mansion, the maids gathered in small clusters, their voices barely above a whisper as they indulged in the age-old tradition of gossip. Their eyes darted furtively, their words laden with intrigue and speculation about the mysterious actions of their esteemed boss, Junseong, on his wedding night.

"I saw him earlier, wandering the halls like a lost soul," one maid confided, her tone tinged with sympathy for the their new boss, seonho. "He looked so lost, as if searching for something he couldn't find."

"Could it be trouble in paradise with Mr Junseong?" another maid chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of scandal. "I heard they had a disagreement earlier in the evening. Perhaps that's why Mr Junseong probably left his room."

The gossip spread like wildfire among the maids, each adding their own embellishments and theories to the growing tale of intrigue surrounding Junseong and Seongho's tumultuous relationship. Whispers of secret meetings and hidden tensions floated through the air, adding a sense of drama to the already charged atmosphere of the mansion.

As the night wore on, the maids' gossip reached a fever pitch, the air thick with speculation and anticipation. Behind closed doors, Seongho clung to Junseong's shirt, a silent plea for reconciliation and understanding, unaware of the web of intrigue and whispers that surrounded their love story.



As Seongho stirred from his sleep, his eyes fluttered open to meet Junseong's intense gaze. Expecting warmth, he was met with a cold push that sent shockwaves through his body. Confusion and hurt clouded Seongho's expression as he tried to reach out to Junseong, only to be met with a wall of resentment.

Junseong's anger simmered just beneath the surface, a mix of frustration and disappointment evident in his every move. With a firm grip, he led Seongho out of the guest room, the click of the door locking echoing in the hallway. Seongho's heart raced as he struggled to make sense of the sudden turn of events.

Forced to the floor, Seongho felt a wave of emotions crashing over him. The sense of rejection weighed heavily on his chest as he watched Junseong retreat to their bedroom, leaving him isolated in the dimly lit corridor. The maids, silent witnesses to the unfolding drama, had their own reactions, some torn by empathy for Seongho while others reveled in the chaos due to their own hidden desires.

The air was thick with tension as Seongho lay there, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, longing for understanding and connection in a marriage that seemed to be unraveling before his eyes.

Seongho drifted off to sleep in the hallway corridor, exhaustion finally overtaking him after the emotionally charged events of the day. As he succumbed to the embrace of slumber, his mind still filled with thoughts of repairing his relationship with Junseong, a sense of peace washed over him, offering a brief respite from the turmoil of his thoughts.