Behind the Facade

Seongho's point of view

I woke up this morning feeling a bit tired but determined to make something special for Junseong. After sneaking into the room carefully not to wake my hubby up, I quietly made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. The sound of running water was soothing, preparing me for the busy morning ahead.

Once I was ready, I headed to the kitchen, filled with excitement to cook a variety of delicacies for breakfast, Bimbipap , Chap chae, Bossam, Dongchimi, Tteokkbokki and kimchi jjigae,Haemul pajeon.The familiar scents of spices and ingredients enveloped me, heightening my anticipation. I put all my focus into creating a delicious breakfast spread to surprise Junseong, each dish a labor of love.

As the dishes came together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and joy. I asked the maids to watch me work, wanting to share this moment with them. The kitchen buzzed with activity as I added the final touches to the meal, eager to see Junseong's reaction to the surprise I had prepared for him.

I beamed with pride as I put the final touches on the dishes, making sure each one looked perfect. With a warm smile, I called the maids over to help him me carry the beautifully arranged plates to the dining hall. The aroma of the food filled the room, creating an inviting atmosphere making me proud of myself.

I carefully placed each dish in its designated spot, my eyes sparkling with excitement at the thought of Junseong's reaction to the surprise breakfast I had prepared,maybe these gestures would soften him a bit.

The maids stood by, ready to assist in any way they could, adding to the sense of anticipation in the air.

No one's pov

Seongho's heart sank as he watched Junseong descend the stairs, dressed formally and engrossed in a business call.

Despite the shock, Seongho mustered the courage to approach Junseong. He hesitantly asked, "Junseong, why are you leaving for a business meeting so soon after our wedding?" Junseong, still focused on the call, brushed off Seongho's concern, stating it was none of his business.

Seongho stood in front of Junseong, his eyes blazing with anger and hurt.

"Yesterday was our wedding," Seongho said, his voice trembling. "And today, you're already rushing off to the company?"

Junseong didn't even look up from his phone. "It's none of your business."

Seongho's fists clenched. "It's my business when my husband can't even spend a single day with me after our wedding."

Junseong shrugged. "I have work to do."

"Can't it wait?" Seongho pleaded. "Just for one day? We didn't even have a proper honeymoon."

Junseong finally looked up, his expression cold. "Don't be dramatic, Seongho."

Junseong stood up, grabbing his bag. "While I'm gone, don't touch anything of mine."

Seongho blocked his path. "At least eat something before you go."

Junseong scoffed. "Your cooking? No thanks."

Seongho's face stung from the insult. "What's wrong with my cooking?"

Junseong smirked. "Maybe you put love potion in it or something."

Seongho's eyes widened in shock. "How can you say that?"

Junseong pushed past him. "I'm late."

Seongho watched, feeling abandoned and rejected, as Junseong walked out the door.

Seongho stood frozen, hurt and anger warring inside him. He couldn't believe Junseong's harsh words.

"Love potion?" Seongho whispered to himself, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

He took a deep breath and followed Junseong out the door.

"Junseong!" Seongho called out, his voice shaking.

Junseong turned, already halfway to the car.

"What?" he snapped.

Seongho's eyes pleaded. "Don't go like this. We need to talk."

Junseong sighed. "Not now, Seongho. I'm busy."

"Always busy,was that not the point of we getting married,to reduce your workaholic attitude," Seongho muttered, feeling helpless.

Junseong's expression softened slightly. "I'll make it up to you tonight."

Seongho shook his head. "I don't want empty promises."

Junseong's face hardened again. "Fine. Whatever."

He turned and left, leaving Seongho standing alone in the driveway.

Seongho watched the car disappear into the distance, feeling tears roll down his cheek

Two of the maids ,Ji-hyun and Soo-jin stood in the kitchen, their voices barely audible as they washed the morning's dishes and the pots Seongho used in cooking the dishes for Junseong.

Ji-hyun's eyes darted toward the driveway, where Seongho stood, his shoulders shaking silently.

"Poor thing," Ji-hyun whispered. "He thought marriage would change things."

Soo-jin's expression turned grim. "That Chairman Junseong...he's heartless."

Ji-hyun nodded. "Arranged marriage or not, no one deserves to be treated like that."

Soo-jin's voice dropped to a whisper. "I heard them last night...Chairman Junseong's words still send chills down my spine."

Ji-hyun's eyes widened. "What did he say exactly?"

Soo-jin hesitated before quoting Junseong's ominous words: "'You'll regret marrying me. I'll make your life a living hell.'"

Ji-hyun's face paled. "How can he say that to his own husband?"

Soo-jin shook her head. "He doesn't care. He's just going along with the marriage because of Mr and Mrs Lee ."

As they spoke, Seongho's sobs grew softer, but his slumped posture betrayed his inner turmoil.

Ji-hyun and Soo-jin exchanged sympathetic glances.

"We have to be here for him," Ji-hyun whispered.

Soo-jin nodded. "We'll make sure he's not alone in this."

Their quiet conversation continued, their eyes occasionally drifting to Seongho's solitary figure in the driveway.

Seongho's body shook with uncontrollable sobs. Tears streamed down his face, soaking his collar.

"Why, Junseong? Why do you have to be so cruel?" he whispered, his voice cracking.

He thought of Junseong's words the night before: "You'll regret marrying me. I'll make your life a living hell."

Seongho's heart ached, but his love for Junseong remained unwavering.

"I won't regret it," he whispered, tears flowing. "I'll never regret loving you, Junseong."

He remembered their wedding vows, Junseong's cold demeanor, and the fleeting moments of tenderness.

"I love you," Seongho sobbed, his body trembling. "Why can't you see that?"

As he wept, Seongho's thoughts drifted to his horrible first date with Junseong and Seongho vowed. "I'll make him see my love someday."

Seongho's tears fell harder, his body wracked with emotion.

Just then, Ji-hyun and Soo-jin approached him quietly.

"Seongho-nim," Ji-hyun whispered, "come inside. Let us take care of you."

Seongho nodded, still sobbing, and allowed the maids to guide him back into the house.

Seongho took a sip of tea that was handed to him by Soo-jin , his eyes still red.

Ji-hyun handed him a box of tissues. "Here, Seongho-nim."

Seongho smiled weakly. "Thank you...thank you both for being here."

Soo-jin patted his hand. "We care about you, Seongho-nim. You're not alone."

Seongho's voice cracked. "I feel so alone I'm just a burden."

Ji-hyun's expression turned stern. "Don't say that, Seongho-nim. You deserve love and happiness."

Seongho nodded, wiping away tears.

As they sat in comfortable silence, Seongho's thoughts drifted to Junseong.

Why did he have to be so distant? So cruel?

But Seongho's love remained unwavering.

"I'll keep loving him," Seongho whispered.

Ji-hyun and Soo-jin exchanged a supportive glance and nodded.

At Jinseol Group, Junseong's company.

Here's the scene:

Junseong walked into the company, his presence commanding attention.

His employees' eyes widened in surprise, whispers spreading like wildfire.

"Chairman Junseong's back...already?" someone murmured.

"Didn't he just get married yesterday?" another employee asked.

Junseong's assistant, Min-ki, hurried to his side. "Sir, welcome back. We didn't expect—"

Junseong cut him off. "Get me the quarterly reports. Now."

Min-ki nodded, handing Junseong a thick folder.

As Junseong went straight to his cabin and immersed himself in work, his employees exchanged discreet glances.

"Does his husband know he's here?" someone whispered.

"Poor Seongho-nim," another employee sympathized.

Junseong's focus remained on the reports, his expression unyielding.

But a faint hint of guilt flickered in his eyes, quickly suppresed it and went back to work.

As Junseong pored over the reports, his mind wandered to Seongho.

He recalled Seongho's tears, his trembling body.

Junseong's gut twisted with guilt.

Why did he have to be so harsh?

But he couldn't afford weakness.

Not now, not ever.

His family's legacy depended on him.

Seongho would understand eventually and got used to it because he warned him before they got married.

That's all that matters.

Junseong's thoughts hardened, his resolve strengthening.

He pushed Seongho to the back of his mind.

Focus on work.

That's what he did best.

But the image of Seongho's tears lingered.

Junseong stood at his cabin's window, gazing out at the serene lake.

His phone rang, shrill in the silence.

"Father. Mother," Junseong answered, his tone measured.

"Junseong, what's this we hear?" his father demanded. "Leaving your husband alone after just one day of marriage?"

Junseong's jaw clenched. "It's business, Father. The Park deal—"

"Business?" his mother cut in, her voice sharp. "You prioritize business over family? Seongho is your husband now."

Junseong's defenses rose. "I'm doing this for our family's future. The Park deal will bring in millions."

"Millions won't replace a happy marriage," his father warned.

Junseong's anger simmered. Who had told his parents?


It had to be.

"He's just trying to manipulate you," Junseong thought, resentment growing.

"I understand your concerns," Junseong said, controlled. "But I know what I'm doing."

"Junseong, listen—" his mother began.

"I'll handle it, Mother. Goodbye."

Junseong hung up, his mind racing.

Seongho had snitched.

Junseong's disdain for Seongho deepened .

Here's family tensions escalate:

Junseong's parents arrived at his cabin, faces stern.

"Junseong, we need to talk," his father said, voice firm.

Junseong, anticipating trouble, stood taller.

"What is it?"

"Someone informed us," his mother said, eyes blazing.

Junseong's expression darkened.

"Was it Seongho?,What did he say?"

"It was not Seongho,it saddens me and your mom to know you're hurting him," his father replied.

Junseong scoffed.

"Seongho's being dramatic."

His mother stepped forward.

"We won't tolerate this, Junseong. You'll make things right."

Junseong's anger flared.

"You're taking his side?"

"We're taking the side of love and respect," his father said.

Junseong's defenses crumbled.

"You don't understand...the business deal..."

His mother cut in.

"Business won't replace love, Junseong."

Tensions simmered, the air thick with unspoken words.

Here's the revised scene:

Junseong's father slammed his fist on the table.

"Enough excuses, Junseong! You're destroying your marriage!"

Junseong's face reddened.

"You don't understand the pressure I'm under!"

His mother's tears flowed.

"We understand love, Junseong. And you're suffocating it."

Seongho's face appeared in Junseong's mind.

His anger, his hurt.

Junseong's defenses crumbled.

"Fine. I'll try," he muttered.

His father's expression softened.

"Try? Junseong, you must do."

Junseong nodded, a weight settling upon him.

As his parents prepared to leave, his mother turned.

"Junseong, one more thing."

"Yes, Mother?"

"Seongho and you will go on your honeymoon next tomorrow.

For two months.

No business.

Just you both ."

Junseong's eyes widened.


His father's firm tone cut in.

"No excuses, Junseong.

You'll make time.

For Seongho."

Junseong's heart raced.


With Seongho?

Could he?

Would he?

His parents left, leaving Junseong reeling.

Here's the revised scene:

Junseong stormed into their home, slamming the door. Seongho, startled, looked up from his book.

"Junseong, what's wrong?" Seongho asked, concern etched on his face.

Junseong's anger boiled over.

"You know exactly what's wrong," he spat.

Seongho's eyes widened.

"I don't. What happened?"

Junseong's fury intensified.

"My parents. They lectured me about our marriage."

Seongho's face paled.

"What did they say?"

Junseong's laughter mocked.

"They think I'm hurting you. That I'm not good enough for you."

Seongho's voice trembled.

"Junseong, I—"

Junseong cut him off.

"Don't deny it. You told them, didn't you?"

Seongho's eyes filled with tears.

"I didn't. I swear."

Junseong sneered.


Seongho stepped forward.

"Junseong, listen—"

Junseong's pain exploded.

"You have no idea what it's like to be me so don't go around meddling in my affairs."

Seongho's voice cracked.

"I want to understand. I want to help."

Junseong's venomous words spilled.

"You can't help me. No one can."

The room fell silent, heavy with unspoken words.

Seongho's tears flowed.

"Junseong, please—"

Junseong's cold tone cut through.

"My parents fixed our honeymoon trip. In two days. Two months."

Seongho's hope flickered.

"Maybe...maybe this trip—"

Junseong's harsh laugh crushed Seongho's hope.

"Don't expect anything. It's just a distraction."

Seongho's face crumbled.

"You're giving up on us, aren't you?"

Junseong turned away.

"I never had a choice."

The silence between them grew, a chasm too wide to bridge.

Here's the scene:

Junseong's voice cut through Seongho's sobs.

"You still don't understand, do you?" Junseong said, his tone cold.

Seongho's eyes pleaded.

"Understand what?"

Junseong's gaze hardened.

"I told you on our first date. I hate you. I'd never love you."

Seongho's face crumbled.

"But...but why are you still with me?"

Junseong shrugged.

"Convenience. Family obligations."

Seongho's desperation boiled over.

"You're still expecting love from me, despite knowing this?" Junseong's words sliced.

Seongho lunged, clutching Junseong's shirt.

"Junseong, please...don't say that..." he hiccuped.

Junseong gently pried Seongho's fingers loose.

"Let go, Seongho."

Seongho's grip tightened.


Junseong's expression softened for a fleeting moment.

"Seongho, stop."

With a gentle push, Junseong freed himself.

"Goodnight, Seongho."

Junseong turned and walked away, disappearing into his room.

Seongho stood, shattered.

But amidst the tears, a spark ignited.

Seongho made a silent vow:

"I'll change him. I'll make him love me. During this honeymoon, I'll show him our love is worth fighting for."

Determination hardened Seongho's jaw.

The honeymoon, once a distant hope, now became a mission.

Here's Seongho's first-person point of view:

I splashed water on my face, washing away the tears. Junseong's words still stung, but I couldn't let my parents see me cry.

My phone buzzed, displaying my family's video call. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Seongho, how's married life?" Mom asked, her eyes sparkling.

"It's...great," I lied, forcing a smile.

Dad's brow furrowed.

"Is Junseong treating you well?"

I nodded vigorously.

"He's amazing. On our wedding night, he took care of me so well. And this morning, he even helped me cook breakfast."

My younger sister, Hyeri, giggled.

"Oppa, is Junseong-seonbae good at cooking?"

I blushed, even tho I was remembering hubby's harsh words.

"H. .Hyeri, stop teasing me!" I whined, appealing to Mom.

Mom chuckled.

"Hyeri, don't embarrass your brother."

Dad's expression turned serious.

"Seongho, we're proud of you. Remember, marriage requires patience and understanding."

Mom nodded.

"Be patient with Junseong and always show him your unwavering love and support "

I nodded, trying to hold back tears.

"'re going on honeymoon soon, right?" Mom asked.

I nodded my head in excitement.

"In two days! We'll be away for two months."

Hyeri squealed.

"Oppa, have fun! Don't get too sunburned!"

We chatted for a bit longer before saying our goodbyes.

As the call ended, I felt a mix of emotions.

Why was I lying to my family? Why couldn't I tell them the truth?

But I knew why.

I wanted to protect Junseong.