Softening His Heart

_The Day Before the Honeymoon_

Seongho sat on the bed, watching Junseong pack his suitcase.

"Junseong?" Seongho said softly.

Junseong didn't flinch.

"Junseong, can we talk?" Seongho tried again.

Junseong's silence was deafening.

Seongho's eyes dropped, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Tomorrow's our honeymoon...I thought we about it."

Junseong zipped his suitcase, his movements efficient.

"I've got everything I need," he said, without turning around.

Seongho's heart sank.

"That's it?"

Junseong's indifference stung.

"What else is there?"

Seongho slid off the bed and approached Junseong.

"Junseong, please...just talk to me."

Junseong's gaze remained fixed on his suitcase.

Seongho's hand brushed Junseong's arm.


Junseong shifted away, breaking contact.

Seongho's eyes welled up.

"Why can't you to me?" Seongho pleaded.

Junseong's voice was cold.

"I've said all I need to."

Seongho's face crumpled.

"You always do this...push me away."

Junseong's expression remained impassive.

Seongho's desperation grew.

"What do I need to make you love me?"

Junseong's eyes flashed.

"Love?" he repeated.

Seongho nodded vigorously.


Junseong's gaze hardened.

"You know I don't love you, Seongho."

Seongho's tears spilled.

"But why? What did I do wrong?"

Junseong turned, his eyes piercing.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Seongho. I just don't love you."

Seongho's world shattered.

Seongho's legs buckled, and he collapsed to the floor.

Tears streamed down his face, uncontrollable.

"Why?" he sobbed. "Why can't you love me?"

Junseong's expression remained unyielding.

Seongho's body shook with anguish.

"I thought...maybe...our honeymoon...would change things."

Junseong turned away, dismissing Seongho's hopes.

Seongho's cries intensified.

"You're really going to leave me like this?"

Junseong's voice was cold.

"I'm not leaving you, Seongho. We're leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow."

Seongho's laughter was laced with despair.

"Our honeymoon...a trip to nowhere...with a husband who doesn't love me."

Junseong's gaze didn't waver.

Seongho's tears slowed, replaced by determination.

"I won't give up," Seongho vowed, his voice shaking. "I'll make you love me."

Junseong's expression didn't change.

Seongho struggled to his feet, wiping away tears.

Their eyes met, Seongho's burning with resolve, Junseong's icy.

The silence between them was oppressive.

Here's the revised scene:

Junseong's Study, Late Evening

Junseong sat behind his mahogany desk, phone pressed to his ear.

"Minki, what's the latest on Tokyo?" he asked, his voice firm.

Seongho entered the study, a gentle smile on his face.

"Hubby, I brought you some tea," Seongho said softly.

Junseong's gaze flicked to Seongho, his expression unreadable.

"Leave me alone, Seongho. I'm busy," Junseong said, his voice cold.

Seongho nodded but didn't leave.

Instead, he set the tea down and sat in the armchair beside Junseong's desk.

Junseong's eyes narrowed.

"Minki, offer 5%. No more," Junseong continued his call.

Seongho watched Junseong, his eyes filled with concern.

As Junseong ended the call, Seongho spoke up.

"Hubby, you've been working non-stop. Take a break."

Junseong's gaze turned icy.

"I don't need a break, Seongho. I need to finish this."

Seongho stood, walked to the mini-bar, and poured Junseong a glass of juice.

"Here, hubby. Drink this," Seongho said, handing Junseong the glass.

Junseong snatched the glass.

"Don't bother me with trivialities, Seongho."

Seongho's smile faltered.

"I just want to help, hubby."

Junseong's expression hardened.

"You can't help me, Seongho. This is business."

Seongho's eyes dropped.

"I know, hubby. But—"

Junseong cut him off.

"Seongho, I said leave me alone."

Seongho nodded.

"Yes, hubby."

But instead of leaving, Seongho sat back down.

Junseong's eyes narrowed.


"Yes, hubby?"

Junseong's tone turned glacial.

"I thought I made myself clear."

Seongho's voice softened.

"I won't disturb you, hubby. I promise."

Junseong's gaze lingered on Seongho.

For a moment, their eyes locked.

Then Junseong returned to his work.

Seongho watched Junseong, his heart aching.

Junseong's phone rang again.

"Minki, what is it?" Junseong asked.

Seongho stood.

"I'll leave you alone, hubby."

Junseong's gaze flicked up.


Seongho's smile faltered.

As he reached the door, Junseong spoke.


"Yes, hubby?"

Junseong's voice softened slightly.

"Go to bed. I'll join you later."

Seongho nodded.

"Yes, hubby."

Seongho exited, closing the door.

Junseong's gaze followed.

Their honeymoon loomed.

A necessary facade.

But Junseong's heart remained frozen.

Hours passed.

Junseong's work consumed him.

The study door opened.

Seongho entered, carrying a tray.

"Hubby, dinner," Seongho said softly.

Junseong's gaze flicked up.

"I'm not hungry."

Seongho set the tray down.

"Eat something, hubby. You've been working all day."

Junseong's expression hardened.

"I said I'm not hungry."

Seongho's smile faltered.

"Yes, hubby."

Seongho retreated and took the tray along with him and returned it to the kitchen covering it securely Incase Junseong asks for it later.

Junseong's gaze returned to his work.

But his mind lingered on Seongho.

Junseong's Study, Late Night

Hours passed, and Junseong's stomach growled.

He tried to focus, but hunger pangs distracted him.

Finally, he couldn't resist.

Junseong slipped out of his study, into the darkened hallway.

The kitchen was his destination.

He hoped to find leftovers.

As he entered the kitchen, he sensed voices.

Junseong froze.

Seongho and the maids were chatting animatedly.

Their gentle laughter and hushed gossip filled the room.

Junseong's eyes adjusted to the light.

He spotted the food on the counter.

His stomach growled louder.

Junseong crept closer, trying not to be seen.

Seongho's voice rose.

"I'm telling you, Ms. Kim, he's been working non-stop!"

The maids nodded sympathetically.

Junseong's hand reached for a sandwich.

Just as he took a bite, Seongho turned.

"Hubby?" Seongho's voice trailed off.

Junseong's silhouette was unmistakable.

Seongho's eyes sparkled.

He walked closer.

Junseong's eyes widened.

He was caught.

Seongho burst into laughter.

"Hubby, you''re eating like a thief!"

The maids' eyes darted to Junseong, then back to Seongho.

Their faces remained neutral.

No one dared laugh.

Junseong's face flushed.

"I...I was just...looking for...water," Junseong stammered.

Seongho's laughter grew louder.

"Water? With a sandwich in your hand?"

Junseong's embarrassment deepened.

He grabbed the remaining food and turned to flee.

"Hubby, wait!" Seongho called.

Junseong quickened his pace.

"Let me explain!" Junseong shouted.

But he was already out the door.

Back in his study, Junseong devoured the food.

His hunger sated, he felt foolish.

Caught by Seongho.

Junseong's expression softened.

For a moment, he forgot his pride.

He remembered Seongho's laughter.

Warmth spread through his chest.

Junseong pushed the feeling aside.

Focus on work.

Not Seongho.

Not emotions.

As Junseong sat, Seongho entered the study.

"Hubby, you should eat properly,what if the food had finished then?," Seongho said softly.

Junseong's gaze dropped and mumbled under his breath.

"I'll try."

Seongho's smile faltered.

"Goodnight, hubby."

Junseong nodded.


Seongho left, closing the door.

Junseong's thoughts lingered on Seongho.

Junseong's Study, Late Night

As the door closed, Junseong's mask slipped.

He felt foolish.

Caught by Seongho.

Eating like a thief.

Junseong's pride stung.

But beneath the embarrassment, a warmth lingered.

Seongho's laughter.

Seongho's concern.

Junseong tried to shake off the feeling.

Focus on work.

Not Seongho.

Not emotions.

But his gaze drifted to the door.

Where Seongho had left.

Junseong's thoughts swirled.

Why did Seongho affect him so?

Why did Junseong care?

He shouldn't.

He was Lee Junseong.




But Seongho touched him.

In ways Junseong couldn't understand.

Junseong's phone buzzed.

Minki's message flashed on the screen.

Tokyo update.

Junseong's focus snapped back.




Seongho's point of view:

I closed my makeup case, admiring my reflection. Perfect. I had to look my best for our honeymoon. For Junseong.

As I packed the last of my luggage, my mind wandered. Bora Bora, here we come! I couldn't wait to escape Seoul's chaos and relax with my hubby.

But relaxation wasn't my only goal.

I had a plan.

To soften Junseong's heart.

To show him love, care, and understanding.

To melt his icy exterior.

I'd seen glimpses of vulnerability in his eyes.

When he thought no one watched.

My determination solidified.

I'd try.

For our love.

For Junseong.

My phone buzzed.

Junseong's message flashed.

"Pack essentials. We leave at 8."

My smile faltered.

His tone remained cold.

But I wouldn't let that deter me.

I took a deep breath.


New beginnings.

I envisioned our honeymoon.

Strolls on white sand beaches.

Sunsets over crystal waters.

Romantic dinners.

My heart fluttered.

Would Junseong open up?

Let me in?

I thought back to our earlier encounter.

Junseong, sneaking food.

Laughing together.

For a moment, his guard dropped.

My hope reignited.

I'd break through his walls.

One gentle touch at a time.

I finished packing.

Glanced around the room.


For our journey.

For our future.


The clock struck midnight.

My excitement grew.


Our honeymoon.

A new chapter.

As I drifted off to sleep, my mind whirled with possibilities.

The uncertainty thrilled me.

But I was ready.

For whatever came next.

With Junseong

My Love.