A Glimmer Of Hope

June 15th, 8:00 AM

Seongho stood in the foyer, surrounded by the maids.

"Be careful, Mr. Seongho!" Soo-jin said, handing him a small pouch.

"Snacks for the flight, sir," she explained, her eyes sparkling.

Seongho smiled.

"Thank you, Soo-jin. You're too kind."

Jihyun approached, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We've packed your favorite toiletries, sir."

Seongho nodded.

"Thank you, Jihyun. You've thought of everything."

Ae-ri and Jia chimed in, their goodbyes filled with warmth.

Seongho hugged each maid, feeling grateful.

Their kindness and support meant the world.

Junseong appeared, his gaze scanning the room.

"Ready?" he asked, his deep voice commanding attention.

No smile.

No warmth.

Just cold, calculated efficiency.

Seongho nodded.

"Let's go."

Their driver, Jae-Hwan, waited by the car.

"Good luck on your honeymoon, sir!" Jae-Hwan said, beaming.

Seongho smiled.

"Thank you, Jae-Hwan."

Junseong led Seongho to his private jet.

Seongho's eyes widened.

"I forgot we were taking your jet."

Junseong's expression remained stoic.

"It's more convenient."

Seongho's heart sank.

No romance.

Just practicality.

As they boarded, Seongho felt a mix of emotions.

Excitement for their honeymoon.

Disappointment in Junseong's demeanor.

The luxurious interior stunned him.

But Junseong's coldness overshadowed it.

Junseong handed him a glass of champagne.

"Drink," he said, his voice firm.

No toast.

No celebration.

Just a command.

Seongho's heart ached.

Where was the love?

The passion?

He sipped his champagne, lost in thought.

Junseong's eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his tone sharp.

Seongho forced a smile.


Their flight attendant interrupted.

"Welcome aboard, Mr. and Mr. Lee!

Please fasten your seatbelts.

We'll depart soon."

Seongho's thoughts swirled.

A long flight ahead.

With a husband who seemed distant.

Would their honeymoon bring them closer?

Or drive them further apart?




Seongho settled into the plush leather seat of Junseong's private jet, his eyes fixed on the breathtaking view outside the window. The hum of the engines and the gentle turbulence lulled him into a state of relaxation.

As he gazed out at the endless expanse of ocean, Seongho's thoughts drifted to their honeymoon destination: Bora Bora. Overwater bungalows, crystal-clear waters, and powdery white sand beaches awaited them.

But Seongho's excitement was tempered by Junseong's distant demeanor. From their first meeting, Seongho sensed Junseong's reservations. Their families had arranged their marriage, and Seongho knew Junseong hadn't wanted to marry him.

Now, as Junseong sat across from him, engrossed in his phone, Seongho felt a pang of uncertainty. Would this honeymoon bridge the gap between them?

Seongho glanced at Junseong, his eyes tracing the sharp lines of his face. Junseong's focus remained on his phone, his expression unreadable.

"Perhaps this trip will change everything," Seongho thought, hoping that the tranquility of Bora Bora would melt Junseong's icy exterior.

The flight attendant, Ms. Park, approached with a warm smile. "Can I get you something, Mr. Lee?"

Seongho returned her smile. "Just water, please."

Ms. Park nodded and poured him a glass. "Right away, sir."

As she walked away, Seongho's gaze drifted back to Junseong. His husband's eyes remained fixed on his phone, his fingers flying across the screen.

Seongho sighed inwardly. Work always seemed to come first with Junseong.

The silence between them stretched out like an endless ocean.

Seongho pulled out his book, trying to focus on the words. But his eyes kept straying to Junseong, searching for any sign of warmth.

As the hours passed, Seongho's hopes began to flag. Maybe this honeymoon wouldn't be the turning point he'd envisioned.

But he refused to give up.

Bora Bora beckoned, promising romance and relaxation.

Maybe, just maybe, this trip would thaw Junseong's frozen heart.

Seongho's frustration reached its boiling point.

"Seriously? You've been on that phone the entire flight!" Seongho exclaimed.

He snatched the phone from Junseong's hand and shoved it deep into Junseong's pants.

"There! Now, talk to me!" Seongho said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Junseong's face turned beet red.

"Seongho! What are you doing?" Junseong shouted.

Seongho grinned.

"You're going cold turkey, hubby!"

Junseong tried to fish out the phone.

But Seongho swatted his hand away.

"Nope! You're going to talk to me, or sit in silence. Your choice."

Junseong glared.

But Seongho saw a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Fine," Junseong huffed.

Seongho beamed.

"Now, tell me about this 'super important' deal."

Junseong sighed.

"It's just work, Seongho."

Seongho leaned in.

"Try again."

Junseong's gaze locked onto Seongho's.

For a moment, they just stared.

Then, Junseong cracked a smile.

"Fine. It's about acquiring a new company."

Seongho's eyes widened.

"Wow! You're a business mogul!"

Junseong chuckled.


Their banter filled the cabin.

For the first time, Seongho felt connected to Junseong.

Maybe this honeymoon wouldn't be so bad after all.

Junseong's eyes sparkled with amusement.

"You're quite the phone thief," Junseong teased.

Seongho grinned.

"You're just mad because you can't check your email."

Junseong chuckled.

"Guilty as charged."

Their laughter filled the cabin.

Seongho's heart swelled.

For the first time, he saw Junseong relaxed.

No walls.

No distance.

Just them.

Junseong's gaze locked onto Seongho's.

"Thanks for the intervention," Junseong said softly.

Seongho's breath caught.

Was that...affection?

"Anytime," Seongho replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Their eyes held.

The tension between them shifted.

From frustration to connection.

Junseong leaned in.

"Maybe I should thank you more properly," Junseong whispered.

Seongho's pulse raced.

Seongho's eyes fluttered closed, anticipating Junseong's lips.

But instead of a kiss, Junseong's words cut through the silence.

"You know, Seongho, my secretary will be joining us in Bora Bora."

Seongho's eyes snapped open.

"What?" he asked, his voice laced with disappointment.

Junseong's expression turned businesslike.

"I have some pressing matters to attend to. He'll assist me."

Seongho felt a pang in his chest.

Their honeymoon.

Already compromised.

"Can't it wait?" Seongho asked, trying to keep his tone light.

Junseong's gaze dropped.

"No. It's crucial."

Seongho's heart sank.

He thought Junseong had changed.

That their connection was growing.

But now...

It seemed work would always come first.

"Fine," Seongho said, forcing a smile.

Junseong's eyes narrowed.


Seongho waved his hand.

"It's okay. I understand."

But Junseong's words stung.

Their honeymoon, once filled with promise, now felt like just another business trip

Seongho's smile faltered.

"Junseong, can I ask you something?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Junseong looked up from his papers.

"What is it?"

Seongho's eyes locked onto Junseong's.

"Do you ever plan on prioritizing us? Our relationship?"

Junseong's expression turned guarded.

"What do you mean?"

Seongho's frustration boiled over.

"Our honeymoon! It's supposed to be about us, but you're already bringing work into it."

Junseong's jaw clenched.

"I told you, it's crucial."

Seongho's voice cracked.

"Am I just an accessory to your business deals? A convenient wife?"

Junseong's eyes flashed.

It's not fair, Junseong."

Seongho's tears threatened to spill.

Junseong's face softened.


But Seongho cut him off.

"No, Junseong. I need to when would you start considering me your husband?"

Junseong's silence spoke volumes.

As they disembarked from the private jet, the warm tropical air enveloped them. Seongho's heart remained chilly, still reeling from Junseong's non-answer.

A smiling butler, Tahiti, greeted them with a floral garland.

"Aloha, Mr. and Mr. Lee! Welcome to Bora Bora."

Seongho forced a smile.

"Thank you, Tahiti."

Junseong nodded curtly.

"Tahiti, our luggage?"

Tahiti bowed.

"Already taken care of, sir. Your villa is ready for your extended stay."

Seongho's gaze met Tahiti's.

"Two months, correct?" Tahiti asked.

Seongho nodded.


Tahiti beamed.

"Excellent! Plenty of time to relax and enjoy our island paradise."

As they followed Tahiti to their luxurious overwater bungalow, Seongho lagged behind.

Junseong didn't notice.

Or didn't care.

Seongho's eyes welled up again.

Was this honeymoon doomed from the start?

Tahiti noticed Seongho's distress and offered a discreet smile.

Their villa's glass floor panel revealed marine life swimming beneath.

"Your home for the next eight weeks, gentlemen," Tahiti said.

Seongho's gaze wandered.

Junseong remained distracted, checking his phone.

Tahiti handed them refreshing coconut drinks.

"Enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to ask for anything. I'll ensure your time here is unforgettable."

Seongho thanked Tahiti, feeling a sense of relief.

Maybe this butler could help turn their honeymoon around.

As Tahiti handed Seongho his coconut drink, their eyes met.

Tahiti's warm smile faltered for a moment.

"Everything okay, Mr. Lee?" Tahiti asked, his voice low.

Seongho hesitated.

Junseong remained engrossed in his phone.

Tahiti's gaze flicked to Junseong, then back to Seongho.

Seongho leaned in.

"To be honest, Tahiti...our honeymoon hasn't exactly started on the right foot."

Tahiti's expression turned sympathetic.

"I see. Would you like to talk about it?"

Seongho nodded gratefully.

Tahiti gestured to the villa's private deck.

"Let's step outside for some fresh air."

As they walked, Tahiti listened attentively.

Seongho shared his frustrations.

"Junseong's always working. I feel like I'm invisible."

Tahiti's eyes sparkled.

"Sometimes, love needs a little...nudging."

Seongho smiled.

"Tahiti, you're a lifesaver."

Tahiti chuckled.

"Just doing my job, Mr. Lee."

Tahiti leaned in, a sly grin spreading across his face.

"First, we'll start with a romantic dinner on the beach. Candlelight, sunset views, and a personalized menu."

Seongho's expression turned somber.

"Tahiti, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but...our situation is complicated."

Tahiti's grin faltered.


Seongho sighed.

"Junseong and I...our marriage was arranged. We didn't choose each other."

Tahiti's eyes widened.

"I see."

Seongho's voice dropped to a whisper.

"Junseong has made it clear, on multiple occasions, that he doesn't love me. That he never will."

Tahiti's expression turned sympathetic.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Lee."

Seongho's eyes clouded.

"He's said our marriage is a business arrangement, nothing more. That it will never work."

Tahiti's face fell.

"I had no idea."

Seongho shook his head.

"I knew what I was getting into, but...I thought maybe, just maybe, we could find common ground."

Tahiti's voice was gentle.

"But you still care for him."

Seongho nodded.

"Despite everything, yes."

Tahiti's expression turned thoughtful.

"I understand. But, Mr. Lee, sometimes people change. Sometimes they realize what's truly important."

Seongho's smile was tinged with sadness.

"I wish that were true, Tahiti. But Junseong's made his feelings clear."

Tahiti's eyes sparkled.

"Perhaps, Mr. Lee, it's time to make him see you in a different light."

Seongho raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

Tahiti's grin returned.

"Leave that to me."




To be continued. . . . . .