Rival Intentions

Seongho stood before his overflowing closet, scanning the rows of designer suits, elegant dresses, and statement accessories.

"Tonight's the night," he whispered, determination sparkling in his eyes.

His personal assistant for this trip, Minsoo, entered the room.

"Sir, dinner reservations are confirmed for 8 PM. Mr Lee already—"

Seongho waved his hand.

"Not now, Minsoon-nim. I need your fashion expertise."

Minsoo's eyes widened.

"For the dinner with Mr Lee, sir?"

Seongho nodded.

"I want...sassy. A mix of feminine and masculine. Something to make hubby's jaw drop."

Minsoo grinned.

"Let's get to work."

Together, they crafted an outfit:

A sleek black tuxedo jacket with fitted trousers, paired with a silky white blouse featuring delicate lace trim. A statement silver bow tie added a touch of androgynous charm.

Seongho slipped on a pair of Louboutin stilettos, his eyes sparkling.


Minsoo adjusted Seongho's bow tie.

"Sir, you look stunning."

Seongho struck a pose.

"For hubby's heart, I'll wear whatever it takes."

As Seongho ascended the stairs,Junseong's gaze lingered on Seongho's outfit, his expression unreadable.

"Let's go," he said curtly, turning toward the door.

Seongho's smile faltered, but he recovered quickly.

"After you, hubby," Seongho said, his voice laced with sass.

As they walked to the yacht, Seongho wondered if he'd misjudged Junseong's mood.

Seongho attempted to lighten the mood.

"Hubby, you look handsome tonight," Seongho said, flashing a smile.

Junseong's expression remained stoic.

"Let's focus on dinner, Seongho."

Seongho's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Okay, hubby. But you're missing out on some great conversation starters. My outfit is totally on point tonight."

Junseong's gaze flicked to Seongho's outfit, his expression softening ever so slightly.

Seongho seized the opportunity.

"See? You can't resist my charm, hubby."

Junseong's lips and eyes twitched.


Seongho's antics annoyed Junseong making him annoyed.

Junseong's expression turned stern.

"Seongho, stop trying so hard. It's exhausting."

Seongho's smile faltered.

"Exhausting?" he repeated, his voice tinged with hurt.

Junseong scoffed.

"I mean, can't we just have a simple dinner without all the...drama?"

Seongho's eyes flashed.

"You want simple? Fine. I'll give you simple."

He stripped off his bow tie and tossed it aside, his movements sharp.

Junseong's eyes widened slightly.


"Let's go eat," Seongho interrupted, striding toward the yacht's dining area.

The tension between them was palpable.






As Seongho and Junseong sat down for dinner, Yuna glided onto the yacht, her elegant gown shimmering in the evening light.

"Junseong! Fancy running into you here," Yuna exclaimed, her voice sugary sweet.

Seongho's eyes narrowed.

"Yuna. What brings you to Bora Bora?"

Yuna's smile was radiant.

"I needed a break from Seoul. And I'm so glad I ran into you, Junseong. Closure is essential, don't you think?"

Junseong's expression remained cold and neutral.

"Yuna, we never—"

"Oh, I know," Yuna interrupted, her laughter tinkling. "You never felt the same way. But I've moved on. Completely."

Seongho's gaze locked onto Yuna, his possessiveness piqued.

"Hubby's taken," Seongho said, his tone low and warning.

Yuna's eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Oh, I'm not here for Junseong. I swear."

But her gaze lingered on Junseong, a fleeting glimmer of longing visible beneath her polished facade.

Seongho's instincts screamed warning.

Here's the revised scene:

Tahiti, sensing tension, swooped in with a warm smile.

"Yuna, darling! I have just the thing for you," Tahiti exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

Yuna's gaze lingered on Junseong, but Tahiti's gentle tug on her arm redirected her attention.

"Come, let's get you settled at the bar. My signature cocktail, the Island Kiss, awaits," Tahiti said.

Yuna hesitated, but Tahiti's persuasive charm won out.

"Junseong, enjoy your dinner. We'll catch up soon," Yuna said, her tone light.

As Tahiti expertly steered Yuna toward the bar, Seongho mouthed a silent "thank you" to Tahiti.

Junseong watched, oblivious to the undercurrents.

"Thanks, Tahiti," Seongho said aloud, his voice low.

Tahiti winked.

"My pleasure, darling. Now, enjoy your evening."

With Yuna distracted by the bartender's flair, Tahiti subtly positioned herself between Yuna and Junseong's table.

Seongho glanced at Junseong and murmured under his breath.

"Alone at last with my hubby."

The yacht's soft music enveloped them as they savored their dinner, the island's magic woven into the night air.

Thirty minutes later

Yuna attempted to rejoin the table, her eyes locked onto Junseong.

"Mind if I rejoin?" Yuna asked, her smile sugary sweet.

Seongho's gaze never left Yuna's face.

"I mind," Seongho said, his tone low and even.

Yuna's smile faltered.

"Seongho," Junseong warned with a dangerous tone.

Seongho's grip on Junseong's hand tightened.

"No, hubby. She's had her chance."

Tahiti appeared, her timing impeccable.

"Yuna, let's explore the yacht. I have a fabulous champagne collection."

Yuna's eyes flashed.

"Fine," Yuna snapped.

Tahiti's smile never wavered.

"Darling, you'll adore the champagne."

As Tahiti steered Yuna away, Seongho released a silent breath.

"Alone at last," Seongho whispered.

Junseong's gaze met Seongho's.

"Seongho, you're being—"

"Protective?" Seongho finished.

Junseong nodded clenching his fists at his sides.

Seongho's eyes burned.

"You're mine, Junseong. Mine.

Junseong's expression darkened.

"Seongho, stop clinging to me," Junseong said, his voice low and even.

Seongho's eyes widened.

"What's wrong, hubby?" Seongho asked, confusion etched on his face and held Junseong's arm.

Junseong pulled his hand free.

"You're suffocating me, Seongho. Always possessive, always jealous. Can't you just trust me?"

Seongho's face fell.

"Trust you? You're mine, Junseong. I won't let anyone take you away not when I'm still trying to win you over."

Junseong's eyes flashed.

"That's exactly the problem. You won't let anyone near me, including myself. I need space, Seongho."

Seongho's grip on the table tightened.

"Space? From me?"

Junseong nodded his ice stare piercing into Seongho's soul.

"Yes, Seongho. From your constant clinginess, from your possessiveness. I need to breathe."

Seongho's eyes burned with unshed tears.

"Fine," Seongho whispered. "Have your space."

Seongho pushed back his chair, his eyes blazing with hurt.

"I'll give you space, hubby," Seongho said, his voice laced with pain.

He turned to leave, but Tahiti appeared, her presence a gentle breeze.

"Seongho, darling, don't go," Tahiti said, her hand on his arm.

Seongho's gaze locked onto Tahiti's.

"Let me go, Tahiti," Seongho whispered.

Tahiti's grip tightened.

"Not yet, Seongho. Junseong needs you, even if he doesn't realize it."

Junseong's eyes flashed in anger.

"Tahiti, stay out of this."

Tahiti's smile was serene.

"I'm not interfering, Junseong. I'm mediating."

Seongho's eyes searched Tahiti's.

"What do I do, Tahiti?" Seongho asked.

Tahiti's voice dropped to a whisper.

"Show Junseong that love isn't suffocation. Give him space, but show him you'll be waiting."

Seongho's nod was imperceptible.

"I'll try," Seongho promised.

Tahiti released Seongho's arm.

"Go, Seongho. Take a walk. Clear your head."

Seongho vanished into the night, leaving Junseong and Tahiti alone






Seongho's feet carried him to the yacht's edge, the ocean's darkness mirroring his mood. He breathed in the salty air, his thoughts tangled.

Why did Junseong push him away?

Didn't he understand Seongho's love?

The stars above twinkled like diamonds, offering no answers.

Seongho's walk cleared his mind, but his heart remained heavy.

As he turned to return, a figure emerged from the shadows.


"Seongho, darling," Tahiti said, her voice soft. "How's your heart?"

Seongho shrugged.

"Broken, Tahiti. Junseong doesn't want me."

Tahiti's eyes sparkled.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Seongho. Junseong needs you. He's just lost."

Seongho's gaze locked onto Tahiti's.


Tahiti nodded.

"Between duty and desire. Give him time, Seongho. He'll find his way."

Seongho's lips curved into a faint smile.

"Thanks, Tahiti. You always know what to say."

Tahiti's smile was radiant.

"That's what friends are for, darling.

Here's the revised scene:

Yuna watched from the shadows, her eyes narrowing.

Seongho, vulnerable and heartbroken.


Yuna glided toward Seongho, her smile confident.

"Seongho, darling! I see you're struggling," Yuna said.

Seongho's gaze flicked to Yuna.

"What do you want, Yuna?" Seongho asked.

Yuna's eyes sparkled.

"I want Junseong. And I'll get him on this trip."

Seongho's eyes narrowed.

"You think you can take him from me?" Seongho asked.

Yuna's laughter was husky.

"Take? Darling, Junseong will come to me willingly."

Seongho's face darkened.

"You'll never have him."

Yuna's smile grew.

"Watch me, Seongho. I'll seduce him, and he'll forget all about you."

Seongho's fists clenched.

"Stay away from Junseong."

Yuna's eyes flashed.

"Too late for warnings, Seongho. The game has begun and. . . .

Here's the continuation:

Tahiti appeared, her presence a gentle breeze.

"Yuna, darling, I think you've said enough," Tahiti warned.

Yuna's smile never wavered.

"Just stating my intentions, Tahiti. No harm done."

Tahiti's eyes narrowed.

"Intentions? You mean manipulation?"

Yuna shrugged.

"Call it what you want. I'll get Junseong."

Tahiti stepped closer.

"Not if I have anything to say about it, Yuna. Junseong's happiness matters."

Seongho's gaze locked onto Tahiti.

"Thanks, Tahiti. I appreciate your support."

Tahiti smiled.

"Anytime, Seongho. We'll protect Junseong together."

Yuna's eyes flashed.

"You'll lose, Tahiti. I always get what I want.

Yuna's eyes sparkled with determination.

"Game on, Seongho. Game on," Yuna whispered.

She glided away, leaving Tahiti and Seongho exchanging worried glances.

"Tahiti, what have we gotten ourselves into?" Seongho asked.

Tahiti's expression turned serious.

"Yuna's ruthless, Seongho. We must protect Junseong."

Seongho nodded.

"I'll keep him close."

Tahiti's smile was sly.

"I have a plan. Let's give Yuna a taste of her own medicine.

Seongho's eyes sparkled.

"Tell me more."

But for now, Seongho had to ensure Junseong's safety .

"Later, Tahiti. I need to check on my Junseong."

Tahiti nodded.

"Go, Seongho. Go reconcile with

your hubby."

Seongho slipped back into the room, finding Junseong fast asleep.

Relieved, Seongho showered, his thoughts still on Yuna's threat.

He slid into bed beside Junseong, wrapping his arms around his hubby.

"Mine," Seongho whispered.

Junseong stirred, mumbling incoherent words,

"I want ice cream,stop the ice cream truck," He mumbled.

Seongho's heart swelled at his hubby's adorableness and facepalmed.

In Yuna's room, a different scene unfolded.

Yuna paced, her mind racing.

"Seduction, manipulation... What's the best approach?"

Her phone buzzed.

"Jihoon?" Yuna answered.

"Yuna, I've dug up dirt on Seongho," Jihoon said.

Yuna's eyes sparkled.

"Tell me."