The Crack in Paradise

Two weeks later

Junseong's eyes snapped open, his heart racing. Seongho lay beside him, peaceful and serene. Their honeymoon suite's lavish decor faded into the background as Junseong's mind reeled.

Why was he still here?

He should be focused on work, not indulging in marital pleasures. But Seongho's presence proved a persistent distraction.

Junseong tried to shake off the unwanted feelings, but his gaze lingered on Seongho's gentle features.

Seongho stirred, stretching with a cat-like grace.

"Good morning hubby," Seongho said, his voice like cherry blossoms.

Junseong's resolve crumbled.

"Morning," Junseong muttered, avoiding eye contact.

Seongho's smile faltered, but he reached out, tracing Junseong's jawline.

"How did you sleep?"

Junseong's skin tingled.

"Fine," he lied.

Seongho's eyes sparkled.

"I slept wonderfully, thanks to you."

Junseong's heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean?"

Seongho's voice dropped to a whisper.

"You kept me safe, held me close. I felt protected."

Junseong's defenses weakened.

"No one's ever made me feel that way," Seongho continued.

Junseong's gaze met Seongho's.

For a moment, they just looked at each other.

Seongho's words struck a chord within Junseong. No one had ever looked at him with such genuine affection. He felt exposed, vulnerable.

"Get dressed," Junseong said gruffly, hiding his emotions. "We have breakfast reservations."

Seongho nodded, still smiling.

As they prepared for the day, Junseong's tension grew. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Seongho was chipping away at his defenses.

In the dining room, they were greeted by Junseong's business associates. Seongho's presence sparked curiosity and envy.

"Junseong, your husband is lovely," one associate cooed.

Junseong's instincts screamed possessiveness.

"Yes," he said curtly. "He is."

Seongho's hand brushed against Junseong's under the table.

"Now you're the one being possessive," Seongho whispered.

Junseong's heart skipped a beat.

Throughout breakfast, Junseong struggled to maintain his composure. Seongho's subtle touches and warm glances unraveled his control.

As they finished, Junseong excused himself.

"I have work to attend to," he said brusquely.ongho's eyes sparkled.

"I'll explore the city. Meet me for lunch?"

Junseong nodded and continued his discussion with his business associates.

Seongho stepped into a quaint bookstore, scanning shelves stacked with leather-bound classics. His eyes landed on a beautiful journal, its cover embossed with an elegant design.

"Ah, welcome to our humble shop!" The shopkeeper's warm smile greeted Seongho.

"Thank you," Seongho replied, opening the journal to admire its quality.

The shopkeeper's gaze lingered on Seongho's face, a spark of recognition igniting.

"'re...Lee Seongho, aren't you? Billionaire Lee Junseong's husband?"

Seongho's cheeks flushed.

"How did you know?"

The shopkeeper beamed.

"I watched your wedding on TV! The whole country's buzzing about the billionaire's surprise marriage."

Seongho chuckled.

"I suppose it's hard to keep a low profile."

The shopkeeper leaned in.

"We don't get many celebrities here. What brings you to our shop?"

Seongho smiled.

"Just exploring. I wanted something special for my hubby."

The shopkeeper nodded knowingly.

"Ah, love is in the air! That journal's perfect. We can engrave a message for him."

Seongho's eyes lit up.

"That would be wonderful."

As the shopkeeper carefully wrapped the journal, Seongho's thoughts drifted to Junseong. He envisioned his husband's face lighting up with joy when he received the thoughtful gift.

Junseong sat at the bar table, his sharp mind dissecting the financial reports.

"Sir, our quarterly projections indicate a 10% increase," his CFO said.

Junseong nodded.

"Good. What about the Lee Family Foundation's charity initiatives?"

His assistant, Minki, spoke up.

"All set for the upcoming gala, sir. Your parents will be attending."

Just then, Junseong's phone buzzed. An unknowns name flashed.

"Excuse me," Junseong said, stepping out of the conference room.

" who?" Junseong answered curtly.

"Mr Lee , it's Mr Seongho. He's in trouble," The secret agent of Junseong said, his voice laced with urgency. "Paparazzi are swarming him. He's scared."

Junseong's expression darkened.


"Near the bookstore on 5th Street. I advise you should hurry sir."

Junseong didn't hesitate.

"I'm on my way."

He strode back into the conference room.

"Meeting adjourned. Emergency."

His team scrambled to gather their belongings.

Junseong sped to the location, his heart racing with concern.

Meanwhile, Seongho stood frozen, surrounded by paparazzi.

"Lee Seongho! Lee Seongho!" Cameras flashed.

Seongho's eyes darted around, searching for an escape.

Just as the situation seemed overwhelming, Junseong's car arrived.

Junseong leapt out.

"Get in," Junseong ordered.

Seongho hastened into the car.

Junseong slid in beside him.

"You okay?" Junseong asked curtly.

Seongho nodded.

The paparazzi dispersed as Junseong's car sped away.

Junseong's expression remained neutral.

"I'll increase security."

Seongho's eyes met Junseong's.

"Thank you," Seongho said softly.

Junseong's gaze didn't waver.

The tension between them palpable

As they drove back to the hotel, Seongho's thoughts whirled.

"Junseong, thank you for saving me again," Seongho said, breaking the silence.

Junseong's gaze remained fixed on the road.

"It's my responsibility," Junseong replied, his tone neutral.

Seongho's eyes lingered on Junseong's profile.

"Still, I appreciate it."

The hotel lobby's opulence enveloped them as they stepped out of the car.

"Let's get you settled," Junseong said, guiding Seongho toward the elevator.

Seongho's heart swelled with gratitude.

As they entered their suite, Seongho turned to Junseong.


Junseong raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you for being my shield," Seongho said softly.

Junseong's expression softened, ever so slightly.

Seongho's heart skipped a beat.

Seongho retrieved the journal from his bag.

"Junseong, I got you something," Seongho said, his eyes sparkling.

Junseong raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

Seongho handed Junseong the beautifully wrapped journal.

"A gift," Seongho replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Junseong unwrapped the paper, revealing the leather-bound journal.

"It's okay," Junseong said, his voice softening slightly.

Seongho smiled.

"I saw it and thought of you."

Junseong's gaze met Seongho's suprised by his words.

"Thank you," Junseong said, a small curve on his lips .

Seongho's heart swelled.

Junseong opened the journal, tracing the embossed design.

"Is there a special message?" Junseong asked.

Seongho nodded.

"Inside cover."

Junseong's eyes scanned the page.

"To my shield, my protector, my love. -Seongho"

Junseong's gaze snapped up, locking onto Seongho's gaze.

Seongho's heart skipped a beat as Junseong's gaze locked onto his. He wondered if he had overstepped, if Junseong would reject his heartfelt message.

Seongho's thoughts swirled:

"Does he feel the same? Is he just being polite? Did I scare him away?"

Junseong's expression remained unreadable, but his eyes seemed to hold a deeper intensity.

Seongho's palms grew sweaty as the silence stretched.

Just as Seongho thought he'd misjudged Junseong's feelings, Junseong's voice broke the silence.


Seongho's heart raced.


Junseong's gaze dropped to the journal.

"We're cool now ."

Seongho's breath released in relief.

"I'm glad," Seongho said softly.

Junseong's eyes met Seongho's again.

"I'll treasure it."

Seongho's heart swelled.

Junseong's gaze lingered on Seongho's face, his thoughts swirling.

"This's more than just a gift. Seongho's putting himself out there, trusting me."

Junseong felt a surge of gratitude.

"No one's ever given me something so thoughtful," Junseong thought.

He appreciated Seongho's kindness, valued their growing bond.

"I'll take care of him," Junseong vowed silently.

Junseong's eyes met Seongho's.

"Thank you, Seongho. This means a lot."

Seongho's smile lit up.

"I'm glad you like it."

Junseong's expression softened.

"You're always thinking of me, aren't you?"

Seongho nodded.

Junseong's heart swelled with appreciation.

Their eyes held a warm moment.

After ordering pizza and eating it with Junseong,Seongho bounced out of the hotel room, excitement radiating from him.

"Junseong, guess what? Tahiti's planned an amazing afternoon for us!"

Junseong followed, his expression neutral.

"What is it?" he asked, his tone measured.

Seongho grinned.

"We're going snorkeling, then a sunset cruise! And Tahiti's arranged a private beach cabana with amazing views!"

Junseong nodded.


Seongho chuckled.

"Efficient? It's going to be epic! Come on, let's go!"

At the beach, Tahiti's staff greeted them with refreshing drinks and colorful towels.

Seongho eagerly changed into snorkeling gear.

Junseong watched, his gaze scanning the area.

"Stay close," he reminded Seongho.

Seongho nodded, already racing toward the water.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" he called out.

Junseong's expression remained stoic, but he followed Seongho into the ocean.

*Seongho's POV*

I couldn't stop grinning. Today was perfect! Snorkeling, delicious food, and now a sunset cruise. Junseong seemed a bit serious earlier but since he received that gift from me he has let down his guardva little, but nonetheless I was determined to make him smile.

As the ship sailed, I gazed at the breathtaking view.

"Hubby, look!" I exclaimed.

He stood beside me, his expression still neutral.

"I see it," he replied.

I chuckled. One day, I'd crack that stoic facade.

*Junseong's POV*

I monitored the ship's security and crew, ensuring Seongho's safety.

His enthusiasm was...endearing. But I couldn't let my guard down.

As the sun dipped into the ocean, Seongho's joy was contagious.

No, focus!

I refocused on scanning the horizon.

Just then, a familiar voice called out.

"Welcome, my friends!" Tahiti exclaimed.

Tahiti approached, beaming.

"I'm so glad you're enjoying your day! This sunset cruise is one of my favorites."

Seongho turned to Tahiti, excited.

"Tahiti, this is amazing! Thank you!"

Tahiti smiled warmly.

"I'm happy you're having fun, Seongho. Junseong, taking good care of our guest?"

Junseong nodded curtly.

"Everything's secure."

Tahiti's gaze lingered on Junseong before turning back to Seongho.

"I have a special surprise for dinner. You'll love it!"

Seongho's eyes sparkled.

"What is it?"

Tahiti winked.

"Patience, my friend!"

As Tahiti walked away, Seongho turned to Junseong.

"Think it's a beachside dinner?"

Junseong's expression remained neutral.


The sun shone brightly as Seongho, Junseong, and Tahiti arrived at the beach.

"Today's perfect for swimming!" Seongho exclaimed.

Tahiti smiled.

"I reserved a private section for us."

Junseong said and scanned the area, ensuring their security.

Seongho sprinted toward the waves, laughing.

"Come on, Hubby! Join me!"

Junseong hesitated before following, his eyes never leaving Seongho.

Tahiti settled under a nearby umbrella, watching them with a warm smile.

As they swam, Seongho playfully splashed Junseong.

Junseong's stoic facade cracked for a moment, revealing a hint of amusement.

As the afternoon wore on, they settled onto beach towels, soaking up the sun.

Seongho leaned against Junseong's shoulder despise Junseong telling him to remove his head.

"Thanks for today, Junseong. Best day ever!"

Junseong's expression softened and he nodded.

Tahiti handed them refreshing coconut drinks.

"Hydrate guys!"

Seongho sipped his drink, eyes closed.

Junseong watched him, his gaze gentle.

For a moment, his guard dropped, revealing warmth.

The warm sand cooled beneath their feet as Seongho and Junseong strolled along the beach, hand in hand, their honeymoon bliss still radiant. The soothing waves washed away their worries, leaving only joy.

Junseong's assistant approached, his discreet presence a stark contrast to the serene surroundings.

"Sir, may I have a word?" his assistant asked, his voice low.

Junseong nodded, excusing himself from Seongho.

"Sir, we've received disturbing information," his assistant began, his eyes scanning the surroundings cautiously. "Rumors suggest Seongho is secretly collaborating with your business rival, leveraging your marriage for personal gain."

Junseong's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing. "Investigate these claims discreetly. I need the truth."

As his assistant departed, Junseong's gaze drifted back to Seongho, who smiled at him from afar. Doubts crept into his mind, threatening to undermine their newfound unity.

Yuna watched from a distance, her calculated smile hidden behind designer sunglasses. "Junseong's trust is wavering. Now, let's push Seongho further into isolation...

Yuna's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as Junseong's expression transformed from serenity to skepticism. She knew the rumors would strike a chord, exploiting Junseong's deepest fears.

Junseong returned to Seongho, his smile forced. "Let's enjoy the sunset," he said, his voice strained.

Seongho sensed the tension but attributed it to Junseong's business concerns. "Everything okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Junseong hesitated, unsure how to confront the allegations. "Just work-related stress," he replied, evading the truth.

As the sun dipped into the ocean, casting a golden glow, Yuna's plan unfolded. Junseong's doubts grew, and Seongho remained oblivious to the gathering storm.

Suddenly, Junseong's phone buzzed. His assistant's text message made his heart sink: "Evidence confirms Seongho's secret meetings with your rival."

Junseong's grip on his phone tightened as he processed the devastating news. He couldn't fathom why Seongho would betray him.

"Excuse me," Junseong said, his voice low and controlled. "I need to attend to this."

Seongho nodded, concern etched on his face. "Is everything okay?"

Junseong forced a smile. "Just a business emergency. I'll be right back."

As Junseong walked away, Seongho's unease grew. Something felt off.

Junseong's assistant awaited him in the hotel lobby, a folder containing incriminating evidence in hand.

"Sir, these documents and recordings suggest Seongho has been secretly meeting with your rival to negotiate a lucrative deal," his assistant explained.

Junseong's eyes scanned the evidence, his heart sinking.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind: "What if this is all a setup?"

Junseong's eyes narrowed. "Dig deeper. I want to know who's behind this."

His assistant nodded. "Already on it, sir. But what about Seongho?"

Junseong's expression twisted in turmoil. "I don't know what to believe. Keep investigating."

As his assistant departed, Junseong returned to their beachside villa, his mind racing.

Seongho greeted him with a warm smile, oblivious to the storm brewing. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Junseong's mask slipped, revealing a glimpse of pain. " complications."

Seongho's concern deepened. "Can I help?"

Junseong's hesitation spoke volumes. "I need space, Seongho. Please."

Seongho's eyes widened, hurt flickering across his face.

Yuna watched from the shadows, triumphant. "The wedge is driven. Now, let's fuel the fire..."




To be continued. . . . .