Safe in Junseong's Arms.

The moon cast an eerie glow over the villa, illuminating the chasm between Junseong and Seongho. Two weeks of silence had passed since Junseong discovered Seongho's alleged betrayal.

Seongho, exhausted from Junseong's cold shoulder, sought advice from Tahiti over dinner.

"Tahiti, I don't know what to do. Junseong won't talk to me, won't even look at me," Seongho confided, desperation creeping into his voice.

Tahiti's expression softened. "Confront him, Seongho. Make him listen."

Seongho took a deep breath, steeling himself for the impending confrontation.

Back at the villa, Seongho found Junseong in the study, staring out the window into the darkness.

"Junseong, we need to talk," Seongho said, his voice firm but trembling.

Junseong turned, his eyes icy. "What's there to discuss, Seongho? You've made your choice."

Seongho's eyes pleaded for understanding. "I didn't betray you, Junseong. I swear. Whatever you think I did, it's not true."

Junseong sneered. "Don't lie to me. I have proof. You're working with my rival, using our relationship to further your own interests."

Seongho's face paled. "That's not true! Who told you this? Whoever it is, they're lying!"

Junseong's smile twisted. "You're just a gold digger, using me for my wealth and influence. Admit it."

Seongho's voice rose. "How can you say that? You know me! You know how much I love you!"

Junseong's laughter cut deep. "Love? You call this love? You're just like all the others, using me for your gain."

Seongho's eyes welled up, but he tried to defend himself. "That's not fair! I've given up everything for you!"

Junseong's venomous words spilled forth. "You've given up nothing but your dignity. You're a puppet on strings, dancing for my rival's amusement."

Seongho's voice cracked. "You should have listened to me, trusted me. Now you'll never know the truth."

Junseong's expression turned glacial. "You should have opened up to me in the first place. Instead, you chose deception."

The words sliced through Seongho like a knife. He felt his heart shatter, his world crumbling.

A heart-wrenching sob escaped Seongho's lips as he turned and ran from the room, out of the villa, and onto the moonlit beach.

The cool sand felt cold beneath his feet as he stumbled, tears streaming down his face.

Junseong watched from the window, his expression unyielding, but his heart heavy with doubt.

Had he misjudged Seongho?

The sound of Seongho's sobs carried on the wind, haunting Junseong like a ghost.

Seongho collapsed onto the sand, his body shaking with anguish.

"Why?" he whispered to the night. "Why didn't he trust me?"

The questions swirled in Seongho's mind like a maelstrom, consuming him.

As the stars twinkled above, Seongho's tears slowly ceased, replaced by a numbness that chilled him to the bone.

He rose, his eyes empty, and walked into the darkness, leaving Junseong and their shattered relationship behind.

Here's the revised continuation:

Hours passed, and Seongho wandered, lost in his thoughts. The darkness seemed to swallow him whole. Suddenly, the sky opened up, and torrential rain poured down.

Seongho's tears mingled with the rain as he stumbled through the downpour. The cold water seeped into his bones, but he didn't care.

Meanwhile, back at the villa, Junseong grew anxious. He hadn't seen Seongho since their argument, and the storm raging outside only heightened his concern.

"Tahiti!" Junseong shouted, bursting into Tahiti's room. "Seongho's gone! Help me find him!"

Tahiti's expression turned grim. "We'll search everywhere. When did you last see him?"

"After our argument," Junseong replied, guilt etched on his face. "I said terrible things, Tahiti. I didn't mean them."

Tahiti's eyes narrowed. "What did you say?"

Junseong hesitated. "I accused him of betraying me, of being a gold digger... I was blind with anger."

Tahiti's face fell. "We need to find him, Junseong. Now."

Together, they scoured the villa, the surrounding areas, and even the nearby town. But there was no sign of Seongho.

Junseong's worry turned to panic. He called in a team of detectives.

"Search every inch of this city," Junseong ordered. "Find Seongho."

Detective Kim nodded. "We'll do everything possible, sir."

Unbeknownst to Junseong, the media caught wind of Seongho's disappearance. Headlines flashed across screens: "Seongho Missing: Junseong's Lover Vanishes Amidst Betrayal Allegations."

In Busan, rumors spread like wildfire: Seongho had betrayed Junseong with his rival, and now he was missing.

Junseong's mother, frantic with worry, called her son.

"Junseong, if you don't find Seongho, don't consider me your mother anymore," she begged. "Bring him home safe."

Seongho's family rushed to Junseong's parents' estate.

"Please, you have to find him," Seongho's mother implored. "Our son would never betray Junseong."

Junseong's father nodded. "We'll do everything in our power."

Yuna, however, reveled in the news.

"Ha! Seongho's gone, and I didn't have to lift a finger," Yuna gloated to her accomplice. "Junseong will finally see that I'm the only one meant for him."

But Junseong's focus remained on finding Seongho.

"Where are you, Seongho?" he whispered into the darkness.

Seongho, shivering and soaked to the bone, stumbled through the rain-soaked ground .

"H. . Hubby..." he whispered, his voice lost in the storm.




Junseong's search party combed the city but he couldn't shake off the feeling that Seongho was close.He decided to search the closed area of the ocean despite the torrential rain and despite his assistant pleas.

As he walked along the shore dejected but still with a hint of hope. As Junseong was about to give up his search and leave,He found a figure huddled on the sand barely unconscious.

Junseong rushed towards Seongho, relief washing over him as he scooped up his limp body.

"Seongho! Wake up!" Junseong shouted, cradling him in his arms.

Seongho's eyelids fluttered open, his gaze unfocused.

"Hub. . .by?" Seongho whispered.

"I've got you," Junseong replied, swiftly wrapping Seongho in his jacket.

A small, drenched cat cowered beside Seongho.

"Let's get you both inside," Junseong said, scooping up the cat.

Tahiti approached, concern etched on her face.

"Thank God,he is safe and sound and Mr Lee, I've called the doctors," Tahiti said.

"Get all of them here, now," Junseong ordered.

As they rushed towards the villa, media swarmed the entrance.

"Mr Lee, what's Seongho's condition?" a reporter shouted.

Junseong ignored them, pushing through the crowd.

Tahiti followed, the cat secure in her arms.

"Make way!" Junseong barked.

Inside, Junseong laid Seongho on the bed.

"Seongho, stay with me," Junseong urged.

Seongho's eyes closed again.

Doctors arrived, surrounding Seongho.

"Check everything," Junseong instructed.

Dr. Jung examined Seongho.

"Hypothermia and exhaustion," Dr. Jung diagnosed.

Junseong's face twisted with worry.

"Treat him," Junseong ordered.

Tahiti entered with the cat.

"What about this little one?" Tahiti asked.

"Keep it, Seongho might ask for it when he wakes up," Junseong replied.

As doctors tended to Seongho, Junseong paced.

What if something had happened to Seongho,what would he have done?

He shrugged it off as mere obligation and that could explain why he was concerned and worried.

The cat, now dry, curled up beside Seongho.

Junseong's eyes never left Seongho's face.

Media continued to swarm outside not minding that it was raining heavily.

"Mr Lee, what's happening?" another reporter shouted.

Junseong remained silent.

Only Seongho's health mattered.

Two minutes later

Dr. Jung approached Junseong, a serious expression on his face.

"Mr Lee, Seongho's condition is stable, but we need to monitor him closely," Another Doctor said.

Junseong nodded, his eyes locked on Seongho.

"I want the best care possible," Junseong ordered.

Dr. Jung nodded. "We'll do everything necessary."

Tahiti entered with a warm towel.

"Sir , you should change into dry clothes," Tahiti suggested.

Junseong shook his head.

"I'll stay here," Junseong replied.

The cat, Mangchi, now sleeping beside Seongho, stirred.

Junseong gently stroked the cat's fur.

Seongho's hand twitched, and Junseong's heart skipped a beat.

Seongho's eyes fluttered open.

"Hubby,I named the cat Mangchi?" Seongho whispered smiling .

Junseong's eyes met Seongho's, his expression soft.

Seongho's gaze drifted to Mangchi.

Mangchi meowed softly.

Seongho's eyes closed again.

Junseong held Seongho's hand.

"I'm here," Junseong whispered.

Mangchi snuggled closer.

Junseong's eyes never left Seongho's face.

As the night wore on, Junseong remained vigilant.

Seongho's chest rose and fell.

Junseong's heart swelled.

Media continued to swarm outside.

Junseong ignored them.

The storm raged on.

But in this room.

There was calm.

Seongho's safety.

Was all that mattered.

Junseong's eyes drifted to Mangchi.

Mangchi purred contentedly.

Junseong smiled.

A small.

Fleeting smile.

Seongho's eyelids fluttered .

Junseong leaned in.

"I'm here," Junseong whispered.

Junseong's grip on Seongho's hand tightened.

He wouldn't let go.

After Seongho fell asleep, Junseong made sure that Seongho be taken care of by all the staffs from rubbing under his legs to covering him with thick blankets and applying mentholated balm under his legs,his palms and his nose.

Junseong sighed deeply looking at Seongho's sleeping figure,he knew that now was the time he had to step up his A-game and find out the real truth.