Unspoken Words

As Seongho drifted off to sleep, his secret agent, Agent Hwang, entered the room.

"Junseong, sir," Agent Hwang whispered.

Junseong turned, his expression questioning.

"It's Yuna, sir," Agent Lee said, his voice low. "She orchestrated everything. The betrayal rumors, ... it was all her doing."

Junseong's face froze, his eyes turning icy.

"How?" Junseong's voice was barely audible.

Agent Lee hesitated. "She manipulated evidence, bribed officials... and used her connections to spread the rumors."

Junseong's aura shifted, becoming dangerously cold.

Tahiti and the doctors stepped back, alarmed.

"Mr Lee please calm down, Seongho needs you," Tahiti whispered.

But Junseong's fury was unstoppable.

He stormed out of the room.

Destination :Yuna's hotel.

Agent Hwang and seven others followed, struggling to keep up.

"Mr Lee, sir, please reconsider," One of them urged.

Junseong didn't respond.

His anger fueled his every step.

As he arrived at Yuna's hotel, the receptionist trembled.

"R-room 1408," the receptionist stuttered.

Junseong's eyes narrowed.

He strode towards the elevator.

Agent Hwang and the others kept pace.

"Junseong, sir, think of Seongho and don't make any rash decisions," Jungwoo pleaded.

Junseong's gaze remained fixed.

On Yuna.

The elevator doors opened.

Junseong stepped out.

Room 1408.

He didn't knock.

He barged in.

Yuna smiled.


But Junseong's expression was far from smiling.

His icy aura preceded him.

Yuna's smile faltered.

"Junseong, what—"

Junseong's voice cut her off.

"You'll pay for what you've done."

Junseong's eyes blazed with fury, his aura transforming into a menacing, icy storm.

Yuna's smile vanished.

"J-junseong?" Yuna stuttered.

Junseong's gaze pinned her, his voice dripping with venom.

"You manipulated Seongho, betrayed me... and nearly killed him."

Yuna's eyes widened.

"F-forgive me, Junseong," Yuna pleaded.

Junseong's laughter sent chills down Yuna's spine.

"Forgive you?" Junseong repeated.

His aura darkened.

Yuna shivered.

"Y-you wouldn't dare," Yuna whispered.

Junseong's smile twisted.

"Watch me."

Yuna's fear escalated.

She backed away.

Junseong advanced.

"Junseong, stop!" Agent Hwang and the others intervened.

But despite the men surrounding him trying to hold him down,Junseong's rage wouldn't be contained.

Yuna cowered.

"Beg for mercy," Junseong commanded.

Tears streamed down Yuna's face.

"P-please, Junseong... mercy!" Yuna begged.

Junseong's eyes flashed.

"You'll get none."

Yuna trembled.

"J-junseong, I'll do anything!"

Junseong's voice dropped.

"Anything?" Junseong repeated.

Yuna nodded frantically.


Junseong's smile grew.

"You'll regret crossing me."

Yuna's screams echoed through the hotel as Junseong tried to strangle her,the others try to pry his grip from her neck as she struggled to breathe.

Yuna's screams echoed through the hotel room, sending chills down the spines of those outside.

Agent Jisung intervened, grasping Junseong's arm.

"Junseong, stop! You're going too far!" Jung ook urged.

Junseong's gaze remained fixed on Yuna.

"Too far?" Junseong repeated.

His voice dripped with venom.

"This is just the beginning."

Yuna's eyes widened.

"J-junseong, please!" Yuna begged.

Junseong's smile twisted.

"Begging won't save you."

Yuna's face paled.

"Junseong, I'll tell the truth!" Yuna exclaimed.

Junseong's eyes narrowed.

"Truth?" Junseong repeated.

Yuna nodded frantically.

"About Seongho, about everything!"

Junseong's aura shifted.

From icy fury to calculated calm.

"Speak," Junseong commanded.

Yuna poured out her confession.

"Seongho never betrayed you... I manipulated evidence... and spread rumors."

Junseong's expression remained unreadable.

"Continue," Junseong ordered.

Yuna's words spilled forth.

"Seongho discovered my plan for interrupting your honeymoon... and threatened to expose me."

Junseong's eyes flashed.

"You tried to silence him."

Yuna nodded.


Junseong's voice dropped.

"You'll pay for your crimes."

Yuna trembled.

"J-junseong, mercy!"

Junseong turned.

"Agent Hwang, take her away."

Agent Hwang nodded.


As Agent Hwang and the others dragged Yuna out.

Junseong's thoughts turned to Seongho.

His heart swelled.

With relief.

Seongho's innocence was finally clear.

But Junseong's fury was far from over because the storm had just begun.

Junseong stormed out of Yuna's hotel room, his mind racing with thoughts of Seongho.

He arrived at the villa, rushing to Seongho's side.

Seongho's eyes fluttered open.

"Junseong?" Seongho whispered.

Junseong's expression softened.

"I'm here," Junseong replied.

Seongho's gaze searched Junseong's.

"What happened?" Seongho asked.

Junseong's grip on Seongho's hand tightened.

"Yuna confessed," Junseong said.

Seongho's eyes widened.

"Everything?" Seongho asked.

Junseong nodded.

"Her plan, her manipulation... everything."

Seongho's face relaxed.

"Thank you, Junseong."

Junseong's heart swelled with emotion.

"I should have trusted you," Junseong whispered.

Seongho's gaze filled with gratitude.

Junseong's resolve strengthened.

"I vow to keep you safe, Seongho," Junseong promised.

Seongho's eyes locked on Junseong's.

"I know you will."

Junseong's feelings for Seongho deepened.

He couldn't explain it.

But he felt responsible.

For Seongho's well-being.

And his heart.

Junseong's gaze lingered.

On Seongho's face.

A sense of protection.

Washed over him.

He would safeguard Seongho.

At all costs.

As Junseong's thoughts churned.

A newfound determination.

Burned within him.

To shield Seongho.

From harm.

The media swarmed.

Outside Yuna's hotel.

"Yuna's scandal rocks nation!".

"Yuna, the home wrecker!".

The headlines blazed.

As Yuna's world crumbled.

Junseong watched.

With cold satisfaction.

Justice would be served.

For Seongho's suffering.

And his own.

But amidst the chaos.

A new threat emerged.

In the shadows.

Watching Junseong.

Waiting to strike.




The two families gathered in Junseong's parents' villa, anxious to see Seongho safe and sound.

Junseong's mother initiated the video call.

Seongho's mother answered, relief washing over her face.

"Seongho!" she exclaimed, tears welling up.

"Mom, Dad, Hyeri... I'm safe," Seongho reassured.

Hyeri burst into tears.

"Oppa!" she sobbed.

Seongho's father's voice trembled.

"Thank goodness, son. We were frantic. We thought we lost you."

Seongho's mother asked, her voice shaking.

"Are you hurt? Did they harm you?"

Seongho shook his head.

"No, Mom. Junseong saved me. I'm fine."

Junseong's mother smiled warmly.

"Thank goodness Junseong was there. We're grateful."

Seongho's father added.

"And grateful to Junseong's family for taking care of him."

Junseong's father nodded.

"We consider Seongho family."

Hyeri sniffled.

"Oppa, what happened? Why did Yuna do that?"

Seongho sighed.

"It's complicated, Hyeri. But I'm safe now."

Seongho's mother asked.

"Will you come home now?"

Seongho glanced at Junseong.

"Not yet, Mom. Junseong and I need time."

Junseong's mother added.

"Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon. Don't worry about us."

Seongho's father agreed.

"Yes, son. Take care of yourself and Junseong."

Hyeri smiled through tears.

"Oppa, be happy."

Seongho smiled.

"I will, Hyeri."

As the call ended, Junseong's concern for Seongho remained.

He ensured Seongho's comfort.

"Need anything?" Junseong asked.

Seongho shook his head.

"Just rest."

Junseong nodded.

"I'll stay with you."

Seongho's gratitude filled his eyes.

"Thanks, Hubby."

Junseong's expression softened.

"I'm just glad you're safe."

Their gazes met and a silent understanding passed between them,a bond strengthened by shared ordeal.

Junseong's heart swelled with protectiveness for Seongho unaware of his growing feelings.

Their villa's bedroom enveloped them in intimacy, soft sunlight filtering through sheer curtains, casting a warm glow that seemed to dance across the plush carpets, illuminating the space with an ethereal radiance. Seongho settled into the plush bed, his eyes fixed on Junseong, who stood by the window, his back to Seongho, his broad shoulders silhouetted against the vibrant blue sky.

"Come here," Seongho whispered, his voice barely audible over the gentle hum of the air conditioner, yet Junseong's ears picked up the soft plea, and he turned, his expression unreadable, a mask that Seongho had grown accustomed to but still longed to shatter.

Seongho patted the bed beside him, an invitation that hung in the air like a promise, and Junseong hesitated, his eyes searching Seongho's face before he finally sat, his weight dipping the mattress, their legs touching, sending a spark of electricity through Seongho's veins.

"Relax," Seongho said, his voice low, soothing, "you saved me today," and Junseong's gaze softened, his eyes betraying a glimmer of emotion, a fleeting glimpse of something more, something that Seongho dared not name.

But Junseong's mask slipped back into place, his expression smoothing, "I did what anyone would," he said, his voice measured, detached, yet his hand remained beside Seongho's, their fingers touching, warmth spreading, Seongho's pulse quickening.

Junseong's eyes locked onto Seongho's, tension hanging between them like a challenge, a dare to cross the invisible line that separated them, to bridge the gap between them.

Seongho's heart pounded, his breath catching, as he waited for Junseong's next move, his eyes burning with a question that hung unspoken.

Would he finally acknowledge the unspoken emotions that simmered between them?

Or would he retreat, maintaining the fragile status quo?

The silence stretched.

The world outside receded but all that remained was the two of them locked in a dance of desire and denial.

Seongho's eyes locked onto Junseong's, anticipation building. Junseong's gaze seemed to bore into his soul, as if searching for something.

"Junseong," Seongho whispered.

Junseong's eyes narrowed, his gaze intensifying.

"Seongho," Junseong replied.

The silence that followed was oppressive, heavy with unspoken words.

Seongho's pulse pounded, his breath catching.

Junseong's face remained impassive.


A flicker.

A hint.

Of something.

In his eyes.

Seongho's eyelids grew heavy.

Junseong's lips parted.

"Seongho," Junseong whispered.

But Seongho's eyes drifted shut.

His breathing slowed.

Junseong's words died on his lips.

He watched Seongho's peaceful face.

A mix of emotions swirled.




Junseong's gaze lingered.

He softly brushed a strand from Seongho's forehead.

Seongho murmured.

Junseong's heart skipped.

"Jun..." Seongho whispered.

But Seongho's voice trailed and he fell asleep.

Junseong's eyes closed and he sighed deeply regret washing over him for blaming Seongho and afflicting pains on him.