Promises of Commitments.

The next morning, Junseong woke before dawn, determined to show Seongho a different side of himself. He quietly prepared breakfast, carefully setting the table with Seongho's favorite dishes.

As Seongho entered the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he halted, surprised.

"Hubby..did you?"

Junseong smiled, his eyes crinkling. "I thought you might like some breakfast so I made it myself."

Seongho's gaze roamed the spread, his expression softening. "You didn't have to..."

"I wanted to," Junseong said, his voice low.

Throughout the day, Junseong anticipated Seongho's every need, from refreshing his tea to offering his favorite snacks. Seongho struggled to reconcile this attentive husband with the cold, distant man he thought he knew.

"Hub, you're...being really sweet today," Seongho said, his voice tinged with wonder.

Junseong's cheeks flushed. "Just trying to make up for yesterday, I'm really really sorry for all those things I said to you."

But Seongho sensed more. A genuine desire to care for him, to make him happy.

As the day unfolded, Seongho found himself questioning his initial impressions. Was Junseong truly changing, or was this just a facade?

As Seongho read his book, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Junseong said, rising from his seat.

Seongho watched as Junseong answered the door, revealing Tahiti's bright smile.

"Tahiti! Come on in."

Tahiti breezed into the villa, her eyes scanning the cozy scene.

"Morning, Seongho!" she exclaimed.

Seongho stood, exchanging a warm hug.

"Morning, Tahiti. What brings you here?"

Tahiti's gaze turned serious.

"I wanted to check on you, Seongho. After...everything."

Seongho's cheeks flushed.

"I'm fine, really."

Tahiti's eyes sparkled.

"I know you are. Mr husband has been taking good care of you."

Seongho's eyes darted to Junseong.

"Hubby's been...different,I haven't even see his assistant since this morning and he hasn't even taken his phone to call any if his business associates today," Seongho admitted.

Tahiti leaned in.

"Different?" she repeated.

Seongho nodded.

"More caring. Attentive."

Tahiti smiled knowingly.

"I think I know why."

Junseong returned with a tray of refreshments.

"Please, help yourselves."

Tahiti accepted a glass of juice.

"Thanks, Jun."

Junseong sat beside Seongho.

Tahiti sipped her drink.

"Seongho, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Seongho replied.

"Did Junseong tell you about his reaction when you ran away?"

Seongho's brow furrowed.

"No...what do you mean?"

Tahiti's voice dropped to a whisper.

"He was frantic. Ordered multiple doctors to treat you, even called in favors from abroad."

Seongho's eyes widened.

"That can't be..."

Tahiti nodded.

"I've never seen Junseong so worried. He was beside himself."

Junseong's eyes met Seongho's.

A soft, gentle smile appeared on his face.

Seongho's face burned.

"Excuse me," Junseong said, rising.

"I'll leave you two to catch up."

Seongho's eyes followed Junseong.

As he exited the room.

Tahiti leaned in closer eager to chat with Seongho.

"Seongho, Junseong barely left your side when you were recovering."

Seongho's blush deepened.

"He didn't tell me," Seongho whispered.

Tahiti's expression turned serious.

"There's more. Junseong's been protecting you from the media fallout."

Seongho's eyes widened further.

"Protecting me?"

Tahiti nodded.

"He's been handling everything behind the scenes."

Seongho's mind reeled.

Why didn't Junseong tell him?

Was he genuinely concerned?

Tahiti's voice brought him back to reality.

"Seongho, I think Junseong's feelings for you run deeper than you think."

Seongho's heart skipped.

Could it be true or was Junseong genuinely in love with him?

Tahiti's words hung in the air, awaiting Seongho's response.

Seongho's expression turned skeptical.

"Tahiti, you're reading too much into it," Seongho said, waving his hand dismissively.

Tahiti's eyebrows rose.

"Really? I've never seen Junseong like this."

Seongho shrugged.

"Junseong just feels responsible for me. That's all."

Tahiti's gaze persisted.

"Seongho, I've known Mr Lee for years. He's never gone to such lengths for anyone."

Seongho's smile faltered.

"Maybe he just wants to keep me out of trouble," Seongho suggested.

Tahiti sighed.

"Seongho, you're not seeing the bigger picture. Mr Lee—"

Seongho's palms rose, halting Tahiti.

"Tahiti, stop. Really. It's just duty. Nothing more."

Tahiti's eyes softened.

"Fine. But remember, Seongho, actions speak louder than words."

Seongho nodded.

"I appreciate your concern, Tahiti. But I know Junseong."

Tahiti's gaze lingered, unconvinced.

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, but Seongho's mind lingered on Tahiti's words.

Was he truly just a responsibility to Junseong?

Or was there something more?

Seongho pushed the thoughts aside.

He couldn't afford to hope.

Not yet.

Two weeks later

Seongho's recovery was nothing short of miraculous. Junseong's diligent care and attention had paid off.

One sunny morning, Junseong suggested, "Let's take a boat ride."

Seongho's eyes sparkled. "Sounds perfect."

As they sailed across the tranquil lake, Seongho felt carefree.

Junseong pointed out the scenic views.

Seongho laughed.

Their hands touched both feeling a flutter.

Junseong pulled back.

Seongho's gaze lingered.

The tension dissipated.

They enjoyed a peaceful picnic lunch and Junseong helped Seongho feed the swans,his smile captivated Junseong.

A photographer captured their moments.

"Smile, newlyweds!"

Seongho's cheeks flushed.

Junseong's arm wrapped around him .

A sense of belonging.

Their honeymoon bliss continued.

Couple's yoga.

Candlelit dinners.


With each passing day.

JunSseong's guard lowered.

Junseong's gentle touch.

His warm smiles.

Whispers of affection.

Seongho's heart wavered.

Was this real or just a dream?

Here's the continuation:

Tahiti invited Seongho and Junseong to dinner at her place.

"Tonight, we're having a heart-to-heart," Tahiti announced.

Seongho's eyes narrowed.

"Tahiti, what's going on?"

Tahiti grinned mischievously.

"Junseong, tell Seongho how you really feel."

Junseong's expression turned stoic.

"Tahiti, stop."

Seongho's curiosity piqued.

"Jun, what's she talking about?"

Tahiti leaned in.

"Junseong's been hiding his true feelings. It's time he confessed that he cares about you deeply."

Junseong's eyes flashed in irritation.

"Tahiti, enough."

Seongho's heart skipped.

Could it be true?

Junseong's gaze met Seongho's.

A flicker of emotion.

Seongho's pulse quickened.

Tahiti's meddling continued.

"Seongho, don't you feel the chemistry between you two?"

Seongho's cheeks flushed.

Junseong's jaw clenched.

"Tahiti, that's enough."

Tahiti smiled.

"I'm just speeding up the inevitable."

The tension was palpable.

Tahiti's words hung in the air, awaiting a response.

Junseong's expression softened.

"Seongho, about you deeply. You know that."

Seongho's eyes searched Junseong's.

"What do you mean?"

Junseong's voice dropped to a whisper.

"I promised to protect and take care of you. That's not just a duty; it's a commitment."

Seongho's heart fluttered.

"A commitment?"

Junseong nodded.

"Yes. I want to help you heal, move forward. Together."

Tahiti smiled.

"See, Seongho? Mr Lee is not just a bossy husband; he's a caring one."

Seongho's cheeks flushed.

Junseong shot Tahiti a warning glance.

Tahiti laughed.

"I'll leave you two alone. Continue this conversation."

With Tahiti gone, the tension dissipated.

Seongho broke the silence.

"Hubby, I appreciate your care. But what does that mean for us?"

Junseong leaned in .

"It means I'll support you, be there for you. No conditions."

Seongho's eyes locked onto Junseong's.

"And what about...feelings?"

Junseong's gaze faltered.

"Let's focus on rebuilding our relationship, one step at a time."

Seongho nodded.


The air was thick with unspoken emotions but for now, they had a starting point.