Dr. Dao sighed, "Wen Cheng's condition is so severe, most likely he wouldn't have woken up. It's unbelievable that just a few simple needles would bring him back."
Lai Bao walked over to Zhao Yufen and asked in a low voice, "Mom, what happened?"
Zhao Yufen excitedly said, "I don't know, I just dozed off for a moment, and when I woke up, I saw your dad with many needles in him. I hurried to call the doctor, and by the time I came back, your dad had woken up."
Several doctors studied the case for a long time before they finally removed the silver needles from Wen Cheng's body and carefully wrapped them in a white cloth.
At this point, Wen Cheng closed his eyes again. Zhao Yufen quickly asked, "Doctor, how is my husband? Did he faint again?"
A relatively older doctor reassured her with a smile, "Don't worry, your husband has just fallen asleep. He'll wake up in the morning. It's truly a miracle. Do you know the person who administered the needles?"