"Oh my gosh, my baby's teething, mommy needs to take a photo to commemorate this."
Zhuang Xiaowan took out her camera, the baby boy obligingly stretched his lips to show a tiny bit of his new teeth as drool dripped from his mouth!!!
"Look, my son can walk now, he's only eight months old."
Zhuang Xiaowan was especially excited and ran to grab her camera, while her friends remarked indifferently, "Your son was talking at six months, walking at eight isn't that surprising."
"My son really is a genius, isn't he?"
"Yes, your son is a genius, a big genius."
Zhuang Xiaowan's face beamed with pride as she aimed the camera at the little boy, "Baby, look here."
The little boy let go of the table's edge and smiled smugly at the camera, four teeth already visible, his two chubby, pink toes proudly curled up.
"My baby's wearing a shirt for the first time, he looks so handsome."