Countdown to the wedding:Day 4

"I just don't understand! Why would he do this to me? After all we've been through together, this is how we're going to just end it? Just because he's jealous and stiff-necked and so, so... so-"

"Calm down, okay? Let's not say anything we'll regret later." Bernice hushed as she brought me a cup of chocolate with marshmellows in it. We were in her office, and I was a pile of poop, just wearing baggy clothes and sobbing all day, trying to recall the big roller coaster that jabbed right through my heart.

Honestly, I am not very emotional, but when it comes to matters of the heart, I'm such a baby with a fragile body that when anything goes wrong, it hurts like hell.The events of yesterday just kept replaying in my head when I got home: the call, the abuse, the insults,

"Can you believe he asked me how much I was offered to get married to Mr. Sukuna's son? Like I'm the devil who is so desperate for money, I would do anything to get my hands on it," I chuckled bitterly. He doesn't even know one of us has been sold to Sukuna before we even knew what was happening."

"Was I wrong? To stand in for my sister? Did I commit a grievous crime? For trying to prolong my father's life for another week? Just imagine if I hadn't agreed to it in the first place. Who knows what that man would have done to my parents; maybe I would have lost the two of them by now."

"Don't say that Freya,  come on." Bernice cautioned me as she listened to my complaints.

"But it's the truth! I'm sorry, but I can't help but sound toxic right now; it's the only thing keeping me sane here!"

"He's not picking up my calls, and Selena is still nowhere to be found! We have 4 days until the wedding, and it seems like I'm the only one freaking out here; my life seems to be the only one turning upside down, and it's crushing me, Bernice; it's fucking messing me up, and I can't take it anymore." I quivered, and in an instant she was beside me, trying to calm me down.

She was always a good listener and gave the best advice. I wonder how she's tolerated me every time I and Michel have had an argument.

"Let's think positively, okay? Maybe this is just another of your obnoxious fights; he'll call you okay, and then you can talk about everything and explain yourself to him. I mean, when I heard everything that happened, I was literally blown away! Do such kinds of people as Mr. Sukuna still exist in this world? And your dad is going to find Selena; let's have faith that everything will be okay," she smiled.

You know, I don't get how optimistic people are. How they just go through something so hurtful and devastating, definitely traumatising, and then the next day, they're up and Adam's starting their day like everything's going to be okay.

I definitely need that kind of attitude—that attitude of encouragement—to want to get up no matter what hits me. I never want to feel like I'm at rock bottom all over again. If Michel really leaves me, then it's all over for me.

"Tell me what to do, Ber; tell me how to make things right again; tell me how things are going to get better because I can't trust that his heart still belongs to me if he could look at that girl the same way he looks at me; he was holding her so tight to his body that the only thing stopping them from going at it right there was the disturbing presence of their clothes. 

Even if he finally listens to me, how can I heal this hurt knowing that he would dive right into bed with another woman because we just had a little argument? I haven't seen Reiss or hugged him; talk more about groping and getting into bed with him. He said so many hurtful words to me, Bernice, and for a while there, I was beginning to wonder if I had dialled the right number correctly.

"He was just angry and hurt. You know, when someone's angry, they tend to say stupid things that'll hurt the one they care about most. For the sex part, no, he obviously went too far; he was being irrational after a big quarrel, and f*cking someone else won't make the pain go away; you're just going to feel grossed out later."

"Right... right?"

"Yes, breakup sex just feels awful, because all you'll see is your ex's face while he c*ms inside you. Instead of this new guy, you'll hear your ex's little groans when you put your mouth to his."

"Okay, that's enough, Bernice; you've seen quite enough; we get that," I groaned.

"Sorry, just trying to put you through how his last sex with a stranger went." She shrugged.

"And by doing that, you're just making me feel worse. More coco, please." I put on a big smile as she reached to take my cup from me.

"What about the marriage? What should I do about that? Should I call my dad and tell him I won't be able to play Selena's stunt double anymore?Just to make Michel see that I'm not pulling a number on him, that everything I said over the phone was the complete truth, and that I still want us to work things out. Then he apologizes for, you know, sleeping with another woman, and boom, everything would be back to the way it was.

"Except... You seem to forget about this, Mr. Sukuna and his son Reiss." Bernice sighed as she returned with a cup filled with fresh cocoa.

"We could take a family trip and just leave the country."

"For how long?"

"Some weeks, maybe months," I shrugged.

"And let your business crumble? Where are you even going to get that kind of money from? Be reasonable, Freya; running away wouldn't do any of you any good."

"But it worked out well for Selena," I huffed before rolling my eyes. This is not what I imagined my life would be like when I turned 27. I wanted to be married already and even planned on starting my own family with just two children, but look at me now...

Swollen eyes, messy hair, and hot cocoa in hand as I watch my life fall apart so fast, my slowly crumbling business, A wedding fast approaching with a sister seemingly nowhere to be found—a relationship in the rocks!

I don't know if my boyfriend has turned to my ex within the span of 19 hours! Tell me, what more could go wrong?

A knock came through from the other side of Bernice's office. After she had given the go-ahead "come in" talk, her secretary came through the door.

"Ma'am, there's a call for you from your secretary." She said this politely as she handed their office phone over to me.

I remember saving Bernice's company number in my company's phone so we could reach each other if our phone batteries were dead and we needed something urgent. She also did the same thing with my company's number.

I'm just curious as to why my secretary didn't call my direct line but resorted to calling Bernice's office number.

"It seems like you left your phone in your office before stepping out to see me." Bernice voiced out the first thing that came to mind.

"Right, I guess so. Thank you; you can leave now," I said to her secretary as I placed the phone in my ear.

"Hello, ma'am, there's someone here to see you; he says it's very urgent that you speak to him, and he wants to talk about the recent events that just took place."

"Okay, tell him I'll be there in 15 minutes," I answered as I ended the call.

"It looks like someone is ready to talk and wants to apologize." I jolted inside of me as I gave Bernice the phone and proceeded to pick up my bag.

"Go make him do so, girl, and tell me all about it as soon as he leaves. But make sure you guys don't fight and scream at each other, okay? That's not a good impression you'd want to give your workers."

"Okay, I've heard. See you later!" I hollered as I swung the door shut.

I thought things would go horribly wrong whenever you said, "What could go wrong?" But it seems like the universe is beginning to show some pity on me, and I will surely take advantage of that!