Countdown to the wedding:Day 5

After all the exhausting drama, all I needed was to be back and breathe the toxic air of the city. I just couldn't take it anymore in that house. The uneasiness, the stares, and the whispers of people whenever I walked past them.

The awkward ' Congrats on your engagement, Freya! But the wedding is a bit too close, don't you think? It seems they've misunderstood the whole thing, but then again, how did they?

When they heard my parents were hosting an engagement party and I was the only daughter all dolled up for the occasion, the whole province was convinced I was the one getting married next week, and that's just crazy!

And I swear, the worst part about all this is the proud look my parents wear on their faces when they walk the streets. That sight truly was the height of my sanity; one more day, and I might have even run mad!

That's why I packed all my belongings and got on the next train going to the city; my mood is beyond low, and I'm just getting the feeling that I'll soon hit rock bottom. How weird is that?

"Gosh, I just wish someone would lift my spirits up right about now," I sighed as I sat my luggage down in my apartment.

"All I need is a shower and some noodles to calm down, then I'll have a good night's rest and probably call my parents to get an update on how the search for Selena is going tomorrow."

I said to myself as I made a hot bath with lots of bubbles so my muscles wouldn't be so tense anymore, "It's perplexing what a hot bath could do for you."

After boiling my water and making my noodles ready, I switched my clothes for a bathrobe and went in to dip myself in my small bath tub that was just the right size for me. After settling in for a few minutes, I slurped my noodles and began to think about everything.

How did things go so wrong so fast?

How did my life suddenly change in the span of 48 hours?

Did I hurt or offend anyone in a way that would make them lay a curse on me? Because, like it or not, no matter how I try to act like I'm in control, it's all just a lie because I feel so damn helpless inside!

If only I had that kind of money with me, all this shitty stuff wouldn't be happening to us right now. I would be in bed, cuddling under the sheets with Michel.


Fuck! I haven't called him since I left for the province; he must be worried sick right now, and I can't even believe I didn't think about him this whole time; that is just so unlike me.

I always tell Michel everything, so why didn't it cross my mind to inform him about the shocking encounters I've had since I got to the province? No, no, it's no biggy. I'm sure he'll understand that it just slipped my mind.

I'll call him right away.

I reached for my phone, and I saw an incoming call from My Pumpkin, designed with red hearts beside it.

"Speak of the devil!" I giggled. I quickly placed the call on accept, and I suddenly felt cheerful again.

"Hey babe! I'm back home, and I was wondering if you could come over so we could watch a movie and catch up on everything that's happened these past two days. I've missed you so much! And I'm sorry I couldn't call. It didn't cross my mind, so I apologize." I cooed into the phone.

"Everything that has happened, huh? Like how you recently got engaged to a wealthy man's son?"


"Why aren't you talking, Freya? Answer the goddamned question: Did you or did you not get engaged to another guy?" Honestly, I'm speechless at this point in time.

He doesn't call, text, or even ask if I'm okay; he just hits me with this type of question. I'm not even going to nag him because it'll just make him angrier, so I'll answer the question.

"No, I didn't; Selena did," I finally said.

I heard him breathe before speaking again, and this time I think he's calmed down.

"I always knew you were a dirty, lying tramp."

"Excuse me?" I paused. What in the hell...?

"How could you forget we came from the same province, huh? My mom told me everything. She saw you dressed in a gold gown, ready for your introduction. At first, she couldn't believe it because you didn't look like your normal self, but after much confirmation from other people, she was convinced it was you. So don't fucking tell me that bullshit you've been telling the rest of the people who bothered to listen to your Selena crap! We've been together for 5 years; at least have the decency to tell me the truth."

"But I am telling you the truth! I'm not getting married to Reiss; I swear on my life, I just stood in for Selena!" I hurled as I felt the blinding pain crushing my heart. Why won't he believe me? I love him; I disobeyed my father just for him! And now he's fuming, and he won't take my words for the truth.

"Oh, so you know his name now?" "Reiss, your soon-to-be husband, that has a nice ring to it," he mocked.

"Michel, please stop. His father just told me a little about him. I swear, I've never seen him before. He didn't even show up for the ceremony because he's outside the country. We haven't done anything together, believe me!

I bet he's even as ugly as they come—short and fat with no manners on how to treat a lady—just look! ...

Let's talk about this face-to-face, okay? Just come over, or better yet, I will come over so I can tell you how it all happened." I sighed as I brushed my hair back. I need to be calm right now; going head-to-head on this issue would only make matters worse.

"How much?" he asked, and I became more confused: how much is a ride to his place or my place? How could he forget so soon?

"Huh? I don't understand."

"How much did he pay you to do this, or what exactly did he offer you to make you leave what we've worked so hard for? We promised each other we'd be together no matter how long it took for us to settle down as a married couple. I should've known you were faking it all."

"NO! Look, you are overreacting right now. Just breathe." I shook my head as a little tear dripped from my eye.

"The kisses, the hugs, caring for me, the laughs, the presents, the holidays we've spent together. How have we always talked about waking up next to each other as husband and wife?" "The fucking memories, bae," his voice croaked.

"NO, NO, PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT! Listen to me! I wouldn't lie to you; you know me already. Just let me fucking explain myself to you." I didn't know when that little tear suddenly multiplied itself, and I found myself crying in my bathtub.

"The sex Freya, fuck, you lied about the sex, didn't you? how good I made you feel, how I even was your first... Damn, you lied to me really badly, and I was such a fool to think you actually loved me. I wasted a whole damn five years with you, and you just... You know what? Enjoy yourself…"

"Mich! Mich! Pumpkin? Oh fuckkk!" He hung up! Oh my gosh, he hung up and left me in disarray.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" I cried as I banged on the bathtub as hard as I could.


"Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!" I fumed

Why me?

We can't break up. Michel, please, we've been through so much together; please don't tear my heart into a million pieces. This can't be happening to me!

I tried calling him five more times, but he wasn't picking up his calls. I got out of the tub and had a quick shower. I tried him again, but he still wasn't picking up his damn calls!

I put on whatever I could find, which were some shorts and a big hoodie, and I grabbed my purse. Then I rushed out to hail a cab. One stopped almost immediately, and I rushed in.

"Just drive!" I hollered at him as I still couldn't stop myself from crying.

"Uhm… I'm sorry, Mr., just take me to 4th Avenue, please. Step on it." I sniffled after I calmed down a bit. He looked at me through his rear mirror and nodded before speeding off. We were there in no time, and I rushed to Michel's apartment, but it was locked.

I didn't bring my spare key! What do I do now?

"He's at the bar," old lady Jung answered me as she came towards me.

"Thanks, Grandma." I smiled.

"I hope you two will be okay after this," she called out as I ran into the cab again.

"Min's Crescent Bar; step on it." I hope so too, Grandma. I hope for that dearly.

...minutes later…

I stood at the entrance and used my eagle eyes to scout for the man I love before diving in to fight for our relationship. No matter what happened, I wasn't going to leave this place without telling my side of the story, selfishly hoping that he would still listen and forgive me, but what I saw next completely shattered me and took the life right out of me.

Michel was groping and kissing another woman.