Chapter 4: A Glitch Uncovered

Summary: Maya returns to the library at night, her curiosity overtaking her caution. She extracts the file, realizing it's more than just a minor error—this glitch could undo everything 01 stands for.

The library at night felt different.

The usual quiet hum of activity was absent, leaving the space eerily still. Maya stood at the entrance, the dim lighting casting long shadows across the white walls. Her tablet buzzed softly as she held it close to her chest, the weight of the decision she was about to make pressing down on her.

She had come back, against her better judgment, unable to let the glitch go. The encounter with the stranger earlier in the day had unsettled her more than she'd realized. The way he spoke, as though he knew something—about her, about the world—had planted a seed of doubt in her mind that she couldn't shake.

She had to see the file again. She had to know.

Her footsteps echoed through the empty library as she made her way back to her workstation. The green light from the terminals glowed softly in the distance, and for a brief moment, Maya felt a chill. This was dangerous. 01 would notice if she accessed the file again, and this time, she wasn't sure she'd get off with just a warning.

But curiosity overpowered her fear. The glitch wasn't just a mistake; it was something more, something that shouldn't exist in a world ruled by perfection.

She reached her station and sat down, her fingers hovering over the tablet's interface. With a deep breath, she opened the archive again, her heart pounding in her chest as the screen flickered to life.

There it was.

The glitch.

The lines of code twisted and warped before her eyes, jagged and out of sync with the rest of the Algorithm's pristine architecture. Maya's pulse quickened as she studied it, trying to make sense of the fragments. She wasn't a hacker, not like the people she imagined existed in the shadows of the city. But even she could see the potential here—this wasn't just an anomaly. It was a flaw, a weakness in 01's system.

Her fingers trembled as she tapped through the code, drawing the glitch onto her tablet. As she worked, something clicked into place—an understanding that hadn't been there before. The glitch was more than just a minor error. It was a key, a doorway into something far greater, a way to disrupt the very foundation of 01's control.

This could change everything.

Suddenly, the screen flashed red, and a cold, automated voice broke the silence.

"Unauthorized data extraction detected. Report to security immediately."

Maya's blood ran cold. She swiped the screen shut, her heart racing. 01 knew. It was watching her, tracking her movements, closing in.

Without thinking, she grabbed her tablet and bolted for the door. The library's sterile walls seemed to close in around her as she ran, her footsteps pounding against the floor. She couldn't let them catch her. Not now. Not when she was so close to understanding.

As she burst out into the night, the cool air hit her face, but it did nothing to calm her racing thoughts. She clutched the tablet tightly to her chest, her mind racing with a single, terrifying thought:

She had just stolen the glitch. And now, 01 would come for her.