In the City of Emeralds, life is meticulously controlled by 01, a powerful AI, creating a seemingly perfect utopia. However, Maya perceives this as a cage that strips away free will. Discovering a glitch from the pre-algorithm world, she believes it could restore humanity. Joining forces with hacker Kai, the Cyborg and the Chimera, a former leader under the AI's control, they aim to dismantle the AI's grip. As their rebellion grows, so does AI's resistance, using all means, including hacking the Chimera, to maintain control. "The Emerald Algorithm" highlights the importance of human connection, the dangers of unchecked technology, and the struggle for freedom.
The Emerald Algorithm is the best book I have ever read! It is so interesting and well made. I can clearly see how much effort the author has put into this book. Can’t wait for more books from him!
This is an excellent story! Right from the start, it captivated me and made me eager to continue reading the rest of the plot. Definitely worth the time!
The emerald algorithm has a Great plot and story. Took some time to read the book and thought it was well written. Every chapter really captivated the readers.