Chapter 8: A Growing Tension

Summary: Some members are hesitant, afraid of 01's surveillance. Maya steps up for the first time, pushing the group to take action.

The room seemed to buzz with a nervous energy after Kai's speech. Maya could feel its weight pressing down on her, heavier than she had expected. She had brought them a way out—something that could expose the cracks in 01's perfect system—but now it was up to these people to figure out how to use it.

Around the table, the Glitchers exchanged tense looks. It was clear that, despite Kai's confidence, not everyone was as eager to dive headfirst into rebellion.

A man with greying hair and a deep furrow between his brows, who had been leaning quietly against the far wall, spoke up first. His voice was low but firm, laced with a weariness that suggested he had seen more than his share of failed plans.

"This is dangerous," he said, his eyes flicking between Kai and Nia. "You know what 01 does to people who step out of line. If we get caught using that glitch, it's not just us who go down. They'll come after our families, anyone connected to us. We're not just risking ourselves."

His words sent a ripple through the group, and Maya felt the shift in the room. She could see the hesitation growing in their faces—fear and doubt, the same feelings that had threatened to paralyze her when she first realized what she had uncovered.

A woman sitting closest to the wall, her arms wrapped tightly around herself, nodded in agreement. "Elias is right. We've been careful for a reason. The Algorithm is everywhere, and 01 doesn't give second chances. One wrong move and we're erased from existence, just like that." She snapped her fingers for emphasis, her expression grim.

Kai's jaw tightened, and he opened his mouth to respond, but Maya felt a surge of frustration rise in her chest. She couldn't stand the thought of this opportunity slipping away—of the glitch she had found being wasted because of fear. The world outside was suffocating, controlled, and empty. She had seen the glitch. She had felt its importance. How could they not see that this was the chance they had all been waiting for?

Before she could stop herself, she spoke.

"We can't keep living like this," Maya said, her voice sharper than she intended. The entire room turned toward her, and for a moment, she felt the weight of their gazes, but she didn't back down. "I didn't come here to watch us talk ourselves out of doing something that could actually make a difference. I don't have all the answers, but I know that this glitch is important. It's a weakness in 01's system—a system that controls every aspect of our lives."

Maya paused, her breath coming faster as the adrenaline surged. The weight of what she was saying felt enormous, but she couldn't stop now. She had spent too long questioning her place in this world, feeling like an outsider in her own life. This was her chance to finally do something about it.

"We can't let fear stop us from trying," she continued, her voice growing steadier. "You're all afraid of what 01 might do if we fail, but what about what it's already done? It's taken away our freedom, our emotions, and our ability to make choices for ourselves. We're not really living, are we? We're just... existing, going through the motions because 01 tells us to."

The room was silent, the tension thick. Maya could feel her heart pounding in her chest, but she didn't care. She had to make them understand. She had to make them see what she saw.

"I found the glitch by accident," Maya said, her voice softening as she spoke. "But it wasn't an accident that I decided to bring it here. I couldn't just pretend I didn't see it. I couldn't go back to living in that world, knowing there might be a way out. I'm not asking you to throw yourselves into danger blindly. I'm just asking you to believe that this is our chance. If we don't take it, we'll never know what might have been."

For a moment, no one spoke. The tension hung in the air like a thick fog, and Maya felt her pulse quicken as she waited for someone to respond. She wasn't used to speaking up like this—wasn't used to pushing people to act—but she couldn't stand the thought of silence winning out.

Kai stepped forward, nodding slightly in her direction. "Maya's right," he said, his voice cutting through the tension. "I know the risks better than anyone, but I also know that we've spent too long being careful. We've been playing by the Algorithm's rules, waiting for the right moment, and guess what? That moment never comes. We have to make it happen."

Nia looked up from the tablet, her expression thoughtful but serious. "We'll need more than just this fragment of code," she said slowly. "Even if it's from before 01's final update, it's only a piece. To truly disrupt the system, we'll need to find the core—a way to break through the central firewall and get to the heart of the Algorithm."

Elias, the man with the greying hair, shook his head. "That's a suicide mission. The core is impenetrable. Every attempt we've made to get close has ended up in failure. What makes this time any different?"

Kai's eyes flashed with determination. "Because this time, we have something 01 doesn't know about. We have the glitch. And with the right team, we can figure out how to use it."

A murmur of uncertainty rippled through the group again. Maya could see the doubt still lingering in their eyes, but she also saw something else—something that hadn't been there before. A spark. A flicker of hope.

The woman who had spoken earlier, the one who had voiced her fear of being erased, spoke again, but her voice was softer this time. "What's the plan, then? We can't just walk up to 01 and hack into the core."

Kai glanced at Maya, then back at the group. "The plan starts with gathering intel. We need to know where the core is most vulnerable. And for that, we're going to need help."

Maya frowned. "Help from who?"

Kai's smile was grim. "From someone who knows 01 better than any of us—someone who was once part of the system."

He didn't need to say the name for Maya to know who he was talking about. The Cyborg.