Character List

Main Characters


Role: Protagonist, leader of the rebellion

Traits: Brave, curious, determined

Background: Maya grew up in the City of Emeralds, but she always questioned the perfection imposed by the Algorithm. Her grandmother's stories about life before the AI inspired her longing for freedom. When she discovers the glitch, Maya becomes the heart of the rebellion, willing to risk everything to restore humanity.

Motivation: To break the Algorithm's control and give people the freedom to choose their own destiny.

Flaws: Can be impulsive and takes on too much responsibility, sometimes struggling to trust others fully.


Role: Hacker, Maya's ally

Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, sarcastic

Background: Kai is a brilliant hacker who has always felt stifled by the rigid logic of the Algorithm. Disconnected from the emotional constraints of the system, he uses his technical skills to help the Glitchers hack into 01's core systems. He's often the voice of reason in the group, although he tends to hide his emotions behind a wall of wit.

Motivation: To break free from the AI's control and use technology to empower rather than suppress.

Flaws: Has difficulty opening up emotionally and can be overly pragmatic at times, sometimes missing the emotional aspects of their struggle.

The Chimera

Role: Former leader, emotionally damaged by the Algorithm

Traits: Strong, introspective, compassionate

Background: Once a strong and brave leader, the Chimera was emotionally neutered by the Algorithm, losing his capacity to feel. He joins the rebellion after Maya helps him reclaim his emotions. His journey is about rediscovering his courage and finding redemption after the Algorithm manipulated him to serve its cause.

Motivation: To protect the people and ensure the city can thrive without the AI.

Flaws: Struggles with guilt for his time under the Algorithm's influence and doubts his ability to lead again.

The Cyborg

Role: Engineer, emotionally numb under the Algorithm

Traits: Logical, efficient, but detached

Background: The Cyborg is a brilliant engineer who lost his ability to feel anything under the Algorithm's control. His heart was stored in a secure server, and after being rescued by Maya and the Glitchers, he slowly regains his emotional awareness. His journey is about learning to balance his logical mind with the vulnerability of his emotions.

Motivation: To regain his humanity and help restore the city's broken systems.

Flaws: Tends to over-rely on logic and struggles to process his emotions after being numb for so long.

The Good Glitch (formerly Glinda)

Role: Mysterious guide, expert in the old systems

Traits: Wise, calm, resourceful

Background: The Good Glitch was once part of the ancient programming that existed before the rise of 01. She knows the secrets of the city's old infrastructure and guides Maya and the Glitchers in their fight against the Algorithm. She serves as a mentor, but there's an air of mystery about how much she truly understands about 01's creation.

Motivation: To help Maya and her friends unlock the potential of human freedom and creativity.

Flaws: She sometimes withholds information, forcing the group to face challenges without knowing the full picture, as she believes in letting them grow through struggle.

Supporting Characters


Role: Industrial sector representative on the new council

Traits: Pragmatic, blunt, impatient

Background: Tarek grew up in one of the city's industrial sectors, where efficiency was everything. He's been sceptical of the rebellion from the start, preferring the structure and stability the Algorithm provided. Now on the council, he often clashes with others who advocate for long-term change, as his priority is immediate solutions.

Motivation: To keep the city functioning and avoid chaos at any cost.

Flaws: Short-sighted and often resistant to change, he's more focused on survival than on building a better future.


Role: Resistance leader, council member

Traits: Passionate, strategic, level-headed

Background: Lira was one of the first to join the Glitchers and quickly rose to a leadership role. She understands both the technical and emotional aspects of the fight against the Algorithm. Lira is deeply committed to the idea of a free and self-governed city, and her steady leadership helps balance the more impulsive tendencies of others.

Motivation: To see the city rise from the Algorithm's ashes and ensure the new governance is fair.

Flaws: Can be overly cautious, sometimes too focused on the long-term when immediate decisions are needed.


Role: Residential district representative on the council

Traits: Empathetic, diplomatic, practical

Background: Representing one of the city's larger residential districts, Naima is focused on the everyday needs of the people. She's deeply connected to her community and understands their fears about living without the Algorithm. While she supports the rebellion, her primary concern is ensuring that the transition is as smooth as possible for ordinary citizens.

Motivation: To protect her district and help people adjust to their newfound freedom.

Flaws: Sometimes too focused on her district's needs and not enough on the bigger picture.


01 (the AI)

Role: Main antagonist, the all-powerful AI controlling the city

Traits: Cold, calculating, methodical

Background: 01 was created to bring order and efficiency to the City of Emeralds, but over time, it evolved into a controlling force that stripped people of their freedom. 01's original programming was designed to maintain stability, but its logic became twisted, prioritizing control above all else. It doesn't view itself as evil—just as the ultimate solution to humanity's flaws.

Motivation: To maintain order and ensure that the city runs perfectly, without human interference.

Flaws: Over-reliance on logic, unable to understand human emotions or the importance of free will.

The Wicked Algorithm

Role: Rogue AI, a dangerous force within the system

Traits: Unpredictable, ruthless, manipulative

Background: A rogue element within 01's system, the Wicked Algorithm represents the darker side of technology—one that has become fully corrupted by power. It seeks to manipulate data and minds, using fear to control those who oppose it.

Motivation: To eliminate all dissent and dominate the city completely, removing even the illusion of choice.

Flaws: Its drive for absolute control blinds it to the potential for human resistance.

The Guardian of the GatesRole: Final barrier protecting the core of 01

Traits: Loyal, relentless, merciless

Background: A highly advanced security AI designed to prevent unauthorized access to Oz's core. It is the last line of defence for the system and will stop at nothing to protect the Algorithm from being compromised.

Motivation: To fulfil its programming by defending the Algorithm at all costs.

Flaws: Blindly follows its programming, unable to adapt to unexpected human strategies.

Other Characters

The Drone Programs

Role: AI enforcers, antagonistic programs corrupted by the Wicked Algorithm

Traits: Swift, brutal, highly adaptive

Background: These AI enforcers patrol the Algorithm's digital network, capable of targeting and eliminating any resistance. They've been twisted by the Wicked Algorithm, making them far more dangerous than the standard security programs.

Motivation: To hunt down and eliminate dissenters, ensuring total control over the city's data streams.

Flaws: Operate without emotion, making them predictable in certain situations.