Meanwhile, The knights that suppose to be dead after receiving the attack of the Salamander miraculously survive and got teleport to the near grassy plain near the capital kingdom.
"We are alive?"
The knights then jump in joy after that.
Dust hugged Sophia.
"I'm so happy that we are alive. Sophia thanks god that we are alive."
Sophia's tears flow from her eyes and cry.
"Captain Retto."
"Forget about that bastard and live with us. Let's go back to the kingdom and report the tragedy. As the vice-captain, I will take over Retto's position and became the new captain of our squad."
The knights we're happy after hearing dust words and started to celebrate.
Sophia pushes back Dust and shouted.
"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"
Sophia was so angry she started to punch Dust with her light small fist.
"Captain Retto save us all. That moment he turns his back he uses a Area Teleport Stone to transport all of us to safe location. Captain Retto might be suffering right now and might have trouble in defeating the Salamander alone. Still, all of you are celebrating and bad-mouthing him. Captain Retto might have such a sharp mouth and high stack attitude. But still, Captain Retto is the one that saves us all every time we are in pinch."
Said Sophia to the knights.
Dust slap Sophia's face and said:
"Forget about it him… Captain Retto is dead."
"No, he isn't."
"He is dead. You leave me no choice, Sophia."
Dust then punch Sophia to her guts and fell unconsciously to the thick moss.
The knights then go back to the capital to report the happening in the dungeon raid.
"It's been many 9 years already, the first time I saw that beauty of hers." Retto muttered.
The King and Queen visit our small village. Riding in the carriage. I saw a peak of the most beautiful flower I ever saw. The Princess of the kingdom Grandellia. Princess Charlotte Grandellia. Her dreamy eye's, her light-toned skin, childish face. Her beauty was out of this world.
I know, I'm still young. At that time, I'm sure I'm in love.
Unlike those people, I'm just a normal peasant and I never got to school like the nobles. I might be a peasant. But I want to prove that I can be something. To become someone that has the right to protect the princess.
That's the main reason I work hard to become a knight.
Blood continuesly flow from his injuries. Retto keep on walking step by step.
"Monsters should not be able to come to this location."
Retto took a bottle of magic potion from his pocket and drink it. The magic potion replenish his some of his health and magic. After that, he chant healing magic to heal his bleeding wounds.
"I can't believe that Salamander. I'm still weak…"
While sitting on the ground resting. Retto turns his eyes to the path he travel.
The path has a trail of blood. The smell of Blood that attract monsters became a way for monster to track him down.
Crimson red eye's appeared in the shadows and the monsters revealed itself.
Retto check the level and stats of the monsters and stand up. He pulled his sword and look toward the monster with fearless eyes.
Name: Silver wolf
Level: 20
Ability: Agile, metal claws
"Just a low ranking monsters…"
Retto was confident at first, but his sentence was cut after seeing the huge number of wolves that has appeared.
"So many of them… Am I going to die here?"
Memories from the past were remembered.
"Why do you want to become a knight?"
The king asked Retto before he became a knight Captain.
"I would like to protect the princess with all my life."
"Protect my daughter? A peasant like you, protect my daughter? Pull your sword and prove your worth."
Retto pulls his sword like the king asked and make a stance. The king pulled his sword and in an instant Retto was blown away with great force. Retto was slammed to the wall and fell down to the ground.
Indescribable pain was seeing through Retto's eyes.
"A weakling like you will never be able to protect a princess."
Retto heard those words many times already and never give up. He then stands up and takes a stance once again.
"I won't give up. I will become strong!"
Retto said to the king that day.
The king smiled and attack Retto once again until he lost consciousness.
Day after that, Retto wake up in the clinic, and there Sophia is nursing him.
Retto wake up and look at Sophia's tearful eye's. She then jumps and hugged Retto with her arms.
"I'm so glad that you're okay. I thought you're never gonna wake up after receiving many attacks from the king."
Sophia is so worried she hugged Retto and squeezed him hard.
"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! My body still hurt. I'm going to die if you keep on hugging me."
"Sorry Retto, I'm very happy that you wake up. Also, I have a piece of good news for you. The king give this letter to me and said that you should open it when you wake up."
Said Sophia and give the letter to Retto.
Retto opened the letter and read the message.
"The king was impressed to your toughness and unyielding will. He said you're going to became a Knight Captain."
After becoming a knight captain, Retto work hard and pile countless merits.
Retto then earn the respect and position to grow closer to the princess.
"Princess, with my sword I will protect you."
"Really? Then, I'll grant you this special ability."
"There is no way I'm going to die here!"
Retto's sword glows in golden color and in one strike he obliterate the wolf monsters.
The silver wolf got more furious and charge toward Retto in high speed.
"To see her smiling. Just to see her happy. That's enough for me!"
Rain of slash cut down all of the wolves and killed them all.
Retto proves how strong he truly was.
[Congratulations! Level up to level 115. Skill points increased and stats increased.]
Name: Retto
Race: Human
Level: 115
Type: Warrior type
HP: 50,567/ 50,567
MP: 15,000/ 15,000
Skills: Sword skill level 45, Fire magic level 20, Water magic level 15, Wind magic level 20, Magic barrier level 10, Stealth level 12, Appraisal level 10, Healing magic level 20, Spacial magic level 14.
Abilities: Princess Knight.
After Retto destroy the pack of wolves, the boss of the wolves arrived.
The boss of the wolf "Diamond dire wolf".
It's 10 times the size of the normal wolf monster, It's claws sharp as sword and eyes are like diamonds.
The wolf suddenly dissapear and attack Retto from behind.
"Sword skill: Dragon strike."
His blade parry the claws of the giant wolf.
The impact send Retto flying, but immediately he go back to his two feet and wipes the blood on his face.
"Attacking from behind? This monster can think strategically. My Appraisal skill was block too. I never thought that there is many high level monsters was living in this dungeon."
The wolf then release a ear-piercing howl.
The sound nearly destroys Retto's eardrums. "Arrrrggggg!" The wolf took advantage of Retto immobility and tackled him to the rock wall.
Retto push the wolf away creating little space to escape.
While at it, Retto chanted a water base and Fire base skill.
Two skill fused together created a thick steam that serve as a smokescreen.
Normally, one will use this a advantage to run away, but Retto was different.
Retto appeared behind the Wolf with his sword fully charged with magic.
"Ultimate sword skill: Dragon Burst!"
The skill directly hit the wolf monster. Blood were splashed at the ceiling and wall.
Retto was about to lose all of his energy and chase his breath.
"Is that enough? This can't be the end."
The wolf monster was already severely injured, but still able to stand up. The left eye was missing and one of its leg already cut down.
The wolf raise its giant claw and was about to kill Retto.
"Water ball!"
Out of nowhere a Water ball hit Retto and pushed him away before the wolf claw made a hit.
Retto held his sword tightly and made his final strike.
"Sword skill: Dragon strike!"
He cut through the wolf head. The wolf head falls smoothly from its body and the the giant body followed afterward.
"That was close… If its not because of the water ball… I'm already dead."
Retto turned his eyes to the direction where the water ball came from.
"A little elf…"
"I save your life arrogant Knight, be thankful to me."
Mayu said with proud tone.