
He was still looking for that boy. He was searching every street in that village, where he had not yet encountered any inhabitants.

However, a family had noticed Cesar walking around the streets from the window of one of those buildings.

They had left one of the windows open and, after calling him, ordered him to go to his house.

"Boy, didn't you hear the alarm?? Go immediately to your house!!" said the family's father, before closing the window.

After a moment of perplexity, Cesar began to walk again.

Only after five minutes, he had the idea to show up at the castle entrance, where the boy was going.

Once there, he hid behind one of the neighboring buildings to monitor the entrance.

There were no gates around, the entrance to the castle was directly there, accessible to all.

"I see no guard... " thought Cesar puzzled.

He remained there for at least two minutes when, from above one of the nearby buildings, he popped the boy Cesar was looking for.

"Here he is... " he thought to himself.

He saw him enter the castle without too much trouble.

The entrance looked very dark and gloomy.

"He entered... " he thought.

The boy inside, named Lefelob, went down that long dark corridor.

At the beginning of that corridor, he also noticed something that looked like a voicemail.

His run was interrupted by a wall.

On the side, there was a button with eleven buttons, in each of which was printed a number, and the symbol of a turn signal.

"Shit... A password??" he whispered to himself, looking around for a solution.

He walked away from there and entered another tunnel on the right side of the corridor.


"Ohh... A password??" exclaimed Cesar, who had entered the castle immediately after Lefelob.

He remembered that sort of secretariat that he saw at the entrance to the castle, then went back to find the password.

It was a secretary whose walls were completely of rock. He climbed over the counter and began to check.

He searched through several sheets, which did not contain any passwords. So he decided to surrender immediately after and return to the wall.

"How the hell can I find the password... " he said, scratching his messy black hair, with some red tints.

He turned left and saw a tunnel. He also saw another one on his right.

"Two tunnels... which one can I choose...??".

He decided to go along the left one, diving into total darkness.


Lefelob returned to the wall, but this time he was not alone. He had a guard by his neck who begged him to let him go.

"See this password?? If you want to live... You have to tell me the right combination... ".

"Please let me go... " replied the guard in tears.

"I have a wife and daughter... please don't kill me... ".

"A wife and daughter?? I think you want to see them again... You know what you must do... " replied Lefelob, drawing out his sword and pointing the blade at the guard's neck.

"All right... " said the guard, after a few seconds of hesitation.

The combination was inserted and that wall moved to the right, revealing some stairs.

Lefelob threw the guard away, who was shocked to the ground, and ran up those stairs.


Cesar, meanwhile, reached a further area of the castle. It was a rather dark area and he could not see much.

He could hear voices, however, which seemed very quiet and calm.

He hid behind a half wall at the very entrance of a room, the same room in which he heard those voices.

"They look like two or more people... " he thought, trying to make as little noise as possible.

The guards seemed to be talking about the invasion, commenting on the situation.

"I think they are the tenth this year who tried to invade this castle... They do not understand, isn't it?".

"They're just stupid, even a little bit presumptuous... They think they're doing something great... They think they can get in, idiots... ".

"If people would stop speculating on what is hidden inside the castles... Perhaps only in this case, people would stop trying these invasions... ".

Cesar tried to look out into the room, but it was very dark and he had trouble seeing the shape of those guards. He could not figure out how many there were, maybe two, maybe ten, maybe fifty. Moving, however, he moved a pebble near him, alerting the guards.

"There was a noise... Yes, I heard it... ".

"There can be no one here... It must have been some little animal... ".

Cesar remained as still as possible. He put both hands on his mouth for fear and hoped the guards would stay there, without checking the source of the noise.

"I don't trust, I'm going to check... " said a guard, holding his sword.

He left the room, passing by Cesar. He did not see him and went on.

He reached the main corridor, noticing the entrance to the first floor wide open. He saw the same frightened guard on the floor, to whom he asked for explanations.

"There was a boy who threatened to kill me if I didn't open the door... he went up... " he said still in shock.

"WHAT??" he exclaimed upon hearing the thing.

He ran to call all the other guards on the ground floor.

"It's an emergency!! There is an intruder inside the castle, he has gone up to the first floor... You must all intervene!!".

All the remaining guards rushed to the first floor, leaving Cesar completely alone on the ground floor.

He was still quite shocked, but got up and went to the stairs to the first floor.

He stood staring at those stairs, wondering if it was a good idea to go up now or wait a few minutes.

"How did he open the door...??" he whispered thinking about Lefelob.

But immediately afterward he noticed the same scared guard on the floor.

He was the only guard still on the ground floor who, once he saw Cesar, ran away scared to the tunnel on the left side.

"What the... " he whispered, not understanding the behavior of the guard.

After a few minutes, however, he decided to move on to the first floor.