
That was the second floor of the castle. In front of their eyes stood a huge room, the walls of which were full of small cells enclosed by bars. Behind those bars was an immense quantity of people, who were divided in all those cells.

Cesar climbed over a ledge on the wall to get a better view of the inside of the slit.

"Prisons...??" he exclaimed, stunned.

"Cesar... " said Lefelob.

"Move from here, I create a chasm that we can pass through... ".

He took his sword and struck a direct, precise blow at a crack near the slit, creating a hole large enough to pass through and access the second floor.

They proceeded very cautiously, hiding behind a wall as soon as they saw some guards coming.

Strangely, they were calm, as if they were unaware of the events on the lower floors.

Lefelob leaned slightly to check, while Cesar stood still and watched the prisoners in the neighbouring cells.

"Hey you... " whispered one of the inmates, who was seeking Cesar's attention. He was in the cell next to the two, so he drew Cesar's attention and asked him to be released.

"You're intruders in the castle, aren't you?" the prisoner whispered again.

Cesar initially tried to ignore him, but the prisoner kept talking.

"Please free me, the guards are far away, they won't even notice... ".

Lefelob noticed the thing and joined in the speech.

"Stay silent for a moment... We'll free you all... " whispered Lefelob.

"You are prisoners because you are opponents of the Kormany, right?" asked Lefelob to ascertain. 

"Ye... " was interrupted by Lefelob, who beckoned him to remain silent.

"Just nod your head... ".

As soon as the guards got away from there, the two rushed and looked for a way to access the third and last floor.

The prisoners who noticed the two running took the opportunity and began to call them, whistle them, and attract their attention.

"Cesar, ignore them, we'll release them later... First, we find a way to the third floor... " he said to Cesar, who kept watching the inmates around.

They reached the usual wall with the password and stopped.

"Again?? What the fuck!!" exclaimed Lefelob, who decided to free the prisoners.

"Cesar, let's free the prisoners, maybe some of them know the combination... ".

As soon as the lock of the first cell was broken, an alarm rang throughout the castle. The noise was so loud that Cesar was forced to cover his ears.

All the remaining guards inside the castle were called back to the site.

Cesar and Lefelob, however, continued to free the prisoners until they were surrounded by guards.

"Cesar, stand back!!" exclaimed Lefelob, drawing out his sword.

"Don't resist and we won't hurt you... " said one of the guards around.

"Shit... " whispered Lefelob.

"Call back some of the guards engaged in defending the village from invasion outside!!" said the same guard.


The situation outside, meanwhile, was taking a dangerous turn.

The members of that group of outlaws possessed some powerful powers, and all the guards employed there were not enough.

One of the guards employed in the battle, for this reason, called back the main headquarters of the nation in question, nation 1.

"The invaders are too powerful... it's a real massacre!! Send one of the heroes!!".


Heroes, named like this for their task, are special fighters recruited from each of the eleven nations of the world. Each of these heroes has a power and they are used in extreme cases where an effective and immediate defense is needed.


The call from the guard was interrupted by a very strong gust of wind coming from the leader of that group, who had launched one of his skills to overpower a large number of guards.

"He possesses the power of the wind...!!" exclaimed one of the guards swept away by the gust of wind.

From the headquarters of Nation 1, the nation where the village in question is located, was sent to the site the only hero under the control of Nation 7, which had first given her willingness to defend the village.

The arrival of the hero was enough to stir up events and impose her supremacy. All the members of that group were driven away by the immense power of this hero.


Cesar and Lefelob were now surrounded, and the situation took a worse turn when other guards intervened on the spot, who were recalled from outside.

Lefelob tried to attack, trying to defeat as many guards as possible, but this time the guards were too many and Lefelob was blocked on the ground as well as Cesar.

"Shit... " exclaimed Lefelob, who shortly afterward saw, from the corner of his eye, a dark figure. He looked like a person who popped out of nowhere and started beating the guards there.

"Hey, you!! Catch that prisoner and put him back in his cell!!" said one of the guards before being struck in the face by this figure.

Meanwhile, all the prisoners were out of their cells and a gigantic clash between them and the guards began.

Many guards were killed and, to stop this individual, twenty other guards stood before him to stop him.

All of a sudden, the right hand of this mysterious fighter got bigger, throwing a gigantic slap at all those guards and throwing them all against the wall nearby.

"What the... " whispered Lefelob enchanted.

After that, this fighter raised his leg and threw a big kick at all the guards still standing, also destroying some of the walls around.

After that, the situation was temporarily quiet, the prisoners came out of the castle creating chaos inside the village, but everything inside the castle seemed calm.

"Hey, you!! What kind of magic is it??" exclaimed Cesar to the individual.

"Magic?? It's not magic, boy... haha, my name is Tolomew, I was a prisoner of this dump... ".

"Tolomew????" exclaimed Lefelob as soon as he heard the name.

"But you... You're Lefelob!! Haha, I never expected to see you again... Finally, you ran away from there, I see... ".

Cesar did not understand and asked for explanations for the two.

"Cesar... I know it may sound strange... but I was part of the Kormany... I'm ashamed to even think about it... " declared Lefelob.

"And you... you too?? Tolom... I don't remember your name... " Cesar said.

"Tolomew, however, yes, I was part of the Kormany and I was locked up for a wrong that I received because of a person... ".

"A person??" asked Cesar.

"This is not the time to talk about it, rather... What's your name??".

"Cesar... ".

"Well... Cesar, Lefelob... Let's conquer this castle!!".

All three continued to search for an entrance to the third floor.

"Tolomew, do you know the password??" asked Lefelob.

"Theoretically yes... " he said, composing a combination on the keypad. 

After Tolomew confirmed the combination, a sound echoed through the floor and the wall moved to the right, revealing spiral staircases.