In the Cafeteria

I soon reached the cafeteria, and after waiting in line for a bit, it was my turn.

"What would you like, Miss?" the cook asks in an enthusiastic manner.

"...Hmm...I think I'll just go with a simple meal." I don't need anything too extravagant; in the end, it's just regular food, and even if it were a fancy dish, it wouldn't satisfy me.

She quickly hands me a plate of rice, with a fried steak on the side, accompanied by a salad, though the way the plate is presented makes it look like a work of art.

I look for an empty spot to sit and soon spot the perfect place, heading over to it. Riko places his order and follows me.

'I don't understand why he ordered something so extravagant.' His plate is full of things, but I doubt he'll even eat half of it; it seems like a complete waste to me.