The Shadow Also Have A Voice

Dean's POV

I go by many names.

The evil twin.

Kane's darkness.

Kane's shadow.

Rejected vampire.

Or, the most common one—Dean.

You've heard of me. You've whispered about me in the dead of night, cursed my name under your breath, and blamed me for every misfortune that befalls Kane. You think you know who I am. You think you understand the monster lurking in the shadows.

But tell me, have you ever stopped to consider that maybe—just maybe—you've been fed lies?

That your perception of me is nothing more than carefully crafted bias?

That just because I am a vampire—a wolf's worst enemy—it's easier to blame me for the darkness festering inside Kane rather than accept that it was always there, waiting to be unleashed?

I won't waste my breath trying to convince you I'm a saint. Please. I wouldn't even make it as a decent gentleman.